Urban Devouring Supreme

Chapter 882: Has he realized?

The entire altar, and even the entire base in Luzhou Province were a sensation. Ye Chen had only been here for such a long time on his first day, without any supplies in between.

"I don't know what to realize."

"It's not that the longer the time in it, the better. It's not a good way to hold on."

"He looks like this, it doesn't seem like a long-term solution."

Many people were discussing there, expressing their opinions on Ye Chen's situation.

However, no one was too optimistic. After all, it was the first time I came here, and the way I did it was against common sense, making it difficult for everyone to accept.

This is a long-term task in itself, and it cannot be completed in a day or two, so haste makes waste.

Five hours later, Ye Chen still didn't move, sitting there cross-legged, motionless like a bronze statue.

"If this continues, it will be really... dangerous." Someone reported to Shang Kunhui again.

Shang Kun's face was also ugly at the moment. He didn't expect Ye Chen to be so stubborn. If he knew this, he wouldn't let him in!

"We can't let him stay like this anymore, otherwise, something big will happen." Shang Kun said.

Then, he got up and walked towards the altar.

In China now, there is no shortage of cultivators like Ye Chen who are willing to sit here for a day to understand the runes, but there is a lack of high-level alchemists and people who can command and protect the three armies. Therefore, even if Ye Chen is in these runes There is no gain from the text, and he cannot be allowed to have any situation. The supply of medicine for so many people is still waiting for him to solve it.

Shang Kun soon came to the altar, and seeing Ye Chen sitting cross-legged inside, the pressure became more and more intense, and it was even difficult for others to enter because of him.

Shang Kun glanced again, confirmed that Ye Chen had reached the limit, and walked over without hesitation, he wanted to force Ye Chen out.

Walking to the side of the altar, his gestures changed, and as his gestures changed, the runes in the formation also showed different formations at this moment, and the change of the formations, the pressure in the altar also followed changing.

Seeing this scene, other people looked at Shang Kun with admiration in their eyes. Among these people, Shang Kun is the one who has studied these runes most thoroughly. Now, only he can run the formation. , to change the array of the formation, thereby affecting the operation of the formation.

Following the changes in these runes, Ye Chen, who was sitting there cross-legged, had a displeased face.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." Ye Chen said to everyone through voice transmission with his spiritual sense.

At this moment, other people are also paying attention here.

"Mr. Ye, please abide by the rules and regulations. Since you plan to understand all these things, why rush for a while?" Shang Kun said to Ye Chen.

"In a hurry?" Ye Chen's voice suddenly became sharp.

"I've never been anxious about my cultivation. What worries me the most is you guys. After so long, you haven't made any progress. In such a situation, shouldn't people be anxious? The most important thing is that you guys are so worried about this I don’t feel guilty at all, and I even take it for granted that so many people seem to be working hard here, but in fact, many people are just wasting resources here.”

Ye Chen said a lot at once, even, mercilessly, every sentence pierced his heart!

When Shang Kun and the others heard this, their faces were filled with anger!

The comprehension of formation runes has never been completed overnight, nor can it be rewarded in a hurry. Now, these words of Ye Chen are tantamount to completely negating their work.

"Since Mr. Ye thinks that the Japanese are wasting time and resources here, please ask Mr. Ye to learn more and teach us how to do it." Someone said with a sneer.

Even Shang Kun, who was very worried about Ye Chen's safety, was unwilling to do anything more at this time. Ye Chen's words just now included him.

"I've heard for a long time that the head of the Army Guard is not a good character to deal with. I didn't expect it to be so difficult. On the first day, he should give us shame and criticize us as worthless!"

"I think he is arrogant. Fortunately, we are not under his jurisdiction. Otherwise, I don't know what to embarrass us."

"Then we don't have to worry too much, just watch here and see what he can comprehend after staying in it for so long." Others were also aroused at this time, and wanted to give Ye Chen a Big counterattack.

Shang Kun's face was not very good-looking, but seeing that his own people were like this, he couldn't say anything more, after all, Ye Chen's words were too hurtful. If you don't seek justice for yourself today, I'm afraid that in the future, if you want to allocate more resources, it will all depend on their faces.

Thinking of this, he stood there with his arms folded, no longer in a hurry.

"Let's go in later when he really can't stay inside." Shang Kun said to himself.

Others were also watching here, in fact, they were all waiting to see Ye Chen's joke.

However, six hours have passed, and there is still no movement in the altar, and even those runes are flickering, Ye Chen looked a little stressed, and there were beads of sweat on his face, but now, all of this has disappeared, even, I feel calm in it, without any pressure.

Finally, after sitting withered for six hours, Ye Chen moved!

He stretched out his arm and reached towards the rune.

"What is he going to do?"

"Moving the runes indiscriminately will disturb the operation of the formation!"

"If he destroys the formation rashly, he won't be able to pay the responsibility at all!" Someone couldn't help scolding after seeing Ye Chen's action.

Even Shang Kun clenched his fists, looking a little nervous, and even wanted to rush in to stop Ye Chen completely.

However, Ye Chen's next move completely stunned them!

I saw that Ye Chen was touching the void with his hand, and purple symbols flowed out from his fingertips, and the flowing trajectories changed into runes one by one!

After these runes came out, they merged with the runes on the altar without any repulsion or... abnormality!

"What... what's going on here?"

"What did he just do?"

"Is he drawing runes?"

Shang Kun looked at the rune that was integrated into it, and his whole body was a little crazy, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"He is drawing runes to stabilize the altar." Shang Kun said with a shocked expression.

Before comprehending runes in the altar, the consumption was not as huge as it is now. Later, with the increase in the number of people and the prolongation of time, some runes were partially obliterated, resulting in the leakage of the formation, which made it more difficult to comprehend. Now, with the influx of these runes, Shang Kun felt that the leakage The feeling is completely gone!

He is replenishing the formation, has he fully comprehended?

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