Urban Drama: After The Divorce, Bao Jing Became Stronger

Chapter 26 A Clear Signal, Star Fruit Is The Hardest To Deal With!

After get off work time,

I picked up the cool and beautiful Xu Hongdou at the usual place and headed to the dining area.

In the co-pilot, Xu Hongdou was a little dull and unhappy.

"You were cooked, what happened?"

"Yes, I was cooked today!"

Xu Hongdou pouted: "A Hong Kong businessman has settled in, showing off his power, shouting and drinking."

"It's a lot of work and annoying. It's very difficult to maintain."

The complaints are just minor complaints about work.

Lin Xiao smiled mysteriously and pointed at his big face.

"Come here and give me a kiss, and I'll teach you how to deal with it in the future."


"You must keep it true, kiss it quickly, and make it loud."

Xu Hongdou was doubtful, but still leaned over and took a sip.

It was just a kiss on the face, almost no shame.

"As agreed, you hurry up and teach me."

"Haha, it's actually very simple."

After smiling, Lin Xiao turned serious.

"Listen carefully. Next time you meet a similar customer, just tell him to get lost!"

Oops, I was deceived,

As a service industry, can we treat customers like this?

Xu Hongdou rolled his eyes, wanting to hit him but worried that it would affect his driving.

"Injury to the enemy is 800, damage to yourself is 10,000, the hotel doesn't want it anymore?"

Lin Xiao's expression remained unchanged: "Industry management is not about constant tolerance."

"For example, guests who are unreasonable, think they are superior to others, and are arrogant and domineering."

"Just tell him to get lost. He won't receive or serve him."

"Service staff respect guests, and they also need respect from guests."

"And tolerance does not necessarily lead to peace of mind."

"On the contrary, guests will become more arrogant and unscrupulous."

As he spoke, Lin Xiao raised a finger.

"Anyway, remember, there is no need to endure it anymore."

"Even if the hotel closes down, the remaining buildings will still be worth 600 to 700 million."

"I guarantee that you won't be hungry in the future, and you will be able to live the rest of your life comfortably."

I heard it clearly and was very touched.

I would rather the hotel close down than let myself be wronged.

At this moment, Xu Hongdou wanted to take the initiative to kiss her, and she wanted to kiss someone's mouth that could move people.

She wanted to add something if necessary.

In fact, she doesn't really care what kind of life she leads!



In a relatively dark space,

Lin Xiao wanted to pinch her leg, but Xu Hongdou defended and refused to pinch her.

So we spent more than ninety minutes enjoying each other's offense and defense.

As for what the movie is about?

Lin Xiao is like Zhu Bajie eating human fruit,

My eyes are watching, but there is not even a trace of memory in my mind!

The point is, he gained a lot from a movie.

When the movie ended, he and Xu Hongdou had their fingers intertwined.

Familiar routine, same recipe.

It’s absolutely the same as watching the basketball game with Star Tao yesterday!

"I have arrived,"

"Wait a minute, why don't you invite me to sit here today?"

Xu Hongdou unbuckled his seat belt and leaned forward to give her a kiss.

Then he opened the door and got out of the car, smiling happily.

"The house is very messy. I'll ask you to come up after I clean it up in a few days."

"In a few days, how many days exactly?"

"Gee, you can figure it out for yourself, bye."

The beautiful figure disappeared, and Lin Xiao showed a knowing smile.

Go up and sit down, the charm is very obvious.

After a few days, it became a clear signal.

There is no doubt that his strategy over the past two days has been fruitful.

It only takes a few days for the beauty to be put into the bowl.

"Life is unpredictable, the big intestine wraps around the small intestine."

"I never thought that Carambola would become the most difficult one to deal with!"

With emotion, Lin Xiao started the car and took the old road.

I deliberately stopped at the entrance of the alley to see if I could meet the interesting He Xiaojun.

It's a pity that we didn't meet again.

I don't care, I don't force anything, and I don't know how to send messages.

Cullinan restarted and Lin Xiao pondered again.

"Mi Xiaomi has said it first. It can be done in the past, but it will resolutely resist the use of force."

"MMP, are you going to sleep alone tonight?"

"Oh no, there's another one!"

Driving alone, edit and send messages on the right hand...

Zhen Xin’s house,

She dressed up beautifully, and it was almost nine o'clock when she opened the door.

"Xinxin, what are you doing in the middle of the night?"

"Mom, just manage Zhen well and leave me alone!"

Huh, girls are outgoing, but they are not as good as sons.

Wait, put on makeup, and it’s already nine o’clock.

Could it be that the famous flower has a master and a boyfriend?

Thinking of this, Liu Huirong quickly went to the wing and knocked on the door.

"Hello Zhen, your sister might..."

"The man is dead, please burn incense."

Liu Huirong was upset, but she could only go back to the house!

Wangfujing Hotel,

Same floor, same executive suite.

The same handsome guy who has been here several times has been replaced by a different beauty.

The waiters were so commonplace that I didn't find anything strange.

But I feel that rich people are so good, they can experience happiness that ordinary people can't get in their lifetime!

At the same time, I wish the handsome guy a long and healthy life with his big waist.

Come more and increase your income.

Don't talk about it all night,

The next day, three poles were raised,

When Lin Xiao left and went to E International.

Zhen Xin was still sleeping soundly, and she had obviously been beaten even more viciously than Mi Xiaomi.

There is no doubt that Lin Xiao has become stronger again.

Because the gold steel kidney is just a gift,

The real determinants of force value are strength and physical strength.

On the other hand, if only the Golden Steel Kidney is not enough, the White Tower will be broken if the strength and stamina are too weak!

CBD business district, Jinmao Tower.

The 27th, 28th and 29th floors all belong to E International Public Relations Company.

At 9:30 in the morning, Lin Xiao arrived at his company.

There is really no arrangement, there are only two front desks in sight.

"Hello sir, may I ask what your name is?"

"Ah, my surname is Lin."

The young lady at the front desk smiled sweetly: "Lin Xiao?"

Seeing the nod, the young lady immediately walked out of the front desk and saluted.

"Hello, big boss, I'm Du Lala at the front desk."

"Mr. Rong has already told me that I will be responsible for guiding you to any corner of the company."

Du Lala?

The system didn't prompt, it must just be the same name.

But it is undeniable that the Du Lala in front of her is more youthful and beautiful.

The front desks of public relations companies are almost all responsible for good looks.

Don't get me wrong, Lin Xiao has no intention of imposing workplace rules.

After all, there are thousands of beauties, and he can't possibly want them all.

The key point is that Du Lala is still young and not as mature and charming as Yan Ruyu!

"No problem, show me around first."

"Okay, big boss, please..."

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