Urban Drama: After The Divorce, Bao Jing Became Stronger

Chapter 56 You Might Go In, You Might Get Shot!

Two o'clock in the afternoon,

The weather becomes cloudy and overcast,

But the indescribable sweltering heat is a precursor to the coming wind and rain.

Lin Xiao walked into a coffee shop.


"I'm sorry, I'm not late, right?"

"Brother, we are here early. My name is Jiao Yang, and I am Tao Zi's hair boy."

"Hello, I'm Lin Xiao."

"My name is Lan Weiwei, and I am Tao Zi's best friend."

"Hello Miss Lan, my name is Lin Xiao."

They shook hands as well, but felt their palms were scratched.

Damn it, are you so bold?

Lin Xiao remained calm, but secretly sighed at Lan Weiwei's greatness.

She has a first-class face and is a model of natural beauty.

Excellent figure, blessed with great stature.

Wearing a pure white dress, her enchanting look is about to burst.

The body is not thin, but it is as fat as it should be.

Yang Tao smiled sweetly and said, "Sit down quickly, they just want to join in the fun."

After hearing this, Jiao Yang quit.

"Taozi, you can't just step on your child like crazy when you have a boyfriend!"

"Shut up now and I'll beat you!"

He treated Jiao Yang fiercely, but turned to face Lin Xiao with a smile.

"What flavor do you want to drink?"

Lin Xiao didn't answer, picked up Carambola's cup and took a sip.

"The peach flavor is very sweet, which is my favorite flavor."

"Oh, how could you do this?"

Yang Tao scolded and instantly felt his face burning hot.

Looking at Jiao Yang again, he gave a decisive thumbs up.

This guy is really good at teasing, and he's very thick-skinned and not shy.

It’s no wonder that in a short period of time, your hair can be lifted up to the point of ecstasy.

At this moment, Lan Weiwei smiled and said, "Handsome guy, it's hard to date you!"

MMP, the little girl is starting to cause trouble.

Lin Xiao has accumulated many clever tricks to deal with fairies like her.

Being indifferent and aloof, being a domineering president is almost a sure-fire move!

"I've been so busy lately that I haven't even thought about peaches."

"Really, what are you busy with?"

"Acquisition of companies and shares, sorting out company personnel, etc."

Lan Weiwei was noncommittal: "To be more specific, what companies and shares have been acquired?"

At this time, Yang Tao rolled his eyes: "Weiwei, it's almost done."

Jiao Yang helped: "Yes, I am the big boss..."

Lan Weiwei interrupted: "I'm helping Taozi check the post, why are you making fun of me?"

Sister, are you on duty inspection?

Even if the mother-in-law checks her household registration, she doesn’t do it like this, right?

At this moment, Lin Xiao’s expression was indifferent,

The hands under the table directly grasped Carambola's big white legs.

Today she was wearing apricot knitted chiffon and white shorts.

The outfit is very elegant and at least looks young.

Speaking of being suddenly attacked, Star Tao did not complain and slapped it away.

It's just a wink, you really know how to choose the time and place.

Lin Xiaoquan pretended not to see it and said calmly: "It doesn't matter, it's not a trade secret."

"Recently, it wholly acquired E International, 30% of the shares of Yanan Tourism Group, and 10% of the shares of China Eastern Airlines Group."

"But fortunately, currently only E International needs to be deeply cultivated."

Lan Weiwei was dumbfounded, how could he play such a big role?

Yang Tao was also shocked. Lin Xiao had never revealed this to her before.

Jiao Yang was frightened and said: "Brother, how much does this cost?"

"It's more than 10 billion, I haven't calculated the details yet."

A generation of kings was born.

Because this Bobby’s pretense has definitely reached a new level!

After a long time, Lan Weiwei came back to his senses: "Is it true or false?"

Faced with doubts, Lin Xiao shrugged.

"The legal person of E International has been changed, and others can also be queried."

"You can never fool anyone with this kind of thing, what do you think, Miss Lan?"

I want to say, can you give up the star fruit and let me come?

Lan Weiwei was so intoxicated that his desire to cut off his beard increased ten thousand times!

At this time, Yang Tao also came back to his senses.

"Order some desserts, he's a treat today."

Jiao Yang winked: "Who is he?"

"You're the only one who talks too much. Do you want to eat?"

"You have to eat it. My mother can't stop her even when she comes. The waiter..."


Xu Hongdou’s home,

The space is small but cozy.

On the sofa, Xu Hongdou was sitting in shorts.

Lin Xiao lay on her lap, watching TV with her comfortably.

"Husband, your phone is on."

"I saw it, but I don't want to talk to him."

"Oh, who is it?"

"The doctor in the emergency department of the hospital wants to ask me for medical advice."

Hearing this, Xu Hongdou patted his forehead and watched TV inadvertently.

After lowering his head and taking a sip, Lin Xiao's eyes flashed with hope.

"Husband, your medical skills are so amazing, can you help Nan Xing?"

"Sister, I studied Chinese medicine and am not good at operating a knife."

"Oh, can't Chinese medicine treat tumor lesions?"

Of course it can, and it is far more powerful than Western medicine.

As early as more than a thousand years ago, Bian Que advocated opening Cao Cao's skull for treatment.

However, Cao Cao was afraid, thinking that Bian Que was being ordered to harm him.

If he could listen to Bian Que and accept treatment,

Not to mention that history will be rewritten, Cao Cao can at least live a few more years!

"Don't make trouble, it's not the same thing."

"Oh, what's that about?"

Hearing this, Lin Xiao turned around and poked Xu Hongdou's smooth forehead with his fingers.

"You only think about your best friend, why don't you think about your husband?"

"Oh, where did you go?"

Xu Hongdou obviously didn't understand, and Lin Xiao had to explain.

"First of all: I am not qualified to practice medicine,"

"If you take action, you will need to bear legal responsibility."

"It's cured, I might go in."

"If it can't be cured, I might get shot."

"Secondly: if it's cured, it will definitely cause a sensation."

"When the time comes, various organizations, various seminars, and people from all walks of life will come to me for treatment."

"Just asking in that situation, would I still be alive?"

Yes, everything you said makes sense.

Medical qualifications restrict traditional Chinese medicine and even kill the inheritance of traditional Chinese medicine!

"Husband, I'm sorry, I was wrong."

"No need to apologize, long live understanding."

"Yeah, hubby, you are so kind."

"Right, then do you want to go to bed early?"

"You're dead, just carry me back to the house."

"As commanded, husband, arise..."

The next morning,

When Lin Xiao left, Xu Hongdou was still awake.

The situation is obvious and everyone understands it.

E International, boss's office.

Lin Xiao is relatively free today, concentrating on developing a little secretary.

There is no doubt that Ding Lan is already well-dressed.

Wearing a fashionable brand name, she is bright and beautiful.

A pair of straight white legs makes people feel comfortable just looking at them.

"Boss, the tea has gone cold,"

"It's still steaming and blowing."

Even though he is ready to drink, he still knows how to control and play tricks on himself!

Ding Lan had no choice but to continue.

Feeling aggrieved, feeling angry and resentful, it’s so interesting.

Just as Lin Xiao was enjoying it, his cell phone rang.

It's Yan Ruyu's number. Answer it immediately.

"It's me, I've seen the online news."

"Boss, the contract is completed and I am rushing to the airport to return."

"Thank you for your hard work. The boss will reward you when you come back."

"Giggle, are you going to reward me with several hundred million?"

Sure, but I won’t say it because there are people around.

Perhaps aware of it, Yan Ruyu changed the topic.

"Boss, please remember to read some information, and don't forget about the industry seminar tomorrow."

MMP, if you don’t remind me, you will really forget it...

(Please give me flowers and monthly tickets!)

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