Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 594 Transformation! Middle Grade Magical Artifact

Chapter 594 Transformation! Middle Grade Magical Artifact

The blood moon stone was dark red like sticky blood, and there was a virtual image of a small snake with its teeth and claws floating around it like a plume of smoke. It seemed extremely strange, not to mention that Chen Fei could clearly feel the essence contained in it when he held it in his hand. The huge energy of spiritual energy may be exaggerated by the leakage of the energy of the underground yin veins, or it may be the most powerful drop of blood energy in the body of the ancestors of their legendary ancestors, as the Duke of Aibier said. That's why it's so fantastic.

Even when Fade Chen held the Blood Moon Stone firmly in his hand, he still had a vague feeling that if all the energy in that Blood Moon Stone were really released, even if he is now at the peak of the fifth level of Qi training It is also very likely that he will be severely injured by the powerful force released, so this blood moon stone is really terrifying.

"My luck has always been very good. I hope I can succeed this time." Fade Chen murmured slightly, then threw the Blood Moon Stone into the air, and then the milky white aura surged out of his body, fixing it in that position , followed by a puff, a burst of scorching heat, and the astonishingly high Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi erupted out, enveloping the Blood Moon Stone, and instantly the surrounding temperature increased many times.

In fact, even in the world of self-cultivation, where all kinds of strange methods shine, the truly mainstream method of refining still requires a certain high-quality refining furnace, plus various types of auxiliary tools. This is the refining tool needed by an orthodox refining master in the cultivation world.

But our Chen Fei and Young Master Chen are obviously just a half-baked beginner, how can we be so rigorous? So if his current refining technique is placed in front of those real masters in the cultivation world, it must be a completely unpopular and low-level refining technique! But this is also impossible.

After all, the expert in the comprehension world he inherited from the inheritance memory is actually not very proficient in the art of refining, so the content about the art of refining that he left in the inheritance memory is naturally very little, almost none. !

Even if there is, it is extremely superficial and disorganized, so we, Chen Fei and Young Master Chen, can only rely on ourselves to learn and understand the art of refining.

Cross the river by feeling the stones!



Then he waved his hand again, and the khaki black stone mirror flew out from his sleeve, the size of a palm.

Immediately, the flaming Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi was like a cat smelling the smell, and it was surrounded by the next second, covering the mysterious stone mirror, making a 'rumbling' sound.

Chen Fei was able to refine the weapon in mid-air without relying on the refining furnace. The biggest reliance was the extremely stable and skillful spiritual control, and this was far more powerful than ordinary flames cultivated by monks of the same level. Three Yang True Fire derived from Fire Sword Qi!

The Sanyang True Fire mastered by Fade Chen is powerful enough to melt the Xuanshi Mirror and the Blood Moon Stone. However, other ordinary flames of this realm cannot do it. From this we can see that this is the reason why Fade Chen is much stronger than monks of the same level.

After all, even the Sanyang True Fire is so powerful, what about the Sanyang True Fire sword energy condensed entirely by it? What about the stronger aura of "Zuo Wang Jing"?

Just thinking about it is scary enough!

And just when the two balls of Sanyang real fire wrapped and melted the blood moon stone and the mysterious stone mirror at the same time, a thick, bloody breath gradually overflowed, vented from the blood moon stone, and filled the whole room ! Then there was a group of gray, dark red flames that gradually condensed into a black monster the size of a thumb, with three heads, black flames on its feet, ferocious claws...

"This is..." Fade Chen was stunned when he saw the black three-headed monster.

Although the phantom of the three-headed black monster is small, as soon as one of them appears, the light shining in the entire secret room due to the burning of the three yang real fires is instantly slightly suppressed.

Then a depressing dark force swept out, like a terrible karst volcano in hell, ready to erupt with energy to destroy everything at any time.

"Could this be the so-called three-headed hell dog in Western mythology?" Looking at the black three-headed phantom monster exuding a terrifying and amazing aura, Fade Chen suddenly thought of those Western monsters he had played before. With an online game with a fantasy background, his eyes suddenly lit up.

This thing seems to be the hell three-headed dog in western mythology! Could it be that the blood moon stone was infected by its blood?

Immediately, a look of surprise and joy appeared on Fade Chen's face.

But then, beads of sweat the size of beans dripped down from his forehead, because the load and pressure were gradually getting heavier. Part of the spiritual energy had to suppress the phantom image of the hell three-headed dog, otherwise something would go wrong!

At this thought, our Chen Fei and Young Master Chen's face darkened instantly, his eyes swelled sharply, and he repeatedly pinched the magic formula in his hand, and shouted in a deep voice: "Suppress it!"

Puchi! Puchi! puff...

Immediately, the dense and terrifying whistling sound of Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi resounded in the secret room.

A thumb-sized Sanyang True Fire Sword Qi ran directly towards the phantom of the three-headed hell dog, fighting with it in mid-air.

Immediately, during the scalding, sharp sword energy and the black flames at the feet of the hell three-headed dog, you came and went, and almost collapsed the secret room!

But after all, the phantom of the hell three-headed dog is only condensed by a drop of blood of the real hell three-headed dog, and when it existed in the blood moon stone, it is unknown how much its real power has weakened as time disappeared! So when Fade Chen really used all his strength like at this moment, he saw the phantom of the hell three-headed dog smashed and suppressed very quickly.

Then the phantom of the hell three-headed dog was shattered, and the pure power scattered in mid-air was quickly pinched by Fade Chen with one hand, and slowly integrated into the mysterious stone mirror with the power of magic.

Immediately there was a bang, and another group of Sanyang True Fire wrapped in the Xuanshi mirror charged high! In an instant, it seemed as if the ceiling of the secret room was about to be broken through, creating a hole!

An astonishing aura slowly emanated from the area swept by the flames.

"I'm really lucky this time. I didn't expect that this blood moon stone is not an ordinary blood moon stone, but it is contaminated with the blood of the legendary three-headed hell dog in the West! This blood moon If the energy of the drop of blood of the stone and the hell three-headed dog can be fully integrated into the black stone mirror, I am afraid that it will be absolutely no problem to be promoted to a middle-grade magic weapon! It is not impossible to even reach the peak of the middle-grade magic weapon."

Looking at the area surrounded by the real fire of Sanyang, although our Chen Fei and Young Master Chen were sweating profusely and pale, we still had a bright excited and gratified smile on our face. Speaking of which, the Blood Moon Stone was originally a surprise of his trip, but he didn't expect it to be such a big surprise.

The hell three-headed dog in Western mythology, if it is the real body, I am afraid that even if compared with those super powerful high-level spirit beasts in the cultivation world, it will not be too much. It wasn't an accident mega surprise, what was! ?

Such and such a night passed quickly. Fade Chen also walked out of the secret room with a weak face.

"Mr. Chen, you, your face?" Seeing Fade Chen's pale face, and the tired faces of the others, Ovelia, who had been waiting at the door of the secret room, was shocked!

"It's okay, Duke of Olivia, you don't have to worry. I'm fine now, and I've never been this good before." But Fade Chen's tone of voice was extremely excited.

There is no way, after a night of "hard work", the low-grade magic weapon he possessed - the Xuanshi mirror, has successfully transformed to the level of a middle-grade magic weapon! Even ordinary sixth-level Qi training monks can't resist, let alone sss-level, or blood princes, or first-time ancient warriors at the late innate stage... so how could he not be excited! ?

At the beginning, Yan Zhen's medium-grade magic weapon, the Frozen Bead, had made him covetous for a long time, but now the 'new' Xuanshi mirror that he personally refined was at least 20 to 30% more powerful than the Frozen Bead. Thinking of this, the excitement in his eyes became even more intense!

"Mr. Chen, you finally came out. But I received a bad news last night." At this time, Duke Babidi also came, and said with a worried expression on his face.

"Oh, bad news? What do you mean?" Fade Chen was slightly taken aback, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

"Is such that."

A complex expression appeared on Duke Babidi's face, and he said with a wry smile: "Last night, Brad went to beg his grandfather, and he found a helper, that is the Grand Duke of Rexam of our Aishide family. O Duke Vilia, you should know that one, right? He is the grand duke strongman in our Aishide family, and he can rank at least the third in combat power. The number one warrior outside!"

"What, Brad actually invited the Grand Duke of Wrexam from your family?" Hearing that, Ovelia's face changed suddenly, a little flustered and ugly. Obviously, he didn't know that the Grand Duke of Lexam was so powerful.

"Number one general? Does it sound very powerful?" Hearing this, Fade Chen smiled, and didn't care at all: "But who cares, come and come, at worst, we'll clean it up together, anyway, he won't be missing any more. Duke of Olivia, get ready and we should leave too."

Mr. Babidi was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't understand where Fade Chen's self-confidence came from, and he couldn't help but said: "Mr. Chen, even if you are not afraid of the Grand Duke Lexam with your strength, but There is also Grand Duke Melissa in the Novia family! You are at a disadvantage with two against one, not to mention that besides the two of them, there are several other duke-level powerhouses. It's even worse.

Speaking of this, he paused for a moment, then spoke again, and said what he really wanted to say in his heart: "Otherwise, Mr. Chen, you and the Duke of Ovilia will go to our Elder Vance to stay for a few days. I believe that Brad and Vivienne would not dare to act rashly with the face of our veteran Vance standing there."

Chen Fei didn't expect it to be like this. At least from the bright side, the combination of Brad and Vivienne is indeed very powerful, but the elder Vance is still willing to stand up for him, and he can't help but wonder: "Bobby Duke Dee, with all due respect, the elder Vance behind you doesn't seem to need to get involved in this thankless matter of mine, does he?"


The Duke of Babidi obviously didn't expect Fade Chen to ask so directly, he smiled awkwardly, then bit his teeth, and said frankly: "Actually, we, Mr. Vance, always want to take a gamble."

"Gambling?" Fade Chen's face became more perplexed.

If he just offended Brad before, then it is understandable that Elder Vance is willing to win him over!

But now even Vivienne is involved, if the elder Vance is intervening, wouldn't it be too much and the loss outweighs the gain? After all, behind Vivienne is one of the two giants of the Novia family, a majestic blood prince and strongman. Before Fade Chen didn't show many cards at all, was it necessary?

Wait, could it be... Fade Chen and Young Master Chen suddenly thought of a person. That was the prince of the Aishide family, Old Howard, who had a brief confrontation with him before.

If the old guy revealed something in private, it would be impossible.

"Elder Vance said so. I'm afraid he thought that Vivienne was already very close to Brad, and it would be impossible to win him over again, but Mr. Chen, you can still take another gamble. At your current age, you can actually have such a powerful force, and the Brad family also attaches great importance to you, so it should be that the background behind you is not simple, right?" Babidi said so bluntly , which made Fade Chen slightly taken aback.

Then he smiled slightly and said, "Thanks to your senior Vance, but if you stay, you don't have to stay. Since I dared to say that yesterday, I won't be afraid of Brad and Vivian. If they want to seek death, they might as well try it." As he spoke, there were dots of cold light in the corners of his eyes, with a hint of sarcasm.

He didn't want to use the big to bully the small, but the problem is that there are so many people who really don't have eyes, so he has nothing to do.

Just think of it as 'removing harm for the people'.

"This, that's fine." Duke Babidi was stunned for a while, but finally did not persuade him.

Indeed, there are only two reasons why Fade Chen dared to say what he said yesterday. Either they are stupid, or they really have the confidence to not be afraid.

And when Fade Chen stepped out of the secret room, the eyes of almost the entire underground castle of the Aishid family were firmly focused there. They naturally wanted to see if the oriental man who had the guts to offend Brad and Vivienne at the same time, would really dare to say in front of everyone yesterday that he would leave early this morning This is the Aishid family.

Everything seems to be extraordinarily quiet, but it seems to be the calm before the storm.

Everyone's eyes were firmly fixed on the inside of the castle, without blinking for a moment.

Then, at about nine o'clock in the morning, a group of people slowly walked out of the underground castle of the Aishide family, and everyone was shocked!

Because those are the members of the Brad family, and Fade Chen!

How dare he come out! ?

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