Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3736 Recruitment, information, the strength and background of Guangyuan Mansion!

Suddenly, the side hall, which was actually very quiet, immediately became even quieter, and the atmosphere even became solemn. It can be said that except Chen Fei, everyone became a little cautious at this time...

After all, they are not Chen Fei,

Nor does Chen Fei have the terrifying strength that can rival the Immortal King.

And now it’s the first time in the fairy world!

Not to mention lack of confidence,

The strength is also completely insufficient!

Naturally, it was natural for him to keep a low profile and be cautious.

I don't have the guts to do anything random...

"First of all, let me get straight to the point and tell you my purpose. My name is Gao Yuan, and Tian is the steward of the No. 32 Ascension Platform of Guangyuan Mansion. You should all know this... so I will do it now. Straightforward!

"On behalf of Guangyuan Mansion, I now invite you to join us and become one of us!"

No one expected that Gao Yuan's words would actually come straight to the point and recruit him without any concealment.

And this also caused some small commotion at the scene!

"I know that some of you have backgrounds in the Immortal Realm. Now that you have arrived in the Immortal Realm, you will go directly to seek refuge. This is normal. Our Guangyuan Mansion will not do anything to stop you!"

"But if you are interested in my recruitment, I want to join Guangyuan Mansion...I will never humiliate you."

Gao Yuan looked at everyone,

With an indifferent look on his face,

But one can clearly detect the pride in his tone.

But in fact, he does have the qualifications to be proud of. As one of the 103 Immortal Mansion under Judgment Immortal Kingdom, to put it more arrogantly, their Guangyuan Mansion is the biggest background in the entire Judgment Immortal Continent!

With my back against this big tree,

He is not afraid that no one will take the bait at all...

"In addition, I also know that some of you don't know much about our Guangyuan Mansion due to the lack of information in the lower realm of cultivation, so I will briefly explain it now..."

"First of all, you must understand one thing. This is also the first gift I give you on behalf of Guangyuan Mansion! That is, you must remember that now, the biggest owner of the land under our feet, Ming For the Burning Dragon Palace!"

"The Burning Dragon Palace is an Immortal Emperor-level force! It is also the strongest ruling existence in our land. The Stamping of the Burning Dragon Palace can destroy countless worlds. In one sentence, it can kill millions of immortal immortals. Their Will is enough to dominate everything here..."

"So, remember, from now on, no matter what you do, you must remember not to offend anyone who has even the slightest connection with Zhuolong Palace, otherwise, there is only a dead end. No one can save you!"

"Keep this in mind, let me tell you again. In fact, our Guangyuan Mansion can also be regarded as a member of the Zhuolong Palace..."

Having said this, Gao Yuan smiled, looked around the audience, and said indifferently.

"The Burning Dragon Palace controls three major immortal realms, namely the Burning Dragon Immortal Realm, the Feral Dragon Immortal Realm, and the Dragon Nest Immortal Realm. Among them, the Dragon Nest Immortal Realm is the real headquarters of the Burning Dragon Palace! It is also among these three major immortal realms. The strongest immortal realm. As for the other two immortal realms, they are controlled by the top direct forces under the Burning Dragon Palace..."

"And where we are now is within the Guangyuan Mansion, one of the one hundred and three immortal mansions under the jurisdiction of the Judgment Immortal Kingdom among the Six Kings Region, among the three major immortal realms."

"Speaking of this, I believe some people will be curious, what are the six king areas? It is very simple. It is actually the six strongest areas under the Burning Dragon Palace and is responsible for controlling the Burning Dragon Immortal Domain! These six areas may be dominated by one family. Just like our Judgment Immortal Kingdom, there may also be many powerful powers that are separated from each other, such as Tianfeng Ancient Island, Kongtian Ancestral Tree Group, etc.!

"But in general, for Burning Dragon Palace, the six king areas are considered six wholes. At the same time, they are also the direct descendants of Burning Dragon Palace..."

"These six king areas are respectively the Judgment Immortal Continent controlled by our Judgment Immortal Kingdom, the Tianfeng Ancient Island controlled by the Tianfeng Ancient Island Alliance, the Kongtian Ancestral Tree Group controlled by the Kongtian Ancestral Tree Group, and the Angry Saint Immortal. The Holy Sea of ​​Fury controlled by the country, as well as the Holy Lands in Northern Xinjiang, the Immortal Continent in Northern Xinjiang controlled by ancient aristocratic families, etc.! The former is a force, while the latter is a region..."

Gao Yuan paused again, then smiled and said proudly.

"Speaking of this, it is actually very close to us. In the Judgment Immortal Continent, there are one hundred and three mansions scattered like a dotted line throughout the entire Judgment Immortal Continent. One of them is our Guangyuan Mansion. And then, there are In terms of hierarchy and official level, these one hundred and three mansions are all directly appointed and managed by the Judgment Fairy Kingdom, which is equivalent to the role of a feudal official."

"In addition to the strength of our Guangyuan Mansion, I can also tell you very straightforwardly that the master of our Guangyuan Mansion, the Immortal King Guangtongzi, is a powerful fourth-level Immortal King! And besides that, In addition, the master of the palace also has a background in the Great Immortal Sect and the Qingyan Ancient Sect."

"The Qingyan Ancient Sect is one of the few powerful immortal sects in the Judgment Immortal Continent. Its leader is a real person, and even a seventh-level Immortal King! You can imagine what this concept is. As long as you are good enough and willing Accept our invitation from Guangyuan Mansion, Guangyuan Mansion will become your stage!"

"Even the Qingyan Ancient Sect, and even the door to Judgment Immortal Kingdom, will be opened to you because of this..."

"So, I suggest you think about it carefully! The future is in your own hands. Moreover, you don't have to answer immediately. You will be given time to think about it, and you don't have to be mentally burdened. Whether you accept it or not depends entirely on your own will. Force it!"

Having said this,

Gao Yuan immediately felt at ease.

It's like he doesn't care at all.

To put it bluntly, this is actually the benefit of having a mountain at your back!

There is no falsehood, and there is no roundabout way. The overall strength and background of their Guangyuan Mansion, as it is now, are all straightforwardly presented. This is the greatest confidence and attraction!


It is true that few people can resist this kind of temptation!

At the very least, they cannot be these natives and bumpkins who ascended from the lower world of cultivation.

But having said that, Gao Yuan seemed a little unconcerned about it at this time. It was just perfunctory and routine... But in fact, his attention was still on Chen Fei from the beginning to the end!

Obviously, he can indeed ignore those heavenly immortals, mysterious immortals and the like, but Chen Fei, a top genius who has even become an immortal immortal at the beginning, still wants to try his best to fight for it!

After all, this is no longer a lack of potential, but a powerful and valuable person. If this is successful, the rewards afterwards will definitely be huge! He was also very greedy.

"Senior Gao, you seem to have forgotten about the Nanxuan Immortal Sect."

Seemingly aware of Gao Yuan's eyes,

Chen Fei suddenly asked.

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