Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 3888 Kong Ying

"Hey, why don't you say anything? Why did you throw away this Spirit General-level Starlight Spirit Pearl? Don't you even know its purpose? This is one of the top raw materials for Starlight Initiation! And..."

At this moment, the woman with a bun-shaped head, a round face, and a green dress spoke again.

At the same time, he was still looking at Chen Fei with curiosity.

"Besides, and why I've never seen you before... I remember that in this Soul King's Secret Realm, aren't only the top ten of us in the 'three-house freshman competition' eligible to enter? Come on, tell me, How did you sneak in? You are so brave, if the teachers of the college find out, you will be doomed!"

Upon hearing this, Chen Fei just smiled and then asked smoothly. "You said this is the Starlight Spiritual Pearl of the Spirit General level. In addition, what other levels of Starlight Spiritual Pearl are there? What is this other thing?"

While saying this, Chen Fei also pointed at the magic pattern talisman hanging above the other person's head.

However, as soon as he said this, the face of the woman in green changed slightly.

"You don't even have the magic talisman to hold your breath?!"

"This is impossible. Didn't everyone have this before they came in?"

"If you didn't have this Breath Holding Immortal Talisman, how would you avoid those spirit kings? Wait... Could it be that you really bypassed the academy and sneaked in by some unknown method?!"

The woman in green was really stunned this time.

He looked at Chen Fei in confusion.

To be honest, what she said before was just a joke, but now, she really started to doubt Chen Fei's identity. Otherwise, how could Chen Fei not know that it was the Breath Holding Immortal Talisman that everyone had in hand? !

Doesn’t this make it clear that there is a problem! ?

"Don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Besides, do you really think I can sneak in under the noses of those powerful men from the academy who easily reach the seventh or eighth heaven, or even the eighth or ninth heaven of the Immortal King? They shouldn't be that incompetent, right? ?”

Chen Fei smiled lightly, shook his head and said.

"That's true..."

The woman in green murmured, then took off the so-called Breath Holding Immortal Talisman suspended in mid-air from her head, then shook her head, looked at Chen Fei and said.

"This object is called the Breath-holding Immortal Talisman, also known as the Tianlian Immortal Talisman. It is a secret treasure left by the powerful instructors of the academy who jointly created this secret realm of the Spirit King... and its function is also very simple. It can help us restrain our own aura and power fluctuations, so as to avoid those spirit kings in the secret realm of spirit kings!"

"Spirit King?"


The woman in green nodded and explained again. "The so-called Spirit King is actually a special creature unique to the Spirit King's secret realm. This creature is called the Starlight Spirit, also known as the 'Spirit Soldier Monster'. They have no intelligence or thinking and can only fight instinctively, but they are extremely powerful. . And according to their own strength levels, they are also divided into four levels..."

After a pause, she continued. "These four levels are: the lowest level ordinary spiritual soldier, the superior spiritual general, as well as the spiritual king and the super spiritual king!"

"Spiritual soldiers, spiritual generals, spiritual kings, and super spiritual kings?"

"That's right..."

The woman in green looked at Chen Fei with twinkling eyes. "Among them, the most common spiritual soldiers, the weakest ones are probably close to the peak of the Immortal King's first heaven, and the strongest ones... should be close to the peak of the second heaven of the Immortal King."

"The weakest of the second-class spirit kings are probably half a step above the third level of Immortal King, but generally speaking, they are almost all of them above the third level of Immortal King! Moreover, some powerful spirit generals with powerful strength can even On a par with the peak powerhouses of the Third Heaven of the Immortal King! They are the ones you killed before! As for the Spiritual King and the Super Spiritual King..."

"This is also a taboo in the secret realm of the Spirit King!"

The woman in green smiled bitterly.

"Taboo? Is it that powerful?" Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and asked casually.

"Of course……"

The woman in green couldn't help but glare at Chen Fei,

Then he continued to speak.

"Even the weakest Spirit King has strength above the fourth level of the Immortal King. As for the Super Spirit King, he often reaches the fifth level of the Immortal King. It is even said that there are even the sixth level of the Immortal King! What do you think of them? Isn’t it awesome?!

"And more importantly, all beings above the Spirit King already have some simple sanity and thinking. This also means that they will be more dangerous and difficult to deal with like intelligent creatures!"

After a pause, the woman in green played with the 'Breath Holding Immortal Talisman' in her hand again.

Then he shook his head and smiled bitterly. "This Breath-holding Immortal Talisman was actually given to us by the academy to avoid the existence of those spirit kings. Moreover, the power of this Breath-holding Immortal Talisman will also have a certain limit. Once the power in it is exhausted, we It will also be automatically teleported out. It also means that the opportunity for the Soul King's secret realm is over!"

"Do you understand now?"

"I understand, thank you very much..."

Chen Fei nodded, waved his hand to the other party, then paused and prepared to turn around and leave. But at this moment, the woman in green clothes asked quickly. "My name is Kong Ying, what's your name? Why have I never seen you before?

"Kong Ying?"

As soon as I heard this name,

A title flashed across Chen Fei's mind.

"Haoran is righteous to the Kong family?"

"Are you from the Kong family?"

"That's right..."

Kong Ying nodded and asked with a smile. "I've explained so much to you. It's hard work without credit. You should tell me who you are anyway, right? Just treat it as a friend, what do you think?"

Chen Fei said without any nonsense.

"My surname is Chen, my name is Chen Fei, and my other name is Chen Xukong..."

But before he finished speaking, Kong Ying suddenly interrupted him. Moreover, she even looked at him in surprise. "So you are Sister Qingyan, and the Chen Fei and Chen Xukong that Ye Xue mentioned?"

As soon as these words came out, Chen Fei was stunned for a moment and said in surprise.

"You know them too?"


Kong Ying rolled her eyes, looked at Chen Fei curiously, and explained at the same time.

"Yexue and I have been good friends since we were little. Last time she came back from Chengtian City, she kept telling me about you...and sister Qingyan also said that you are very powerful and a genius!"

Speaking of this, there was even a hint of shock in her eyes.

Because according to the news she got from Jiang Yexue and Meng Qingyan, wasn't Chen Fei and Chen Xukong's strength only about the third level of the Immortal King when he was in Chengtian City?

How come you can now easily suppress the spirit generals who are at the peak of the third level of the Immortal King?

Could it be that in such a short period of time?

Has his strength improved significantly again? ?

The spiritual general who can easily suppress the Immortal King at the peak of the Third Heaven,

This level of strength is probably at least as high as the fourth level of the Immortal King. This is almost catching up with... Oh no, this should have already caught up with that monster Meng Qingyan, right? This is amazing. You've made progress so fast? !

"It turns out he is their friend..."

Chen Fei glanced at Kong Ying for a second, then simply nodded and said. "I do know them... In that case, why don't you get some company and go together?"

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