In addition to these seven top masters, there are more than a hundred martial artists, who also meet.

However, they are not strong enough, so they can only meet privately to vent their dissatisfaction.

There is no way to make decisions like Hai Yin'er and others.

However, they are not willing to be passive.

They eat meat, drink wine, and humiliate the people of Zhongzhou.

"You must teach the people of Zhongzhou a lesson!"

"That Wang Quan, in the ring today, actually beat his opponent with his legs.

"It's not following the rules of martial arts. "

This kind of person is not qualified to participate in the fighting competition, why do the people above still let him advance?"

The person from the Sakura Empire rolled his eyes and said,

"This royal power is too hateful.

"The top is weak, but it doesn't mean that we are weak.

"No one is allowed to break the rules of martial arts.

"Whoever destroys, he will die." "

We must take out the king!"

the other fighters, after taking a big sip of beer, shouted,

"Kill the king!"


In a hidden corner of Haicheng:

a group of young people cover the gaps in the walls and windows with black cloth and mud mixed with straw to prevent the light from leaking out.

One by one, the energetic guys quietly entered the room, and then entered a basement.

In the basement, they passed through a secret passage and entered another basement.


Thirty-six youths, gathered in the dimly lit basement.

They gathered around a table, staring at the faint oil lamp above, silent.

When everyone arrived, a young man said in an enthusiastic voice

, "Fellow citizens, we will start from Haicheng and overthrow this decaying empire. "

The top of the empire is rotten, and they ....."


Young people tell about the decay of the empire, about the meanness of the top, about the misery of the people.

He appealed to his compatriots to rebel, and only by rebellion can there be a way out.

"During the day, that hero named Wang Quan brazenly trampled on the fighting rules established by the Eight Great Empires.

"Although he is the only one who has trampled on the rules of martial arts, this influence has quietly flowed in the hearts of all the people.

"One of our banners is the trampling spirit of royal power, and we will surely awaken the people.

Many young people nodded.

The young man continued:

"Tonight, we continue to help the poor, the suffering, and others who are having a hard time, those who are on the show.

"We expanded our influence little by little, and finally completely took control of Haicheng. "


While the royal power is in action, others are also in action.

The rebels want to control the hearts of the people and Haicheng from the grassroots level.

They help the weak and help the needy.

Expand your influence a little bit.

The martial artists of the Eight Great Empires, stimulated by beer, put on their fists wrapped in steel, and with open arms, they brought a large number of Haicheng soldiers and musketeers, and went straight to a hotel and a slum.

The Three Boates and James were murderous and went straight to the slums.

"This time, even if it is to set fire to the slums, find the king, and then kill him. "

Wait for tomorrow, put his head in the ring, and humiliate him in front of the Zhongzhou people. At

this time:

Wu Nanyu, who has a hotel, also began to act.

Dozens of loyal guards, dressed in heavy armor and armed with shields and maces, crowded around Wu Nanyu.

There are dozens of cannon fodder, carrying Jiaozi and carrying Wu Nanyu.

Thousands of demented-eyed cannon fodder, armed with kitchen knives, dung forks, flail for threshing grain and other farm tools, set off silently.

They are like Kuroshio, everywhere they pass along the way, the people they meet, all of them are forcibly arrested, and then stuffed into a pill to become new cannon fodder.

Wherever they pass, even a dog, join them.

The team is getting bigger and bigger.

Inside the house:

Ordinary people shivered with fear when they saw this scene.


the cannon fodder won't open the door, otherwise, they would have rushed to the house a long time ago, arrested them, and treated them as new friends.

Thousands of cannon fodder, silent, like a tide, swept and surging.

Soon, they met the martial artists.

At the moment of meeting, the martial artists of the Eight Great Empires were surprised.

The Haicheng soldiers were angry at first:

"Who are

you?" "It's so late, why don't you go home to sleep

?" "Do you want to die?"

If the Haicheng people had been so intimidated before, they would have trembled a long time ago.

Tonight, however

, they found that these people were moving on with a blank face.

Don't care about intimidation at all.

The Haicheng soldiers were furious.

"Lao Tzu doesn't dare to provoke the people of the Eight Great Empires, don't you dare to clean you up?"


he had barely taken two steps forward before he turned pale and retreated.


the cannon fodder on the opposite side is still moving forward expressionlessly.

Before everyone could react, several cannon fodder grabbed the soldier and forcibly stuffed him with a pill.

A pill was swallowed into his abdomen, and his life was determined by Wu Butian.

The cannon fodder without thinking, like a tide, wants to drown the soldiers of Haicheng.

It wasn't until dozens of soldiers were forced to swallow pills that the others reacted.

"Stand back!" "

Get out of here

!" "Kill!"

Roars, chaotic sounds, tearing through the silent night.

Some fighters frowned: "Are these people crazy?"

"Shoot, shoot them!"


, bang, bang,

the musketeers, shoot without hesitation."

In the next second, the smoke of gunpowder filled.

Lead bullets, even copper warheads, tore through the sky and stabbed the cannon fodder fiercely.


! Boom!

Bloody holes appeared on the cannon fodder.

However, in the next second, these blood holes healed quickly.

The cannon fodder is like a painless puppet, moving on and forcing the others to swallow the pills.

At this moment, even the musketeers were terrified.

"What is this?"

"They're not human, they're monsters. "

Hurry up!" the

musketeers, who did not have time to reload, turned and ran.

Many martial artists looked at each other, and there was a bold sneer,

"The monster that can't be killed?" "

I wonder if he will die under my steel fist?"

The steel hidden in the gloves blows a cannon fodder head.


fodder fell to the ground.

But, more cannon fodder rushed at the martial artist.


, bang,

bang, this

martial artist, cast butterfly steps, fast shuttle jump.



Twenty ....

One cannon fodder head by one was blown out.

Many martial artists thought that those cannon fodder would be afraid.


The remaining cannon fodder, still numb and fearless, rushed towards everyone.

It didn't take long for that martial artist to be surrounded by dense cannon fodder.

There was cannon fodder holding his arms, and cannon fodder holding his legs.

Soon, the martial artist was overwhelmed.

"Help me!" the

martial artist was horrified.

The other fighters looked at each other, and then they all rushed forward:

"Kill!" "Kill these monsters!"

"Let me see if it's their heads or my fists!".

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