Chapter 558: Banquet

When Shiwei No. 1 car parked in the underground parking lot of Tianhong Hotel, two figures walked out of it.

"Uncle Dong, I'm so sorry! I meant to invite you to dinner alone tonight, but I didn't know..." Among the two figures, a man who obviously looked only twenty-seven or eighty-eight felt a little embarrassed. Rao head, said. Obviously that man is none other than our Chen Fei and Young Master Chen, and the other one is naturally Dong Wencheng, Secretary Dong.

Originally, the two of them were talking about having dinner alone tonight, but on the other side, the slippery parents were too enthusiastic. They had to thank Fade Chen for helping them today, and they couldn't resist inviting him to dinner. We Chen Fei and Chen Dashao had to bring Dong Wencheng and Secretary Dong together.

Of course, he did not mention Dong Wencheng's identity as Secretary Dong on the phone, but only said that an elder wanted to come with him. In this regard, the slick parents will certainly not refuse.

"Where, it's all about eating. There are many people and it's more lively. Don't you think so, Mr. Chen?" Dong Wencheng shook his head and smiled. The two got into the elevator.

A moment later, when the elevator the two of them took arrived at the eleventh floor of the Rainbow Hotel.

"Xiao Chen!" When the elevator door opened, a female voice came from outside the elevator.

When Fade Chen heard the words, he turned his head and followed the voice, only to see Wang Ying, a slick mother with an excited face, and another middle-aged man in a suit, about fifty years old, walking quickly towards the elevator door on their side Come. Even before Fade and Chen came out of the elevator, Aunt Wang Yingwang couldn't hold back her excitement and greeted them warmly.

Speaking of which, she and Fade Chen hadn't seen each other for quite some time.

"Aunt Wang, hello Uncle Hua." Fade Chen had a good relationship with Slippery Mom in the past, and immediately greeted her warmly.

"Hello, I'm the father of Fade Chen's friend, Hua Ming, you are the elder that Fade Chen mentioned, right? Hello, please, the room we booked is inside." He naturally has his way of dealing with the scene. Seeing that Fade Chen was a little 'indifferent' to his elder, he immediately extended his hand to shake him warmly.

Apparently, he still doesn't seem to recognize who Dong Wencheng is.

Seeing this scene, Dong Wencheng could easily tell from his words that it seemed that Hua Ming hadn't recognized Dong Wencheng and didn't know his true identity.

Thinking of this, a teasing smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, he extended his hand to shake Hua Ming's hand, and said, "Hi, Mr. Hua is very nice to meet you. My name is Dong, and my name is Dong Wencheng."

"Dong Wencheng? Why do I feel like I've heard this name before, and brother... why do I feel like I see your face often somewhere?" Hearing this, Hua Ming was slightly stunned, as if feeling the name Somewhat familiar, I even felt that Dong Wencheng's face seemed to be seen everywhere, but suddenly my mind got stuck and I couldn't remember it.

"Hahaha. Uncle Hua, do you see Uncle Dong's face, do you often see it on TV!?" Seeing this, Fade Chen couldn't help laughing out loud, and asked teasingly.

"On TV!?"

Hearing this, Huaming was stunned for a long time, and looked at Dong Wencheng's face carefully for a long time, but suddenly, the expression on his face froze, and then his eyes seemed to widen In general, the tongue also tied up, stammering and trembling: "

You, you, you... Dong, Dong... you are the Secretary of Dong...! ? You are Secretary Dong Wencheng! ? "

No, Dong Wencheng's face, he did often see it on the channel of their Tongzhou TV station. But the problem is, the problem is... Secretary Dong Wencheng, the leader of a supermarket with that status, what kind of concept is that! ? For a small jewelry store owner like him, it was too far away.

He never even thought that in his life, he would be able to shake hands with Secretary Dong Wencheng one day! ?

"What!? Dong, Dong Wencheng, Secretary Dong!?" Even Aunt Wang Yingwang was taken aback, with a dazed look on her face, silly.

Obviously, even if she is a woman, she fully understands what the words 'Dong Wencheng, Secretary Dong' mean! That is the undisputed leader of their provincial capital Tongzhou, a super high official! But now, now...

"Uncle Dong, it seems that they think you are a fake. It doesn't look like you, hahaha." Seeing this scene, our Chen Fei and Young Master Chen couldn't help laughing out loud, "it's not a big deal to watch the excitement".

"Do I really look like a fake? If I had known, I should have called Shen Kai up just now..." Secretary Dong Wencheng also felt a little funny and said to himself.

"No, no, it's not... Secretary Dong, don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that, I just, I just didn't expect to see you! You must know that you are the number one leader in our city and the leader of the province! I really mean it I didn't expect to see you here..." Na Hua Ming stammered, his face still shaking.

There's no way, even if he already knew before, his son's brother, Fade Chen, seems to have something to do with Secretary Dong in the city. But no matter what, he would never have imagined that for this meal tonight, the elder Chen Fei was talking about was Dong Wencheng, Secretary Dong... He actually came in person! ?

Immediately, facing Fade Chen's evaluation in Hua Ming's heart, it soared to a terrifying height again! What kind of concept is it that you can ask Secretary Dong out for dinner in private! ?

"Boss Hua, it's off-duty time now. I'm just Dong Wencheng, not Secretary Dong. Why don't we go in and sit first?" Seeing this, Secretary Dong smiled slightly and said.

"Yes, Uncle Hua, I invited Secretary Dong here in person, you can't let him just stand here like this? Aunt Wang, shall we go in? Where is the room?" Fade Chen also asked with a smile road. Then I saw them enter the room that had been reserved long ago.

After a while, the meals began to be served one after another.

"Xiao Chen, Secretary Dong, thank you very much for today's incident. I am stupid and don't know how to express my gratitude in my heart, so I will do it first as a respect." After sitting down, everyone chatted with each other. When it was almost finished, Hua Ming suddenly stood up, picked up a glass of wine, and thanked Fade Chen and Secretary Dong Wencheng with an extremely sincere expression. Then he drank the wine in his hand in one gulp.

There is no way, if today's incident was not because of Chen Fei, if it was not because of Dong Wencheng and Secretary Dong, then they really don't know what kind of tragic result it will be for Jin Nan Jewelry! Anyway, with Hua Ming's ability, even if he has a little relationship in Tongzhou, he is still no match for the provincial deputy bureau chief, Zheng Zhengbin.

"Yes, Xiao Chen, Secretary Dong, thank you very much this time. Otherwise, we both really don't know what to do, so I would like to offer you a toast." Aunt Wang Yingwang also stood up and took a glass The wine was drained in one gulp. To express my gratitude to Fade Chen and Secretary Dong in my heart.

"Hey, Uncle Hua, Aunt Wang, what are you doing? I have nothing to do with Huatou, it's all easy. Don't you, Aunt Wang, don't drink? Stop drinking, there's no need to do this." Fei said immediately.

If it were someone else, maybe he would have accepted it calmly by now. But Hua Ming and Wang Ying are different. They are slippery parents with different natures.

"Yeah, speaking of it, it's considered that we didn't handle things well, otherwise, how dare that kid be so blatantly lawless and bully others? In short, this is what we should do, so there is no need to thank you, but you can still Drink, hahaha..." Secretary Dong Wencheng said with a smile, and then took a glass of wine and drank it down. It can be regarded as giving Hua Ming and his wife enough face.

"Anyway, I should thank you two. Forget it, let's not talk about it, Xiao Chen, let's eat vegetables, Secretary Dong, I'll toast you again." Seeing this situation, seeing that Secretary Dong Wencheng actually After giving face to himself and his wife like this, Hua Ming couldn't help but blushed with excitement, and gradually let go, yelling loudly.

"You drunkard, drink less, Secretary Dong must have important things to do tomorrow..." Seeing this, Wang Ying quickly grabbed her husband, for fear that the drunkard would drink away, and he would be delayed until later Secretary Dong's work tomorrow.

"Aunt Wang is fine. I think Uncle Dong has been under a lot of pressure recently, so he can relax properly. Anyway, I'm here, and I'll help him go to work in good spirits tomorrow. Say yes, Uncle Dong." However, Fade Chen laughed He stopped Wang Ying and signaled that it was all right. Because Dong Wencheng seemed to want to drink tonight.

"With your words, Mr. Chen, I'm relieved. Brother Hua, let's walk around twice? I haven't been able to relax so much for a long time. I must cherish this opportunity tonight." Hearing that, Dong Wen Cheng laughed out loud, and served the cup as well. Fade Chen is right. Recently, he has been under a lot of pressure and wants to relax.

Anyway, with Chen Fei's words, he is naturally not afraid of delaying work until tomorrow. He still trusts Fade Chen's unpredictable medical skills.

"Okay then..." Seeing that Secretary Dong himself said so, Wang Ying didn't stop him.

Immediately afterwards, Fade Chen asked suddenly: "Aunt Wang, where is the boy who is slippery? Why can't I get in touch with him recently? I didn't see them coming with you today..." He had discovered the connection with slippery a long time ago. No more, just ignored that matter because of various things one after another. Now that he finally has the opportunity, he naturally wants to ask.

"You said that kid, hey, it's hard to say!" Ke Wenyan Aunt Wang suddenly sighed, a little helpless and depressed.

"It's hard to say!?"

Hearing this, even Fade Chen was stunned, and then he said with a straight face: "Aunt Wang, what happened to Huatou?"

"It's nothing that happened, it's just that brat... I don't know why he suddenly went crazy. Since the incident in Macau last time, he has been talking about going to learn Kung Fu from a teacher!?" Wang Ying expressed Even more helpless.

"Learn Kung Fu from a teacher!?"

Hearing this, Fade Chen's expression suddenly froze, and then a complex look appeared in the corner of his eyes.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this. It seems that the guy is a little reconciled!

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