Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 1041, opening up a small space

"Stop it as soon as it's good? They can't help themselves now. Besides, with such a high profile, how can they stop, it's obviously to build momentum for themselves." Ye Chen said to He Qing.

Beside, upon hearing Ye Chen's words, Mr. Hu couldn't help but praise.

"Even if you are not a cultivator, you are definitely a political star with a bright future if you engage in politics."

He could see what was just now, it was because of so many years of political experience and so many years of contact with the United States, but how old is Ye Chen? How much contact have you had with the United States? It is definitely not easy to see this layer.

"I still like to go straight with my fists, and beat anyone who refuses to accept it."

"Haha... you have strength, you can do whatever you want!" Hu Lao said with a smile.

He Qing next to her changed her expression, and in the end she just sighed lightly.

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Now, it seems that I have a deep understanding of these words in my heart.


Ten minutes later, Ye Chen appeared in the passage of Base No. 1.

Now this place has become a lot more stable. Not only has a formation been built here, but also the barrier defense here has been strengthened.

"How is it? Have any alien creatures descended recently?"

"I don't have any hairs. I guess it has been completely blocked by the formation you set up here. I have been here for so long, and I haven't been so leisurely." A guard guarding here said to Ye Chen.

"That is, after the chief of the army repaired this place, he felt much safer. Sometimes he could hear the sound of the barrier, but he couldn't see anything. This is completely different from before."

Another cultivator also said with surprise on his face.

They were the ones who guarded here last time. The tragedy before is still vivid in my mind. Many brothers died in front of them.

At that time, the defense really depended on flesh and blood, so now I am so happy that I am not used to it.

"Should I get you some creatures from another world to practice your hands?" Ye Chen said with a smile.

After saying this, the excitement on everyone's faces disappeared, and they looked at Ye Chen: "Mr. Chief, you are not joking with us, are you?"

"Do you think I'm joking?" Ye Chen smiled and asked everyone.

Everyone turned their attention to Thyme.

"Don't look at me, I don't know about this." Thyme shook her head and denied.

This kid Ye Chen insisted on saying that it can be refined into steel.

If you want the guards to grow in actual combat, now you need to find stimulation for them.

I have also raised objections. After all, I have not recovered from the last battle. Now I am directly training with those alien creatures, which may make these children feel very tired.

But if Ye Chen insisted on insisting, she could only support him.

"Actual combat is the fastest way to improve your strength. If you slack off for too long, you will become slack. How can you improve your combat power?" Ye Chen asked back.

Hearing Ye Chen's words, everyone was silent.

However, there is still some resistance in my heart. After all, those days were too dark, and it was too depressing and even scary! Seeing his brother die in front of him, but in the end, he can't help anything, even his own life may be lost at any time,

Such dreadful days are really a huge torture to the body and mind. It feels like living in hell. No one wants to go back to that kind of world.

However, now hearing the words of the military leader, it seems to make sense.

"There are no eggs under the cover of the nest. If it's just us, we can just seal this passage completely. At worst, we will close the country and stop worrying about outside affairs.

However, the current situation is not only our own, but also other countries, and even the barrier passages of other countries have been opened, or will be opened, and by then, those alien creatures will land on the earth even if they do not pass through us. Call from other places.

When the time comes, how should we respond? "Ye Chen said to everyone.

Everyone was silent, bowing their heads in silence.

In fact, they have thought about what the military chief said, and even the huge threat is already happening, but people have a lazy mentality and a dependent mentality.

Now, the leader of the army can turn the tide and be alone, and he can completely support China's sky by himself, so they don't think too much about it, they just want to enjoy more peace here!

Now, the military leader has taken the initiative to break this, which means that their good days will be completely over in the future.

"Such an era is really not suitable for comfort, and we can't continue to deceive ourselves like this. An ostrich with its head stuck in the sand is a fool, and we can't be such fools." Someone said.

"That's right, we can't just rely on the leader of the army for everything. We should also contribute our own strength. In this way, after a hundred years, if we are lucky enough to still be alive, we will have the right to show off our achievements in front of our grandson!"

"I agree too! Commander, you can arrange for us here." After these people figured this out, their morale became high again, and they asked Ye Chen to fight.

Seeing this scene, Thyme next to her was also relieved.

With such warriors in Huaxia, they will never be reduced to the stuttering of those beasts from other worlds.

"This is the appearance and morale our Huaxia Nurses should have!" Ye Chen said happily.

Afterwards, he turned to face the crowd and continued, "Don't worry, this time you won't be the same as last time. The last time was to defend against foreign enemies. This time, it's to train soldiers with foreign enemies. The purpose of the two times is different, so you should be at peace! "

"I will open up a special space here. Every time there will only be a certain number of aliens with a certain strength. After you are proficient, the difficulty will gradually increase. I hope that by then, you will be able to kill more enemies!

In addition, those alien creatures killed by you can come to me in exchange for pills and weapons! "Ye Chen said.

Hearing the pills and weapons, everyone's eyes couldn't help but light up again.

"Please hurry up and arrange the army chief, we have held back."

"Yeah, we want to kill creatures and exchange them for pills!"

"I want the weapon forged by the military leader, that thing is a treasure that can be passed down from family to family!"

Those nurses were yelling there, the low and negative emotions at the beginning were all swept away, and now they all screamed, as if those alien creatures were no longer a threat, but fell from the sky one by one The gold ingot seemed to be taken away too late.

Half a day later, the special space was successfully opened. There are a total of four spaces, which are divided into heaven, earth, black and yellow according to their strength.

Sure enough, after the space was built, there was a roaring sound from it, and creatures from other worlds descended!

"Those who want to practice, go in quickly. The first time you go in, you have pills to protect your body, and you can rent weapons. If you go in later, you won't have such good conditions." Ye Chen bewitched everyone.

Everyone looked at each other.

"I'm going to the yellow space!" A short-haired man stood up with a fierce look on his face.

"My name belongs to me!"

"You two bastards are stronger than me, and you even snatched the simple one first. Is this forcing me to go to the name space?"

"The rest of Tianzihao, it seems that I am the only one who can do it."

Soon, the four spaces were occupied by people.

Seeing the four people stepping into the four spaces as if they were going to die generously, everyone's expressions couldn't help becoming dignified.

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