Urban Cultivation Medical Saint

Chapter 920 Fade Chen makes a move

Chapter 920 Fade Chen makes a move

In the midst of Tuo Bobo's sneer and Murray Yun's serious eyes, Fade Chen walked to the high platform in the center of the alchemy room. With a wave of his hand, a large pile of alchemy materials appeared, exuding a faint fragrance and light.

"What grade of elixir are you going to refine?" Zhen Jingkong asked curiously in the sea of ​​knowledge. Even though it was impossible for him to lose confidence in Fade Chen in his heart, he was indeed curious, where is the limit of this kid?

Can the mere eighth level of qi training really be able to refine a elixir that surpasses the lower level of the fourth level?

If this is said, who will believe it? Who dares to believe it! ?

"Based on my current cultivation level, the fourth-level middle-grade pill is already the limit. So, just find a fourth-grade middle-grade pill to refine." Fade Chen said flatly.

Although the composition of the alchemy technique does not take up the main part, it is also an indispensable and important part.

The refining process of any kind of high-level elixir requires strength to support it, otherwise, before the elixir is refined, the person will not be able to support it and will fall down! How can that work?

Therefore, with his current strength, the fourth-level middle-grade pill is indeed the limit. But now it seems that it is just enough...

Thinking of this, Fade Chen immediately locked in his mind a refining method of a fourth-level middle-grade pill, and immediately started refining pills. Sanyang True Fire was burning fiercely, rushing violently...

Swish! Swish! Swish...

Different from Tuo Bobo's clumsy sorting of alchemy materials, Fade Chen's actions at this time can be described as smooth and flowing.

When the Sanyang True Fire wrapped and lingered the alchemy materials without any hesitation, Na Tuo Bobo's face changed suddenly, and he looked at the actions in Fade Chen's hands in disbelief...

"Why, how could it be? Why is his technique so smooth? This, how is this possible!?"

He couldn't help but stare at what Fade Chen was doing in shock. Perhaps it was because he was so shocked, his body, as well as his eyes, were completely trembling at this moment. A look of horror emerged.

As if unwilling to believe that the scene in front of him could be real! ?

As the saying goes, a layman watches the excitement, an expert looks at the doorway, and if there are experts, he will know when he makes a move... No matter how incompetent he is, Tuobobo, but his tricks are now on the mayor's face! Not blind yet.

Fade Chen's method of sorting alchemy materials is really smooth and amazing! There are even some that make him feel scared.

Although this is the basic skill, the problem is that Fade Chen can at least beat him by just this basic skill.

However, when he was still in shock, in such a short time, in the alchemy furnace on the high platform in the center of the alchemy room, a dazzling pillar of fire suddenly shot up, engulfing all the alchemy materials in an instant went in...

"This, this, he... Heh, I said, it turned out that he was just pretending. Who doesn't know that refining all the alchemy materials at the same time is an extremely rash move! It's completely overestimated. He dares to... hiss now! That's, this How can it be!?"

Seeing this scene, Na Tuo Bobo still had a slightly stupefied and mocking expression on his face. Because as long as it is an alchemist, no one knows that purifying all alchemy materials at the same time is absolutely extremely reckless, and an act of overestimation.

Even those well-known alchemy masters might not dare to pat their chests and say that they can handle every step of purifying all alchemy materials at the same time. And as long as it is not done well, it will definitely affect the quality of the alchemy, or even directly fail in alchemy! But now?

But now, a nameless kid like Fade Chen, who has no reputation, dares to do the absurd and rash act of purifying all alchemy materials at the same time. Isn't this a joke?

Just rely on him?

Who does he think he is! ?

However, the strong contempt and sarcasm in Tuo Bobo's heart didn't exist or hold a single sentence.

Accompanied by a wisp of faint fragrance gradually coming to the nostrils, the sarcasm on Tuo Bobo's face froze instantly at this moment! Then, the pupils contract.

"This is impossible!" Na Tuo Bobo turned pale, his eyes fixed on the direction of the fragrance, it was a group of essence of alchemy materials that had just been refined, perfect quality.

His whole body trembled in an instant, staring at something, his face turned pale as soon as it was visible to the naked eye...

"This, this..." Murray Yun was also a little dumbfounded at this time, looking at Fade Chen, his eyes filled with a strong look of disbelief. Although he is not an alchemist, nor does he know much about alchemy, but the problem is, he has never eaten pork, and he has seen pigs running!

With his identity, and the pale look on Tuo Bobo's face at this time, it was enough for him to clearly understand how terrifying the alchemy skills Chen Fei displayed at this time are!

It seems that the six-pattern cloud vein pill was really made by Fade Chen... After a while, Murray Yun thought in a daze with such a shock in his heart. Suddenly, he suddenly raised his head and looked at Tuobobo, his eyes looked very strange.

This guy seems to have been tricked! ?

Although Tuobobo had previously refined the top-grade pills like the Red Leaf Blood Spirit Pill, and there were only two pills in one batch, for some reason, Murai Yun still had a strong premonition in his heart.

That is, Tuobobo will lose...

That's right! Now he just thinks that Tuobobo will lose. definitely will...


At this moment, suddenly, in the alchemy furnace on the high platform in the center of the alchemy room, an astonishing fluctuation turned into a wave of fire and spread. The alchemy room immediately trembled, and immediately a huge crimson pillar of fire the size of the mouth of a vat rose into the sky with a whoosh in the shocked eyes of everyone!

The pillar of fire soared into the sky, and the blazing flames washed away the alchemy room into a sea of ​​flames, and even submerged the alchemy furnace. However, within the flames, there were faint energy fluctuations that made Muraiyun and Na Tuobo Bo is the tip of the beating up.

"This kind of fluctuation... such a strong medicinal pill breath, and, how can it be so violent?"

On the edge of the alchemy room, Muraiyun looked very solemnly, looking at the sea of ​​flames, and murmured in disbelief: "Although I don't know alchemy, this kind of fluctuation... Once I can successfully make alchemy, I'm afraid, it should surpass Is it a low-level fourth grade?"

Na Tuobo stood beside him, his whole body trembled violently, and his eyes trembled! Then I saw him grit his teeth bitterly, and cursed extremely coldly: "So what? Before the pill is completed, everything is still unknown. And in my opinion, this is just a big fight. If you want me to come, I can do it too." do it."

Hearing that, Muraiyun's eyes flashed, and he didn't speak any more. He knew that if he said anything more now, it would definitely irritate Tuobobo. At that time, both sides would offend people, and both sides would be not human, so it was unnecessary.

At the same time, the figure of Fade Chen was submerged in the sea of ​​flames. I saw him looking at the elixir that was gradually congealing in the sea of ​​flames, his face was still calm the first second, but in the next second, his brows suddenly frowned, and his face changed slightly.


"What's the matter? Is this furnace pill going to fail?" There were startled voices in the Sea of ​​Consciousness.

"No." Fade Chen shook his head, with a strange expression on his face, and said, "I forgot that I was betting against that guy, and I forgot that there were outsiders present. If this furnace pill was refined like this, I'm afraid the grade would be a little lower. Some high."

As soon as this remark came out, the panic in the Consciousness Sea was silent for a long time, and finally a voice with a very strange tone came back, saying: "A little bit higher? How high is that?"

"Well, there are about seven or eight lines." Fade Chen said with some embarrassment and guilt. If this furnace pill was really refined like this, it would be strange if Murray Yun and Tuo Bobo were not frightened out of their bodies on the spot, and the three souls lost their seven souls.

However, he counted Muraiyun and Tuobobo, but he didn't expect that there was a gap in his sea of ​​consciousness...

Consciousness in the sea, all of a sudden, there was no sound at all.

After a long, long, long time, two words seemed to pop out from between the teeth in that shock.


After saying this, a voice with extremely ups and downs came from the sea of ​​consciousness. Zhen Jingkong said in a very calm tone: "No matter what method you use, quickly lower the quality of this furnace pill! It must be lowered to below the four lines, otherwise you will have a very sad life in the future."

Shooting the first bird, being too sharp, easy to attract jealousy, easy to die... These words passed down from generation to generation have been proved by blood and corpses! Have absolute truth.

Therefore, Fade Chen will never be able to refine the fourth-level middle-grade medicine pill with seven patterns and eight patterns, otherwise, it will be a big trouble to meet him in the future! And still endless.

"Okay, I get it." Although Fade Chen was a little helpless in his words, he also knew that Zhen Jingkong's worries were indeed not unreasonable.

His current strength is not enough at all, and he can't keep his alchemy alchemy that is so shocking. So if it is exposed, then facing him, I am afraid that it will be endless troubles, or even a catastrophe.

Thinking of this, Fade Chen directly raised his hand and pointed at the sea of ​​fire.

Immediately, a rather violent force poured into the congealing pill, followed by the sea of ​​flames trembling. The originally pure Danxiang taste seems to be less pure now...

"This is, the taste has changed? This alchemy is going to fail!?" At the edge of the alchemy room, Tuo Bobo keenly sensed the slight change. A look of ecstasy suddenly appeared in his eyes, and he stared fixedly at the inside of the alchemy furnace, as if he was "surviving a desperate situation".

However, just as soon as he had this idea, Fade Chen's actions in the next second gave him a serious head-on blow.

Under the gazes of Tuo Bobo and Muraiyun, the sea of ​​flames in the alchemy furnace rolled and then suddenly dispersed slowly.

When the sea of ​​flames dissipated, two blue-purple pills slowly appeared!

"This kind of fluctuation...is a fourth-level middle-grade pill!"

Sensing the fluctuations from the two blue-purple pills, Murray Yun's slightly startled sound came from the edge of the alchemy room.

And right after, I saw his eyes shrank fiercely, and murmured in disbelief: "And it's a fourth-rank middle-grade pill with double patterns!? This, this..."

Where the vision converges, I can see that on the surface of the two blue-purple pills, there are actually two lifelike lines full of energy wrapping the pills...

And this scene, even people who don't know any pills, will definitely understand it.

Those two elixirs are both double patterns! Double grain elixir.

Shuangwen fourth-level middle-grade pill, um, what kind of concept is this! ?

For a moment, Murray Yun felt a little dizzy, and then, when his eyes fell on Fade Chen, a deep shock and awe appeared.

Now he finally understands why Fade Chen didn't like the conditions they offered from Fuxian Pavilion...

Damn, this kind of monster, at such an age, can already refine a double-patterned fourth-order middle-grade pill, such a terrifying pill! If he is given another few decades, what is a fifth-level alchemist?

I'm afraid even the legendary king-level alchemist is not impossible! ?

At the same time, Na Tuo Bobo also became completely cold.

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