Urban Drama: After The Divorce, Bao Jing Became Stronger

Chapter 35 Xu Hongdou: Is It A Formal Confession?

(The collection has exceeded the number of flowers. I beg the bosses to give it a try!)

At about one o'clock in the afternoon,

Yan Ruyu was shocked to see Zhen Xin leaving tremblingly.

After two hours, is the boss still a human being?

Speaking of Cao Cao, Cao Cao immediately appeared.

Lin Xiao came out of the office with a glowing face.

"have you eaten?"

"Boss, are you not full yet?"

The charm is obvious, Lin Xiao winked: "If you are included, it can barely be regarded as an appetizer."

"Tch, the wind is strong, don't move your waist!"

"Don't believe it? Don't leave today, we will fight until dawn!"

Yan Ruyu rolled her eyes, turned around and raised her hand.

"Hurry up and eat. Eat more beef and replenish your body."

Haha, I don’t need to replenish my body.

Golden steel kidney, never dry up

After dinner,

After replenishing the consumed power,

Lin Xiao drove Chen Jiayu to Happy Valley to have fun.

I can't help it, I'm just so busy every day.

As a happy person, time is simply not enough!

at the same time,

In the executive suite of Wangfujing Hotel,

As soon as He Xiaojun got up and washed up, his cell phone rang.

It’s Feng Zhihao’s number.

Hang up immediately and block him decisively.

Done in one go, without any sloppiness.

In front of the sink,

He Xiaojun couldn't believe it, he was stunned by his own operation.

"Without any entanglement or regret, how could I have become like this?"

"Is it just that... the soul has been conquered?"

"It should, probably be the only reasonable explanation."

"Cut the past clean and welcome a new beginning."

In an instant, He Xiaojun smiled like a flower.

Looking at Li Ren in the mirror, the old self is back.

Beauty blooms, confidence overflows,

Instead of worrying about gains and losses, delicate flowers are the most beautiful.

"Hey, transfer one million, does this start?"

"She is as beautiful as jade from head to toe?"

"He is capable of saying sweet words that are not as good as those of a horse!"

After washing up,

He Xiaojun took the bag and left the room beautifully.

Go choose a car first and choose one you like.

Then go home to have dinner and share the joy with your mother.

An IT company,

Chen Qizhong is busy,

When I received a message, I was immediately disappointed.

The message was short, only a few words.

Sorry, we're not suitable, that's it.

When he wanted to send a message and ask what was going on.

The bright red exclamation mark indicates that he has been blocked!


Six o'clock in the evening, time to get off work.

Saw Cullinan parked at the same spot,

Xu Hongdou was very happy, but she didn't show it on her face.

"Pouting, the little fairy was cooked by the guests again?"

"Humph, I was cooked by you."

Xu Hongdou resented: "Yesterday, you let me down, so I wore high heels and squeezed into the subway!"

That's it?

Are you stupid?

"If I still have something to do today, are you going to continue taking the subway?"

Xu Hongdou's eyes flickered,

She wants to say yes, so I'll spoil myself to see who feels bad.

However, she was too coquettish and couldn't say it out loud.

"I'm not stupid, I will take a taxi home."

"Haha, you are really smart!"

The next second, Lin Xiao said seriously: "You have a driver's license, can I buy you a car?"

"Ah, what's my relationship with you? Why do I want your car?"

"Of course they are a couple, what do you think?"

Xu Hongdou narrowed his eyes: "Are you officially confessing to me?"


"Stop," Xu Hongdouyan smiled: "I understand, I'm very satisfied."

"But it will take a few days before I can give you an answer."

"Because it's too fast, I need a little time buffer."

"Besides, the house is still very messy and I haven't cleaned it yet."

Same rhetoric as the day before yesterday, no problem.

In fact, Lin Xiao really has no intention of showing off today.

Everything is just a flurry of words, just a coincidence!

"Okay, let's go eat."

The vehicle started, Xu Hongdou thought for a while and said:

"I'll work the late shift tomorrow, so don't send me off."

"Even if I wanted to send it away, I probably wouldn't have time!"

"Oh, I haven't asked yet, what were you busy with yesterday?"

"I acquired E International Public Relations Company and have been busy these past two days."

So that’s it, no wonder I didn’t see the shadow yesterday.

The doubts were cleared, and Xu Hongdou calmed down.

Lin Xiao felt very proud, he was becoming more and more an actor and actor.

Now you can lie without blinking an eye.

Although it is very shameless and unmanly.

But for now, it is the best way to deal with it.

"By the way, my best friend will come to meet you at the end of the month in two days."

"No problem. I can go to the hall and go to the kitchen, so I won't embarrass you."

Xu Hongdou rolled her eyes: "I am twenty-nine years old, seven months older than you!"

"It doesn't matter your age, even if you are a hundred years old, I will still be your loving brother!"

E International,

Ding Lan and Jin Xiaoni held hands and got off work happily.

Compared with the jumping Ding Lan,

Jin Xiaoni's mood obviously deteriorated a lot.

Because today, she wore beautiful clothes from the bottom of the box.

Sleeveless blouse, tutu skirt, strappy high-heeled sandals.

I put on delicate light makeup, hoping to show my most beautiful self.

However, after keeping watch all afternoon, not even Lin Xiao's shadow could be seen!

"Come back to your senses and we'll see you tomorrow."

"Ok, I know."

Ding Lan rolled his eyes: "Then I'm still here to guard you. Are you tired?"

Jin Xiaoni said brightly: "I'm here to protect clients, it's not the same thing."

Absolutely ruthless person who even favors himself!

"I'm going back to school, do you want to come with me?"

"Don't go back yet, come with me to buy some new clothes."

Ding Lan: "...."

It started to rain lightly at night,

Mi Xiaomi's home is full of affection.

the next day,

After Lin Xiao finished breakfast and left,

Wang Shuhua knocked on the door and urged Mi Xiaomi to get up quickly.

"What time is it? Aren't you going to work today?"

"Mom, can you let me sleep more?"

"Huh, you two didn't let me sleep well last night!"

After a while, the room door opened,

Mi Xiaomi yawned again and again and rolled her eyes.

"I'll move out in a few days, so I won't disturb your sleep, okay?"

"Then thank you, and move out quickly!"

"Oh, are you still my biological mother?"

"Daughter, you paid for the phone bill as a gift in the first place!"

Okay, too lazy to continue.

My own mother is known as an expert in quarreling and is a national-level argumentative athlete.

It is by no means a wasted reputation, and I deeply admire him.

"Hurry up, wash up, and go to work after eating."

"Mom, I'm working on a plan at home today."

Wang Shuhua was surprised: "What plan?"

Mi Xiaomi was proud: "Plan to acquire my company."

"Your precious son-in-law promises that as long as the plan is reasonable and feasible, he will pay for it."

Wang Shuhua was confused: "So?"

"Gee, if the acquisition is successful, your daughter will be the editor-in-chief."

"Ah, this is good, I support it with both hands and feet..."

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