Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 576 Departure, Percy Grand Canyon

Chapter 576 Departure, Percy Grand Canyon

But when Liu Junyi and Liu Qianshan brothers thought they were in control of everything, they contacted the Chinese embassy in London, after receiving a call, Chen Fei quietly left the hotel in the dark and got into a car. A black Rolls Royce with a terrible license plate sped away under the cover of night.

After about an hour like this, a row of black Rolls-Royces with amazing license plates stopped at the entrance of the Royal Knights Garden Hotel in London (made up). This is one of the world-famous six-star hotels. You can often hear its name on TV and see its luxury! Even many wealthy people are proud to live in it.

At the same time, it is also one of the few visible properties of the Brad family in London.

Because of the presence of the Aishide family, few forces outside of London dare to intervene here!

Even if there were, they would never dare to make a big splash, otherwise, they would be nakedly fighting against the terrible Aishide family.

Who is so bold?

At this moment, a row of Rolls Royce stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Dozens of men in black suits with extremely calm faces were lined up on both sides of the entrance. The elevator entrance was paved all the way to the black Rolls Royce parked at the door.

A gray-haired, blue-eyed man in a suit, about thirty or forty years old, was standing at the front of the line of men in black, his slightly pale skin showed the posture of waiting for some important person. And this also frightened the senior management of the hotel, the general manager and the boss.

There is no way, maybe the ordinary staff of the hotel don't know each other and don't know the identity of the gray-haired man, but as the general manager and owner of the Royal Knight Garden Hotel, how could they not know?

That blue-eyed, gray-haired man in a suit is the current patriarch of the Brad family—the most proud first-time embrace of the old Duke Brad! The eldest son, Lord Bristol Marquess!

For them, this is undoubtedly a super super powerful big shot, but, but now...

It was really hard for them to imagine how such a Marquis, who was definitely of extraordinary status even in their Brad family, would suddenly come here from Rome, Italy tonight, and even put on such a posture.

But at this moment, a person got off the Rolls-Royce car at the front of the group, and he was a young man with an obvious oriental face, which made the general managers and bosses of the Royal Knights Garden Hotel almost jaw-dropping. Shocked, trembling all over. But at this time, the gray-haired, blue-eyed Bristol had already greeted him, bowed deeply to the young man with an oriental face, and said, "Dear Mr. Chen, nice to meet you! I am the son of old Brad, and Mr. Listo."

Apparently that young man with an oriental face is our Chen Fei and Young Master Chen.

"Hello, can we start now?" I saw him nodding at the old Brad's son Bristol with a smile, and asked.

"It's up to you to make a decision. The fiefdom occupied by the Aishide family is about two or three hours' drive from London. If we go tomorrow..." Nabristol still said respectfully.

"Then let's go now." Hearing this, Fade Chen made a decision without hesitation.

Anyway, for people like them, if it is not a habit, what is the difference between day and night?

And it's a bit late to start tomorrow, right?

Thinking of this, Bristol didn't hesitate, under the shocking eyes of the hotel manager and owner, he opened the back door of the Bentley before Fade Chen, and then stood by the door quietly waiting for Fade Chen to enter. .

Fade Chen didn't feel anything wrong, and bent down to get into the car again. Then he saw that Bristol was about to close the car door, and went to the front to do it himself.

Seeing this, Fade Chen stopped him: "You can sit in the back too. It just so happens that I have something to ask you."

"Yes, Mr. Chen!"

Immediately, Bliss couldn't help showing a flattered look on his face, and then he also sat in the back parking space.

The car door was closed, and the Rolls-Royce slowly drove away from the hotel and headed out of London.

"Where is the Aishide family?" Looking at the brightly lit night scene outside the car window, and the car surrounded by him behind, and the long luxury motorcade, Fade Chen was a little uncomfortable, so he found a topic.

"The Ashid family is in Percy Grand Canyon." Hearing Fade Chen's question, Nablis said a little cautiously.

"How big is the Percy Canyon?" Fade Chen looked puzzled after hearing the words.

Percy Grand Canyon, he doesn't seem to have heard of this place name? what is that place

"Yes! The Grand Canyon of Percy is an area that cannot be found on any map in the world, nor can it be found by satellites, or it is an area that is deliberately avoided. The Aishide family divided that place into their own family fiefdom, Except for top forces like our Brad family, they generally don't know." Bristol explained.

"That's it..." Hearing this, Fade Chen showed a look of surprise, he didn't expect this to be the case. However, this Aishide family is worthy of being one of the three famous mafia families in the dark world of Europe. I did not expect to have such influence. The world is so respectful that it is not marked on the map! ?

"If our Brad family wants to imagine them doing this, it's actually possible, but the adults in our family think it's unnecessary." At this moment, Bristol suddenly said.

Hearing this, Fade Chen was taken aback for a moment, then he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and asked again: "I heard from old Brad that your family has encountered some troubles? Even he is locked in the family. It seems It shouldn't be a small matter, right?"


And after hearing what Fade Chen said, there was a look of hesitation and embarrassment on Bristol's face, and even some worry and worry in his eyes. Then he saw him perfunctory and said: "Yes, but our father and the elders have dispatched themselves, and it should be resolved soon."

"Your father and the elders of your family have personally dispatched?" Hearing this method, he couldn't help being stunned, his face looked a little surprised.

He is not stupid, of course he is very clear that it is definitely not a small matter that can make old Brad and the elders of their family go out in person! But since Bristol didn't want to talk about it, he wisely didn't ask any more questions.

Then he remembered something and asked: "By the way, there is one more thing! I heard from your father that there will definitely be an auction at the celebration held by the Aishide family this time, but there will be an auction." How should we trade at that time, wouldn't it be an auction with money? Or barter?" This matter is obviously what he is most concerned about at the moment.

For people like them, worldly money is almost completely useless, so when it comes to the auction, what should you bid for? Impossible to use money? Or barter?

"No, it's not money. Generally, in auctions like this in the dark world of the West, we use magic gold coins to bid." Nablisdo said immediately.

"Magic gold coins?" Hearing this, Fade Chen was taken aback. Apparently, he'd never heard of that sort of thing.

"Yes, this is the magic gold coin." Seeing that Fade Chen was puzzled, Bristol took out a shiny gold coin from his favorite pocket. Can't stop falling on it.

"This thing is..."

Fade Chen took the magic gold coin that made him feel strange from the hand of Bristol, and then felt the strange rhythm on it, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "Is there a magic element on it?"

"Yes, there are magic elements on it. As expected of you, Mr. Chen, you can tell it at a glance."

Nablisdo praised him, and then explained: "It's different from Mr. Chen and you ancient warriors in the East. In the West, almost all supernatural beings or magicians walk in this world. The magic element is used as the benchmark, and the cultivation action is carried out. As for this magic gold coin..."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and then said: "There is a certain amount of magic elements on this magic gold coin. If we can use this to cultivate, it will obviously speed up the cultivation speed of our Western practitioners! Therefore, in our Western dark world circle , all use this magic gold coin as the transaction currency."

"Don't you blood people cultivate blood energy?" Fade Chen interjected.

"The energy cultivated by our blood race is called blood energy. This blood energy can actually be transformed into magical energy, so it doesn't have much impact." Nablisdo explained.

"So that's how it is."

After hearing Fade Chen's enlightenment, he still asked with some doubts: "Then how did this thing come about?"

"We made it ourselves," said Nablisto.

"Make it yourself?" Fade Chen was startled.


Nablisto said again: "Except for the magic element energy on the magic gold coin, it is actually just an ordinary gold coin. And almost all of us practitioners in the western world know how to make magic gold coins The method only lies in the speed of production and slowness."

Nablisdo paused slightly when he said this, and then continued to explain without waiting for Fade Chen to ask: "It takes about a whole day for a marquis blood like me to make such a standard one." Magic gold coins. And if it is a duke, even if he just broke through, it will only take less than an hour."

"It's the same speed if it's an A+ level power user or an S level." He said again.

"According to what you said, then this magic gold coin is quite difficult to get. Hey, I don't have such a thing in my hand." Fade Chen finally understood it, but at the same time, he felt a little troubled. He doesn't have any magic gold coins in his hand, where can he get them?

"Dear Mr. Chen, you don't have to worry about the magic gold coins. This time, my father asked me to bring 30,000 magic gold coins from my family. As long as you don't want to buy all the things in the auction, you should completely Enough." But in the next second, Bristol resolved Fade Chen's worries. Old Brad seemed to know that Fade Chen had no magic gold coins, so he had already prepared them for him in advance.

Hearing this, Fade Chen and Young Master Chen were naturally slightly taken aback, then laughed, and said, "Thank you old Brad for me when you have time. I owe you a favor."

"No, no, respected Mr. Chen, you are really out of touch." Nablisto said excitedly while shaking his head.

His father was so well prepared that he took out 30,000 magic gold coins, wasn't it just for this sentence?

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