Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 4122: Killing Evil Water!

To be able to achieve such an achievement today means that he cannot be a fool. Some things have now been laid out clearly, and it is impossible for him to turn a blind eye, let alone be self-righteous and indifferent.

In fact, if it were to be somewhere else,

I'm afraid he has already left silently.

Don’t stand under a dangerous wall!

This is the criterion by which he can survive to this day.

Besides, he has no grudge against Chen Fei, and there is no need to take risks and put himself in danger.

But... the current situation is slightly different.

He paused slightly,

The sparkle in his eyes keeps changing,

It was like this until a long time later, when he finally spoke again. Said slowly. "I just don't know how much power this guy will be suppressed here?"

As far as he knows, if the monks from the Divine Light Star Sea or the Northern Wilderness arrive in the Blood Sea Forbidden Land, no matter who they are, even the six-star immortals, they will be suppressed for at least five or six times. To achieve more than the power!

There is only one exception.

That is the Supreme Immortal Pattern!

It is said that if it is a super monster with the level of the Supreme Immortal Pattern, the situation may be slightly better, but it is only a little better. I want to completely ignore this overwhelming pressure,

At the very least, it’s the Supreme Immortal Pattern…

It is said that it can't even be done.


Is this guy the super monster who can possess the supreme immortal mark?

The Holy Son of Chuchen took a deep look at Chen Fei...

Then he shook his head without hesitation. No hesitation at all. After all, that is the Supreme Immortal Pattern! How could this kid do something that even Ling Ming couldn't do? It's simply impossible.

"So, from this point of view, we should be able to close the huge power gap between him and me..." Holy Son Chu Chen squinted his eyes, his eyes shining brightly.

The reason why he can be so confident is entirely because the Wraith Clan, in this forbidden land of blood sea, will probably be suppressed to less than 20% of their strength at most.

Just imagine, unless Chen Fei's strength has really surpassed him by a lot,

Otherwise, one side would be suppressed by 50% to 60% of its strength, while the other side would be suppressed by less than 20% of its strength. It would be clear at a glance who is stronger and who is weaker!

not to mention,

He now also has a huge, huge, huge advantage...

That is!

"He should still be in the breakthrough cultivation period now, and he should not be aware of my existence at all, but I can sneak attack on him..." As he said this, at the end, the face of Holy Son Chuchen showed another sign. Another kind of playfulness and teasing color emerged completely. The next moment, his eyes fell on Chen Fei again...

That look,

It's like a hunter, staring at his prey!

"Since God's will is like this, then we can only offend... After all, in a sense, we can be regarded as mortal enemies, hahahaha, hahahaha..." After a sneer, he saw the Holy Son of Chuchen and directly It's time to take action.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

With a wave of his sleeves and robe, his soul thoughts suddenly appeared all over the sky, as if forming a black mist that covered the sky and the sun. In the black mist, countless pairs of crazy, violent and cruel eyes, with only the instinct to kill but no human form, emerged one by one...

If you look closely, you will see that they are actually terrifying soul beasts!

And these soul-minded beasts are the terrifying existences that the Holy Son of Chuchen successfully cultivated after putting in countless efforts, paying countless prices, and spending countless time.

Especially after they all take action, not to mention the younger generation of geniuses, even the older generation of immortal ancestors who are powerful in the first level will be a little anxious when they see them.

However, even so,

But the Holy Son of Chuchen still seemed a little unsatisfied.

"If it's to deal with other people, my thousands of golden souls of killing gods should be enough, but if it's you..." I saw the brows of Holy Son Chuchen squeezed for a while, but then I still saw the cold light in his eyes. passed by in a flash,

Then, he sneered directly.

"That's all, if you don't take action, that's it. If I do, I won't leave you any chance!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he was quickly performing seals and seals on the vast black mist. At the same time, the countless terrifying beasts in the black mist all seemed to roar and howl.

But no sound was made,

But the extremely ferocious and painful appearance will definitely make anyone feel numb when looking at it, even shocking.

"Hiss, hiss, hiss..." Then, all those terrifying beasts began to melt, turning into droplets of ink-black water, suspended in the void. When seeing this scene, even the Holy Son of Chuchen was obviously in pain.

But he still didn't stop,

Such a scene,

Still going on!

Such black water droplets are called life-killing evil water by you.

It is one of the most terrifying, oldest and most difficult inherited secret techniques of his Wraith Clan. Every drop of water in it contains the fusion and condensation of the power of the terrifying alien beast that he has devoted countless efforts to. ,

And now,

Almost all of his wealth was used to strangle Chen Fei.

One can imagine how much he values ​​Chen Fei! How cautious is he to be willing to pay so much to kill someone under such an advantageous situation?

"Go!" Finally, all his preparations were completed. When the droplets of smearing water had now turned into a small stream, his killing move began.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom!"

The aura of terror erupted, but it was silent,

The speed is so fast that it even surpasses space teleportation!

Wherever it goes, everything seems to be corroded and forced back.

Then, this power finally fell on Chen Fei...


However, at this moment,

Chen Fei's eyes suddenly opened completely.

"Did you finally realize it? Unfortunately, you only realized it now. It's too late. Under my murderous evil water, even Ling Ming... would probably be seriously injured, let alone you! Hahaha , Hahahahahaha!" Holy Son Chuchen sneered, and in the end he even burst out laughing, with a sound like thunder, shaking the world.

However, it is precisely this man who laughs with great confidence,

But he ignored the... faint smile on Chen Fei's face at this time!

"I thought I would have to wait until next time to completely enter the realm of the Immortal Emperor, but I didn't expect that a fool came to the door and helped me push through the door. God really helped me, hahaha, hahahahaha..."

With his current background and actual situation, even if he just breaks through to the realm of the Immortal Emperor, the resources and power he requires are definitely a huge amount! It's not that simple either.

And more importantly, after this period of practice, the location of this area and the power of the blood sea in this far and far radius have actually been completely 'sucked dry' and used up by him. .

In this case, he would be forced to interrupt his cultivation.

Find another place and continue!

And this was actually what he had already planned.

First reach the Half-Step Immortal Emperor, then change places to continue retreat and hit the Immortal Emperor realm!

But he never expected that there would be an idiot out of nowhere... Oh no, bah bah bah! There was a lucky star who suddenly broke in out of nowhere and helped him a lot!

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