Urban Drama: After The Divorce, Bao Jing Became Stronger

Chapter 4 Mi Xiaomi: It’S Been A Long Time!

Dining room,

Yang Tao stayed depressed and watched Lin Xiao show off her rice.

"This meal costs more than four thousand, are you sure you don't want to eat some?"

"Sorry sir, I can only accompany you, but I can't use chopsticks."

Professional ethics?

A little regretful, but also very happy!

"Ex-girlfriend, how old are you?"

Yang Tao rolled his eyes: "Mr. Lin, it is very impolite to ask a woman's age in China."

I understand, but I want to find out!


"Mr. Lin, you are like this, I am going to be angry!"

Haha, the angry look is also endearing.

"Smile, what does your current boyfriend do?"

Speechless, intoxicated,

Are all American imperialists and overseas Chinese so shameless?

If it weren't for the worry of being complained, Yang Tao would really be too lazy to respond.

"It has been divided, but not now."

"Oh, so there is still a chance for us to get back together?"

"Please Mr. Lin, please don't make such a joke!"

How can we build closer relationships without being fancy?

Lin Xiaoquan pretended not to hear, and continued to ramble while showing off his rice.

For half an hour, the star fruit was about to explode.

After watching Lin Xiao being taken into the elevator, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"So annoying, but not disgusting, what's going on?"

At this time, I was tapped on the shoulder. It was Xiaoqiu, the waiter.

"Sister Yang, I think the handsome guy just now was very attentive, so why don't you just accept it?"

"You are everywhere, so hurry up and get to work."

Yang Tao drove away with a smile, but there were ripples in her heart.

One mouthful of an ex-girlfriend, and she was called for half an hour.

It is simply impossible to remain indifferent!


In the executive suite,

One master and one guest, plus a separate study room.

At 5,888 yuan per day, it’s not expensive.

Lin Xiao was leaning on the comfortable sofa, thinking about the star fruit he met by chance.

"Thirty-two years old, the plot has just begun."

"Carambola hates getting married and wants to get married very much."

"Her mother is worried about getting married, which is far more terrifying than Mi Xiaomi's mother."

"Mi Xiaomi is full of youth and looks hard to hit."

"Star fruit is different, it has a lot of room for manipulation!"

If you want to eat peaches, you must be proactive and diligent.

For the sake of system reward, there is no shame in giving it a temporary lick.

After all, he is far from being a boss.

Not even so handsome that it would make people cry.

Currently, I just want to sit back and wait to be fucked by the heroine, but it’s simply not going to happen!

"Set a small goal and get the star fruit first."

"Look at how generous the abalone reward is."

The initial capital is only 5 million, and the use will be less.

If the system rewards water very much, Lin Xiao might cry!

The next second, he took out his mobile phone and typed on the prestige interface.

"Xiaomi, what are you doing?"

"My lady is sleeping, huh."

"Wow, I can sleep with you, I promise there will be no charge."

"Show off your big snot bubbles and get out!"

He often swears,

Quite inconsistent with appearance and career.

Wait, if you are hit by brother Bao, you will immediately kneel down and sing Conquer!

Lin Xiao continued typing: "I just arrived in China and have nothing to offer."

"I want to buy some clothes and supplies, and I want to apply for the escort of a beautiful girl."

Mi Xiaomi: "I don't have time. My mother called and asked me to go home quickly."

An excuse?

Lin Xiao tempted: "I am not familiar with the place, so I can accompany you for a fee."

"Go away, I really don't have time, let's talk back."

Come on, it doesn’t seem to be an excuse.

Unfortunately, I can only go shopping by myself!


In an old house,

Mi Xiaomi sat on the sofa, crossing her white and tender legs.


Mi's mother, Wang Shuhua, was pointing at her nose and questioning.

"Tell me the truth, where did your temporary boyfriend come from?"

"Mom, watch your words, we've been fine for a long time."

Hey, who are you fooling?

I eat more salt than you eat rice!

Wang Shuhua curled her lips: "Do you think I believe it or not?"

Mi Xiaomi shrugged: "That's true, believe it or not."

"Damn girl, do you want to make me angry to death?"

Wang Shuhua was angry: "Before you came back, your Aunt Wang scolded me for half an hour."

"I sprayed two pounds of saliva. Do you know how I survived?"

"To tell you the truth, I can only apologize to your mother!"

Hearing this, Mi Xiaomi really wanted to say something,

You brought it all on yourself, do you blame me?

"Mom, I have a boyfriend, please don't make arrangements for me in the future..."

"Shut up!"

Wang Shuhua angrily scolded: "I don't know whether you have a boyfriend or not?"

"Kissing people in public, do you still want to get married in the future?"

"Tell me, where did you hire the impostor from?"

Facing the three questions of the soul,

Mi Xiaomi opened her mouth, who knew the depression in her heart?

This lady is forced to do so.

This lady didn’t react at all.

This lady is innocent!

"Mom, I am already twenty-five years old. Can I tell you everything?"

"Do I need to report to you if I'm intimate with my boyfriend?"

Nonsense, I'm an old woman and I can't listen to love.

Wang Shuhua's tone softened: "Mom hopes you can get married soon."

"Mom doesn't want you to become a leftover girl by picking and choosing."

"Looking at the neighbors, a lot of old girls in their thirties are left at home!"

"Well, you really have a boyfriend?"

Haha, the last sentence is the key point, right?

Mi Xiaomi smiled and nodded: "As I said just now, we have been fine for a while."

Wang Shuhua didn't believe it and had ten thousand doubts.

"How old is this guy? What does he do? Where are he from?"

"I agreed in advance that my family is poor and I firmly disagree."

You know, you want money, that’s what that guy said!

Mi Xiaomi held her head high, "Twenty-eight years old, American imperialist and overseas Chinese,"

"I just returned to China to start a business, and my family gave me several hundred million in start-up capital."

Nonsense, too fake!

Wang Shuhua rolled her eyes: "If you are really that good, can people like you?"

Oh my god, are you still my mother?

Mi Xiaomi was depressed: "What's wrong with your daughter?"

"Look at this face, it's fair, delicate and supple."

"Look at this figure. It's not an exaggeration to describe her grace as outstanding, right?"

"Look at these white legs, which one can't be played for a few years?"

That's outrageous. What are you talking about?

Wang Shuhua's eyes wandered wildly for a while.

"Then call the person over here, and Mom will grow eyes herself..."

(Please give me flowers, please give me comments, please give me feedback!)

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