Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 749 Fusion Formation

Chapter 749 Fusion Formation

The deeper the contact with Fade Chen, the more the Eight Iron Guards felt that their master was simply inhuman!

Whether it is talent or potential, they are simply terrifyingly powerful.

Otherwise, how could he have achieved such a terrifying and astonishing level at his age! ?

The astonishing combat power of leapfrogging, the terrifying alchemy ability of alchemy, and the realm of the formation master who is suspected to be the fourth level of the human formation... If all these are spread, I am afraid that people will be scared crazy to be able to do so. How shocking and frightening it is to show all of this and the hidden potential!

Then, Fade Chen also left from the hall. Then the Myojin Cave was reorganized.

Those masters who were qualified to gather in the main hall before were originally the middle and high-level managers of Jinchan Cave, but now, they are united as one and full of energy, which naturally made the big rectification that Fade Chen wanted to see smoothly carried out stand up.

A small number of diehard members of Jinchandong chose to stubbornly resist and leave, but more members of Jinchandong wisely chose to stay!

Jinchan Cave was officially renamed Myoshen Cave, and all the monks and soldiers under its command were re-divided and reorganized... I won't repeat them here.


In a secret room in Mingshen Cave, Fade Chen sat cross-legged on a warm jade stone bed, held the animal skin formation scroll that Tie Yi gave him in his hand, and quietly pondered and comprehended it. Time slipped away quietly like this. Very fast.

In Consciousness Sea, Zhen Jingkong was also observing Fade Chen silently, and he was distracted to look at the formation on the animal skin scroll again, but only a moment later, his eyes flashed, and his mouth slightly sighed With a sound. It seems that there is something found on the scroll of the animal skin formation.

After a long time, Fade Chen's attention was separated from the animal skin formation scroll, but then he saw that his brows subconsciously frowned, as if he had encountered some difficulty.

Seeing this scene, Zhen Jingkong said slowly: "How about it, can you find any clues from that formation?"

Fade Chen obviously didn't expect that Zhen Jingkong would suddenly ask him this question. He was stunned for a while, and then he smiled embarrassedly and said: "It seems that I am too arrogant. Although this formation is a four-level human formation , but I have absolutely no clue now."

"Arrogance, I think you have a little bit, but it's not surprising that you can't understand this formation." Hearing this, Zhenkong smiled and said.

Chen Fei touched his head. His original intention at the beginning was to try it himself, to see if he could make some minor improvements and perfections on the basis of the original four-fold formation of the Human Formation.

In this way, one is beneficial to the advancement and breakthrough of his formation realm cultivation base.

Secondly, it can make the Eight Great Tie Luoquan stronger, so as to help him share his worries and work.

But now it seems that he is indeed a little arrogant. Because his own cultivation level is actually only at the third level of the human formation, but now he wants to perfect and improve the formation at the fourth level of the human formation. Isn't this arrogance?

"However, it's good for you to have such thoughts and practical actions. There are almost no shortcuts to the formation, except for studying it day and night." Seeing Fade Chen's expression and movements, he couldn't help being startled haha Smiling, a hint of admiration flowed out from the imaginary lines on the blade's face.

The array is vast, although it is especially taboo not to know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth, with a pair of eyes growing on the forehead, but the necessary courage and spirit of experimentation are still indispensable! After all, if you don't have that kind of courage and spirit of experimentation, doesn't it mean that you have lost your edge?

In that case, it may not be a good thing.

Afterwards, I saw that Jing Kong raised his eyebrows, and said slowly: "The so-called formation is actually a method to find the rules of the world, thereby triggering the aura of the world, and finally using it as a means. These principles I told you before, and I believe you understand."

Hearing this, Fade Chen nodded without hesitation, and then waited quietly for what Jing Kong would say next. Wasn't the reason why he dared to boast about such a sea before because he knew that there was still a shock in the sea?

Regardless of whether it is a formation of three layers of human formations, four layers of human formations, or even five layers of human formations, it is a child's play against Jingkong, and it is not difficult at all. Not worth mentioning.

And now, naturally, it was time for him to listen carefully. A formation master who was infinitely close to the realm of a great formation master personally explained to him, how many people in this cultivation world can have such treatment and honor?

"And it is said that from the beginning when the way of formation was excavated and carried forward, the means and types of formation formations were not that complicated and difficult, but later, with the development and strength of formation formations, more and more were gradually discovered by people. Powerful, but more cumbersome and complicated formation method.”

Fade Chen stretched out his hand in the space of surprise, and strands of ice-blue spiritual light gushed out. In a moment, two formations exuding a terrifying aura were instantly condensed around Fade Chen!

What surprised Fade even more was that within half a breath after the formation was formed, the two formations actually began to merge with each other! ?

That's right, it's really merging!

In just two or three breaths, the two formations that were supposed to be independent actually merged completely together.

And after such formation and development, the new fusion formation seems to have become extraordinarily complicated, but the aura it exudes is at least twice as strong as before! Even more than doubled.

"What is this?" Fade Chen's eyes were a little hot, looking at the new fusion formation, he couldn't help asking.

"This is called fusion formation, also known as multiple compound formation. Now you are looking at the formation on the animal skin scroll." Zhen Jingkong said.

Hearing this, Fade Chen's face was stunned, and then his eyes swept back to the animal skin scroll, his eyes were shining brightly, his brows were sometimes furrowed and sometimes loosened, and after at least several hours like this, It was only then that he raised his head slowly, with a hint of surprise on his face.

"I seem to have some clues. I didn't expect that what was recorded on this animal skin scroll would be a fusion formation?"

While talking like this, Fade Chen suddenly felt a little rejoiced, fortunately that the Eight Great Tie Luoquan didn't understand the formation at all, only knew the superficial and reckless, otherwise, it is not sure whether he can stand here safely now.

But after hearing what Fade Chen said, Zhihai couldn't help being stunned again. Just because he mentioned a few things like this, and he has been figuring it out for a few hours, he has a clue? Isn't this level of comprehension a little too exaggerated?

After a while like this, Jing Kong finally came back to his senses slowly, looked up as if seeing a monster in his eyes in the sea of ​​consciousness, finally shook his head, and said slowly: "Okay, this You don’t have the ability to improve and perfect this level of fusion formation for the time being, so let me do it.”

"Then I will trouble you, senior." Fade Chen immediately thanked him politely. There was a moment of panic in this matter, and Kong himself took action, so it must be foolproof.

Then I saw him sitting cross-legged on the warm jade bed, practicing.


Time flew by quickly, and Luo Quan, the guardian of the Red Lion Cave, and others who left the Myoshen Cave in disgrace, finally returned to the Red Lion Cave hundreds of miles away. It's just that when they returned to the cave, they were met with horrified and shocked gazes! All seemed a little unbelievable.

After all, to know how powerful the two brothers Hujiang and Hushan are, who in the Red Lion Cave doesn't understand, who doesn't know? But now, both of them came back from such serious injuries, and Luo Quanluo, the protector, also looked disheveled... What the hell happened! ?

But now Luo Quan, Hu Shan and others obviously don't have time to pay attention to what other people are thinking.

I saw that after they returned to the Red Lion Cave, the Hujiang and Hushan brothers immediately fell back to their own cave without hesitation, chose to close the gate of the mountain, and began to heal their injuries miserably.

And Na Luoquan came all the way to the deepest part of the Red Lion Cave.

In the deepest part of the Red Lion Cave, there stands a fiery red palace that is extremely eye-catching and magnificent.

And at the gate outside the main hall, there are two huge lions guarding the left and right. They are so mighty and powerful, and they are full of evil spirits, which makes people feel trembling in the heart.

However, Luo Quan, who was at the peak of the eighth level of Qi training, would not be intimidated by such power.

"I want to see the Cave Master, go in and report." Then he saw him walking to the gate with a golden knife all the way, and said in a deep voice to the two lions.

"Yes, Protector Luo, just wait a moment." The two male lions didn't dare to neglect when they saw that Luo Quan was coming, and immediately rumbled.


Afterwards, one of the male lions guarding the gate immediately rushed into the palace.

But soon he came back again, leading Luo Quan into the hall. From the outside, this palace looks like a fiery red palace, but when you come into it, there are actually caves, crystal jade paving the ground, small bridges and flowing water, and the air is full of rich spiritual energy.

In the end, they came to an inner hall that looked extremely grand. There is a huge incense burner in the center of the inner hall, with crimson smoke curling up, a huge tiger demon wearing a gossip red robe, sitting on a dragon-patterned chair not far away, with a demonic aura all over his body. Rolling, eyes like copper bells, extremely powerful!

Obviously, this huge tiger and leopard is none other than the Red Lion Cave Master, the Red Lion Taoist! And seeing the monstrous energy flowing out of his body at this time, it is so powerful, majestic and hot... It is much more powerful than the ordinary ninth-level Qi training expert.


But at this moment, the red lion Taoist's eyes that were closed like copper bells slowly opened, revealing those eyes that were a little numb just by looking at them, a ray of coldness flashed by, making the practitioner Luo Quan, who was at the peak of the Eighth Layer of Qi, couldn't help but tremble a little. Eyes startled.

"Luo Quan, didn't I tell you not to disturb my retreat recently? What's going on?" Then the Taoist Red Lion asked with a blank expression.

"Cave Master, it's really because this matter is troublesome this time. It involves the black black copper mine in Jinchan Cave. The subordinates dare not make up their minds in private. The second Cave Master is still outside, so..." Hearing this, Na Luoquan immediately explained.

"That black black copper mine in Jinchan Cave? Tell me, what's going on?" Hearing this, the Taoist Red Lion flashed a bright light in his eyes.

If the mine is involved, it can only be handled by him himself. Because it matters so much!

"Oh, say it!" Taoist Red Lion shot two sharp lights from his eyes.

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