Urban Drama: After The Divorce, Bao Jing Became Stronger

Chapter 40 The Love Brain Has Gone Crazy, And There Is Currently No Cure!

Facing the pitiful eyes, Lin smiled and shook his head.

"I've been very busy lately, so busy that I have no friends."

"The courtyard needs to be renovated, and I don't have time to take care of it."

"In this case, you can be my personal assistant."

"Is it okay to take charge of some trivial matters and temporarily connect with the design and decoration teams?"

Xiang Zhen jumped up instantly, his face full of surprise and surprise.

"Brother Lin, are you kidding me?"

Playing is a given, playing is absolutely not possible.

"I think too much, I'm not that bored yet."


"Just like your name, absolute fidelity."

Great, I am so happy,

Xiang Zhenyuan had a convulsion, as if he suddenly had a cerebral thrombosis.

Qian Beibei rolled her eyes, folded her arms and looked at Lin Xiao.

"Mr. Lin, please be pragmatic. How to calculate salary?"

"The monthly salary is tentatively set at 20,000 yuan. Can it include room and board?"

Qian Beibei's beautiful eyes bulged and she thought of the bad aspects.

Ding Lan's eyes widened. His internship salary was only four thousand!

Yu Hui couldn't believe it. What's wrong with such a high salary?

Only Jin Xiaoni was surprised.

"The monthly salary of 20,000 yuan has exceeded that of ordinary white-collar workers and has reached the level of senior white-collar workers."

“And it also includes room and board, which can save a lot of money!”

At this time, Xiang Zhen stopped convulsing and said, "What are you talking about?"

Qian Beibei patted his forehead, he was simply defeated by the crazy girl!

"Mr. Lin promised a monthly salary of 20,000 yuan including room and board. Do you accept it?"

"Ah, thank you Brother Lin for your appreciation and gift. I will definitely accept it."

Qian Beibei opened his mouth,

Thousands of words were stuck in my throat and I couldn't say them out.

The next second, Xiang Zhen blinked: "Brother Lin, where is my dormitory?"

"I just returned to China not long ago and I haven't purchased any more properties yet."

Lin Xiao pondered: "Currently, we have ten suites in Shuxiang Yayuan."

"Housing in a school district is an investment."

"The key is in Dongcheng. The distance is too far and it's not suitable for a dormitory."

"So you choose to rent one, and I will reimburse you the rent."

It was too good to say anything, and Xiang Zhen had no reason to refuse.

The matter is settled like this, whoever regrets it will have a grandson.

Qian Beibei was speechless, looked at the time and said, "It's half past seven, it's time to end."

"Mr. Lin, are you eating well and full?"

"It's been a great pleasure and honor for me today."

While speaking, Lin Xiao looked at Qian Beibei.

"I see that Miss Qian is not short of money. Do you want to treat me to this meal?"

"Why should I invite you to the thank you banquet?"

Qian Beibei rolled her eyes: "Xiao Ni, hurry up and pay the bill."

"Haha, just kidding, I'm the only man, I must be responsible for paying the bill."

After saying this, Lin Xiao stood up and went to the cashier.

Qian Beibei picked up the bag and said, "Look, let's go!"

seven thirty,

The sky has just darkened,

Outside the hot pot restaurant,

Xiang Zhen accepted the key to the courtyard and once again expressed his sincere gratitude.

"Brother, where should I go to sign a contract with you tomorrow?"

"I'm too busy, not necessarily. Just let Zhenzhen sign for me."

"Brother Lin, can I do it?"

"As my personal assistant, I have no problem authorizing you."

It's done, Xiang Zhen is happy, and Jin Xiaoni is even happier.

"Brother Lin, goodbye."

"Okay, go back. Goodbye."

"Brother, see you every day..."

After watching Cullinan disappear, Jin Xiaoni turned around resentfully.

"Beibei, why do you keep poking me?"

"Silly Baitian, I'm saving you!"

Qian Beibei looked like she hated iron and was angry at him.

"What charm does he have that can make you fascinated?"

Jin Xiaoni put her fists on her chin, her eyes full of love.

"Mature, handsome, upright and mighty, super manly, isn't that enough?"

There is no refutation of the above, the person named Lin does have a good skin.

"Even if you feel happy, you should be more reserved, right?"

As he spoke, Qian Beibei stretched out his finger and poked Jin Xiaoni's forehead repeatedly.

"Look at you just now, you were just sitting on his lap and feeding him."

"Please missy, you are still a girl."

"Don't act like you've never seen a man before, can you act like he's worthless?"

Jin Xiaoni pouted, stepped aside, and hugged Ding Lan's arm.

"What do you want to be reserved about?"

“When you meet the one man you like, you have to move forward bravely.”

"And he is still Lan Lan and I's superhero."

"According to the rules of the world, we should both commit ourselves to each other, right Lan Lan?"

Ding Lan was helpless: "Yes, you are wrong, but you are indeed too slimy!"

"So what? Anyway, I don't think there's any problem."

Come on, your love brain is crazy, and there is currently no cure!

Qian Beibela pulled towards Zhen, "You're still giggling, it's your turn."

"Yeah, what's wrong with me?"

Qian Beibei scorned: "The generous treatment, don't you feel hot on your body?"

Hearing this, Xiang Zhen fell silent.

She's not stupid, how could she not notice it!

"Beibei, I understand what you mean."

"But I am willing to jump in because it is the only life-saving straw at the moment."

"Otherwise I should consider returning to my hometown."

"I don't want to go back to my hometown to get married and have children at a young age."

"I can have another life. I want to win."

Seeing Qian Beibei looking heartbroken.

Xiang Zhen smiled calmly: "Your family has excellent conditions, and you have many choices."

"I can't, there is no way out..."

Qian Beibei interrupted: "Don't you yearn for pure love?"

"Don't you give up all your ideals and pursuits?"

Xiang Zhen is miserable, even despised in some directions.

"Beibei, you can talk while standing and your back won't hurt."

"You are noble because you have the support of your family."

"If survival is a problem, will you still consider pure love?"

"Even with the support of your family, have your dreams been realized?"

"Working in a bank, when will you become a strong business woman?"

As he spoke, Xiang Zhen shrugged and laughed again.

"Besides, I have experienced pure love."

"It's so pure that we only hold hands, not even a kiss."

"The key is that that piece of shit disappeared without saying a word."

"Now tell me, what is the meaning of such pure love?"

Enough, enough has been said.

To despise, even if you despise.

He was so poor that he even disliked dogs.

If you want to win now, there's nothing wrong with it. Just do whatever you want.

(Thank you again for your support with monthly tickets and flowers!)

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