Chapter 587 Surprise!

The Grand Duke of Aibier actually came out to 'show'. Naturally, the terrifying coercion in his body didn't mean to restrain himself at all, it just radiated out so coldly and coldly, shrouded in the dimly lit quiet auction room , adding a bit of depression and suffocation.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Then the Grand Duke Abier coughed softly, his old body was trembling, he raised his head, his cold, scarlet eyes looked around the scene.

"First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming to my Ai Shide family gathering."

The Grand Duke of Aibier seemed to be staggering, walking towards the front of the auction stage, it seemed to be very difficult, so he walked very slowly, but now most of the people did not dare to underestimate him, who looked like he was about to die old guy. Everyone pursed their lips, quietly waiting for the Grand Duke Aibier to come to the front of the auction stage.

Then, he spoke again.

"I don't need to introduce myself, old guy, right? Actually, I didn't plan to come out in person, but our Aishide family unexpectedly received two or three valuable items in this auction. If you want I'm afraid it's not enough for an ordinary auctioneer to come, so I just let me come up in person. You shouldn't be interested, right?" He said in a slow voice, but he was also 'scratching his ears'.

Something of great value! ? Most of the people present couldn't help being stunned for a moment, and then their eyes suddenly lit up.

What would it be that the Grand Duke would consider as valuable?

"If there is no objection, I will continue to host the auction. In order to let everyone know something, I love Bill, and I will be a good person this time, and reveal it to you in advance..."

Following that, the cold voice of Grand Duke Aibier resounded slowly in the auction hall, and most of the people present were caught up in their hearts, and then their eyes quickly converged on the high stage of the auction table, the light in their eyes Strobe.

Later, I saw that the Grand Duke of Aibier actually said it, saying: "Apart from the ordinary items, there are only three other items that are auctioned in this auction, which are the core items for town! There are very few, but they are much more precious than the things that have been circulated outside in recent years..."

Speaking of this, he paused slightly, and then said: "The first piece is the top-quality material left from above! The second piece is a blood ancestor essence stone the size of a fist! The last piece is the top-quality material from the previous one. After the death of the ss powerhouse, the supernatural gemstone left behind voluntarily has a fire attribute and a grade as high as s+!"

"What!? This..."


Suddenly there was an unbelievable exclamation and a gasp, and I couldn't believe what I heard in my ears. Then, the entire dark auction hall suddenly fell into a strange silence.

I don't know what the top-quality materials left from above are, so forget it, but what kind of priceless treasures are those blood ancestor essence stones and s+-level supernatural gemstones? Especially for the former, it is impossible not to be tempted even by a strong man at the level of the Grand Duke of the Blood Race! But what did they hear now? Then, the Aishide family is going to put it up for auction?

Almost everyone, especially those blood clans, suddenly moved with a 'bang'. The atmosphere at the scene suddenly became extremely dignified and abnormal.


Only when we Chen Fei and Young Master Chen heard the three auction items, the eyes in his eyes flickered slightly strangely. If the s+-level fire-type supernatural power gemstone is so popular, then he has been holding it for a long time. Although the useless s-level dark-type supernatural gemstone is almost worthless, it should still be worth some money; and the so-called blood ancestor essence stone, he knew it was what they Westerners said, so he doesn't know now What exactly is it.

But what about the other piece, the top-quality material left over from above?

Is it possible...

"Duke Ovelia, what does the above in that mouth refer to?" Then he suddenly asked.

"This..." Hearing this, the Duke of Ovillea actually showed hesitation on his face.

"Why, can't you say it?" Fade Chen frowned, and said in a cold voice.

"It's not that we can't say it, it's just... hey, forget it, this should be some kind of secret. Mr. Chen, what the Grand Duke of Aibier said is the world of gods and demons." Feeling a little bit of Chen Fei's voice Feeling cold, the Duke of Ovilia trembled slightly, finally shook his head, and said it with a wry smile.

This is a secret belonging to their western world. It should not have been told to an oriental person like Fade Chen. However, their ancestors in the western world did not keep this secret hundreds of years earlier! As a result, many of the top powerhouses in the East actually know it, so it doesn't matter if he says it or not.

"The world of gods and demons?" Fade Chen couldn't help being stunned when he heard Ovelia's words. Afterwards, he saw his pair of eyes that were as clear as glazed black pass by with a strong brilliance... He seemed to have thought of something.

And at this moment, on the high stage of the auction field outside the VIP room, the Grand Duke Aibier had already started the auction of the first auction item.

"Okay, let's get started! In order not to make everyone feel so bored, the first auction item will start with the s+ level fire-type supernatural gemstone. I don't need any more nonsense from my old guy about the use of this thing. Right? The starting price is 5,000 magic gold coins, and each increase should not be less than 500, let's start." With the words of the Grand Duke Abier, tonight's auction just started.

After he finished his sentence, a servant of the Aishide family behind him carefully covered the booth with red cloth, and then brought up a four-square box, opened the lid, and saw the Holding a fist-sized fiery red object, the object is filled with thick flame magic energy, twisting and jumping like snakes, as if alive.

"S+ level power crystal! It's really an S+ level power gem! If you're lucky, you can use this thing to directly create an S+ level peak fire-type power user." Everyone was boiling.

Because there is no way, to say a thousand words and ten thousand, only strength is what truly belongs to oneself, and only strength is the same for them regardless of the eastern and western worlds, big fists are the last word!

And although this s+-level fire-type supernatural gemstone is a matter of luck, most people are born as gamblers, and no one is willing to admit that they are this s+-level fire-type supernatural power gemstone is It is possible to directly create an S+ level peak powerhouse! What kind of person, what kind of force, can not be moved?

Even the Duke of Oviglia, the blood-blood duke of the dignified Brad family, couldn't help but breathe a little bit heavier when he saw the s+-level fire-type supernatural gemstone that was auctioned. Do you want to take this thing down. Although he doesn't really believe in this kind of gambling, even if it is impossible to directly create an s+-level fire-type superpower, the s-level should still be more likely, right?

In good conscience, this s-level fire attribute user is really not considered weak in their western dark world.

"Six thousand magic gold coins!" But just as he was hesitating, the bidding price for the s+-level fire-type supernatural gemstone had soared.

This kind of treasure is obviously not what he wants alone.

"Six thousand five hundred magic gold coins." Immediately, someone followed suit.

"Seven thousand!" However, before the previous price was maintained for a second, a new price was called out.

"Eight thousand!" But then someone directly increased the price to eight thousand!

"Just in case!" Someone was even more powerful, and directly increased the price by three thousand magic gold coins! Those who still want to try their luck and pick up cheap things are suddenly 'woke up'. At this level, if it is not a real rich person, or a big family, or a big power, how can it be possible to win?

But we Chen Fei and Young Master Chen did not participate in the competition for this thing. One reason is that he doesn't want to be here, and he is afraid that he doesn't have enough magic gold coins in his hands; the other reason is that with his current cultivation base and strength, let alone a mere s level, it is difficult to re-enter him even at s+ level. It's clear. What's more, apart from this method, it's not that he has no other way to create an ancient warrior who is comparable to an s+ level supernatural power user!

So this kind of thing is really not very attractive to him unless he is in a hurry.

"Eighteen thousand magic gold coins!"

"Ten thousand and nine!"

"Twenty thousand!"


The bidding price of the s+ level fire-type supernatural gemstone is still rising, but it is obviously not as strong as before!

This is not difficult to understand. After all, even the power of the Barton family can only gather 15,000 magic gold coins in a hurry to make amends to Fade Chen... Of course there are people in this auction that are stronger and richer than the Barton family. family power, but how much can this be?

There can be no limit, right?

Later, I saw that the bidding price for the s+ level fire-type supernatural gemstone was getting longer and fuller, but in the end, it was still fixed at the sky-high price of 23,500 magic gold coins! It can be regarded as successfully igniting the exciting prelude to tonight's auction.

However, the items to be auctioned next cannot be as precious as the previous s+-level power crystal, but even so, when each item was placed on the auction platform to start the auction, the atmosphere was still extremely enthusiastic Get intense! Following the calls one after another, each piece was auctioned off, and the auction price made most of the people present envious.

It's just that our Fade Chen and Young Master Chen have been patient and didn't make a move. It's not that he is cold, but it's just like what he said before. The treasures in the eyes of these Western practitioners are like garbage in his eyes. any difference. So now he can only wait honestly, waiting for the last piece of jade to see if it will appear.

"The next thing that will be auctioned is the Blood Ancestor Essence Stone! I believe that the friends present, especially our blood clan, should be familiar with its name, right? That's right! This is the legendary ancestor who was powerful by our blood clan, the strongest in the body The big stone that can be infected by a drop of blood! Its greatest function is to purify the blood energy in our vampires, so as to gain stronger power..." The Grand Duke Abier was still speaking in a cadence.

But at this moment, when the servant of the Aishide family behind him brought up a fist-sized dark red stone with a white cloth, Fade Chen's eyes glanced at the stone inadvertently, and his pupils shrank immediately. shrunk.

"Isn't that... the Blood Moon Stone?" He swished from his seat and stood up straight, his eyes burst out with splendor!

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