Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 4490 Eternal Immortal Realm, Luo Xingzhou, Yingliu!

Eternal fairyland,

The supreme academy,

As a behemoth at the level of Tianzun Taoism, the reputation of the Supreme Academy is naturally known to everyone in the eternal fairyland, and it can even reverberate to the sky!

Similarly, Yingliu, Kuangzu, Ziweitian, He Daoyuan...these names are all the same, and are known to all living beings in the eternal fairyland, even to many powerful people and top forces! keep in mind!

Because of these names,

They all belong to one of the six courtyards of the Supreme Academy!

That is, the six core forces that together form the Supreme Academy!

As we all know, Supreme Academy is not a whole, but a collective name! And in the true sense, the ontology of the Supreme Academy is actually the complete form of the six courtyards combined!

That is to say,

If these six courtyards were put together,

Then, they are the Supreme Academy in complete form!

And if we separate them all...

Then they are actually still extremely terrifying and powerful individuals!

For example, this hero...

If we take it as an example,

This is the base camp of Yingliu,

Located within the territory of the Supreme Academy,

On top of a giant, top-notch fairy land called 'Luo Xingzhou'!

And the pinnacle of the eternal fairy world, the giant fairy land,

What is the concept? Very simple!

If we talk about the territory area... the area of ​​​​Luo Xingzhou should be at least dozens of times, or even hundreds of times, that of the Six Paths of Reincarnation Prison in the Qingtian Immortal Realm! And if we talk about overall strength...

I can only use two words to describe it,

That is very strong!

Because just the major forces with the backing of Tao Lord-level powerhouses, I am afraid that in Naluo Star Continent, they can easily pull out several, or even dozens, or more than a dozen! But this is just the monarch-level power!

Is it possible that there are no other Dao Ancestor-level forces on Luo Xingzhou except Yingliu? No, there are them on Luo Xingzhou too! There’s even more than one!

That is to say,

Even leaving aside the whole Yingliu thing,

In Luo Xingzhou, it is even possible to form an alliance lineup of dozens of Dao Lords, Dao Ancestors, or super powerful people with the same level of powerful background and means at any time! What is this concept?

You know, this is not just any random cat or dog, but a Taoist master in the eternal immortal world who has exceeded the limit of the immortal world, even a powerful Taoist ancestor!

If we can put them in the Qingtian Fairyland,

It is even more powerful than the Guihun Taoist and Tianyuan Taoist at the same level! Even better!

However, this is only the number of powerful people in the "top fairy land" in the eternal fairyland! Are there many top immortal lands like Luo Xingzhou in the eternal immortal world? Not much...but! But if you look at the level of the entire Eternal Immortal Realm, it is really quite a lot.

Even if hundreds of them may not,

But at least they are all in their forties, fifties, fifty or sixties!

That is to say,

If you really want to be attentive and make serious calculations,

So in the eternal immortal world, those who have exceeded the power limit of this immortal world, and the power of Dao Lord and above is probably at least four digits!

Four digits!

If this were placed in their Qingtian Immortal Realm,

It's simply impossible! I don't even dare to think about it.

But this is the eternal fairyland!

But this is the terrifying foundation and power of the eternal fairyland!

Not to mention the background and number of strong men in the entire Eternal Immortal Realm, even if it is just the number of strong men in a top fairy land, they in the Qingtian Immortal Realm are beyond their reach!

However, even so,

Yingliu, who is one of the six core members of the Supreme Academy, has become the strongest force on Naluo Star Continent very 'naturally and naturally'! The strongest overlord!

Looking at Luo Xingzhou,

The existence of this heroic stream,

It is definitely the most unique and supreme!


Countless forces, countless strong men, major creatures, racial holy land sects on this Luo Xingzhou...

In real life, too! They all surrendered to Yingliu one after another!

Attached to his subordinates,

It can even be said without politeness... On this Luo Xingzhou, Yingliu's will is the strongest will! On this Luo Xingzhou, the existence of Yingliu is the most supreme and most transcendent ‘heaven’!

It is precisely because of this that

The existence of Yingliu is like an emperor, lording over Luo Xingzhou, dominating and commanding everything! This also means that they are the kings here! The owner here is even the invincible god here!

All they need is an order!

In most cases,

In this Luo Xingzhou, there are countless large and small forces that are attached to the Yingliu, and strong men from all walks of life will also go through fire and water for it, and they will work hard for it, one after another, "Guiguai"!

Every word and deed can command the world!

This is Na Yingliu,

The most realistic portrayal of the absolute dominance in Luo Xingzhou!

However... this is just this one hero. In terms of overall strength, this Yingliu is only ranked fourth and fifth among the six courtyards of the Supreme Academy.

That is to say,

If the six cores of the Supreme Academy in their complete form had all come out together, their terrifying and astonishing foundation and strength could even be increased by more than ten times on this basis. , or even dozens of times!

You can imagine what the concept is...

It’s almost too much to even think about!

And this is the real horror of the Supreme Academy, as a deity and orthodoxy!

Their background is really too thick. Completely unfathomable!

But most of the time,

The six courtyards of this Supreme Academy,

But they are still in a kind of "dispersed, self-care" balance!

This is because, theoretically speaking, they are all on the same level and have equal status, and they are also one of the six cores of the Supreme Academy. Therefore, there is no such thing as who is called who or who leads whom!

It is precisely because of this that

Since I can no longer command and give orders...

Then of course they would be more willing to separate!

Unless they encounter some big event...such as the war in the fairy world, or some life-and-death crisis, etc., they will reunite and face the outside world as one! Under other circumstances, they all mind their own business, do not disturb each other, and do not interfere with each other!

This is the general situation of the Supreme Academy and the Yingliu.

And at this time,

The most central place somewhere in the Yingliu Central Mountain,

There, there are huge caves that are indescribably towering, towering above the clouds and bathed in the sun. Clouds surround it, and the sun shines down, shining like gold and dazzling! Holy majesty!

Looking from afar,

This entire cave is like a fairyland, majestic, sacred and ethereal! It's like a palace of gods,

This is nothing else,

It is the cave of Ye Kuangxue, the ancestor of Kuangxue Dao, the contemporary master of Yingliu.

Yingliu Yunduan City!

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