Victor was stunned.

He knew that the royal power was arrogant.

Knowing that this man dares to break the rules, he doesn't care about the status of a foreigner in the Eight Great Empires, and he doesn't care about the so-called diplomatic disputes.

If you say kill, you kill.

Killing people is like hemp, like mowing grass, like slaughtering dogs.

However, he didn't expect that Wang Quan would dare to slaughter him.

Or in front of so many people, threaten him and slaughter him.

It's too much.

I came all the way to Zhongzhou to conquer, not to let you slaughter me!

He raised his hand and was about to give the order to shoot.

Heiner and others had mixed feelings.

Someone was happy: "It's great that someone doesn't care about Victor's identity and wants to slaughter him?" Someone

was furious: "What is Victor's identity?" "

Are you crazy?

"The king's power is invincible!"

"Only the king's power dares to rebel against all rules."

"Yes, why should foreigners be allowed to set the rules

?" Wu Nanyu shouted,

"Why should you listen to them?" "

Do they have a high status? Then kill them."

"Do they have guns? "

Kill.... Cannon fodder, kill them all for the old lady.

Wu Nanyu was excited.

At this moment, she wants to know more about the rules of the dungeon and the bottom line of the imprint than the royal power.

With her order, tens of thousands of cannon fodder, under the command of the maids and guards, rushed to the stands like a torrent.

A maid hesitated for a moment

and said, "Miss, didn't you say that you would wait until the king killed someone before

you did it?" "Why did you do it first now

?" Wu Nanyu pinched the maid's chest and chuckled

: "The old lady does things, can you teach her?"

The maid covered her chest and said aggrievedly: "But, since then, you are the mastermind."

Wu Nanyu smiled and said, "So what?" the

maid ......

Under the ring:

Li Shuwen and Gong Er were stunned.

They rolled up their sleeves and prepared to fight for fame and fortune for life and death.

As a result, before the action was made, the scene was chaotic.

At this moment, the two of them breathed a sigh of relief.

"Fame and fortune are good...... But, it's more important to be alive. The

two sighed and had mixed feelings.


In the stands, the officials of Haicheng were furious when they watched the cannon fodder rushing towards

the people of the Eight Great Empires: "Are you crazy?" "

If you dare to touch a single hair of the people of the Eight Great Empires, it is a great crime to punish the Nine Empires."

"No one is allowed to harm a foreigner, otherwise there will be no mercy." "

Stop. "


cannon fodder is not normal people.

They have no wisdom, they don't know what other people mean, they only know special commands.

They continued to charge.

Haicheng officials shouted:

"Wu Nanyu

, are you crazy?" "Even if you are crazy, you can't kill foreigners."

"If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the Wu family!"

"Stop, please, foreign lords are very noble, and they must not be harmed." However


Wu Nanyu didn't listen.

She is like a great general, commanding tens of thousands of people, rushing left and right:

"Hehe.... This is the big scene

!""I really want to see a river of blood


""Who in the world can't kill?"

Wu Nanyu was bold.

She dared to use drugs to control tens of thousands of people to be cannon fodder for the dead, what else did she care about?

"I thought I was crazy enough, but I didn't expect Wu Nanyu to be crazier than me!" his

eyes flashed:

"Wu Nanyu knew that she was not my opponent, so she deliberately sabotaged the ring match?"

"Or, is she testing the rules of the dungeon?"

"She's so bold."

"However, it's still not as good as

me!" Wang Quan's heart moved, pointed to Victor in the stands, and shouted:

"Rebels, hack him to death for me!" The

leader of the Black Sand Gang and others were originally afraid of foreigners.

Afraid of foreign lords.

However, with the support of the royal power, and seeing that Wu Nanyu's subordinates were not afraid of death, and seeing the people of the Eight Great Empires in the stands panicked, they were suddenly full of fighting spirit:


"Who in the world would not dare to kill?"

"Kill the high, and we will replace it." "

The woman with the scythe is the first to take the lead.

The little brothers under her command screamed and screamed, scrambling to be the first.

Messed up:

The whole ring match, complete chaos.

Hundreds of musketeers, daring to aim at the royal power with hundreds of muskets, will not even hesitate to shoot.

However, in the face of tens of thousands of dead cannon fodder, they were afraid.

Their hands trembled, and some even peed with fear.

Although the musket is strong, how many people can be killed?

Tens of thousands of people, can they kill them?

This is true of all martial artists:

they dare to wantonly kill dozens, even hundreds, of Zhongzhou people.

However, at this time, in the face of tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands, they collapsed.

Even a master like Hai Yin'er has weak legs.

Standing on the high platform, she saw:

tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, dense and boundless.

With the ring as the center, at a glance, it is full of dense human heads.

The streets, the rooftops, and the trees were full of people.

She couldn't see the end of her sight.

"So many people, one person spitting, can drown me. "


Admiral Victor said, his face was extremely pale.

He has always been confident and has always thought that he is in control of everything.

The results .....

"It's just a little accident, why did things come to this point?" Looking

at the endless number of people, Victor sneered:

"Brave and not afraid of death?"


kill!" "Kill a river of blood, kill a corpse all over the field!" "As long as it is a human being, it will always be killed on its knees, kill the backbone, kill all the blood and courage

!" "Shoot!" "Shoot


The frightened musketeers subconsciously pulled the trigger:

bang, bang,


Dozens, hundreds of dead cannon fodder exploded with blood flowers.

But, no one flinched.

The musketeers, scrambling to reload their bullets.

The cannon fodder, rushing to the bottom of the stands, they formed a human ladder and rushed to the stands.



At this moment:

the sickle woman rushed to the stand where the Haicheng official was, and she swung her sickle vigorously:


An official's head was cut off.

The woman grabbed her head, held it high, imitated the king

, and shouted, "Look, the one who is on high is nothing more than that!" The

rebels were stunned for a moment, and then let out a shout of joy like a landslide and tsunami.

In the next second, they flooded the stands where the officials were.

At this time:

the martial artists of the Eight Great Empires tried every means to escape.

Someone got into the gutter, someone jumped on the house, all running frantically.

Even a top master like Hine jumped on the house and wanted to escape.

Only Victor did not escape.

He stood in the stands and looked at the king in the ring:

"I don't know how you used to bewitch this group of untouchables.

"But, what I'm going to tell you is that when you face a strong man, no matter how many people there are, they are all ashes!" As

he spoke, he pulled out a thin sword.

The thin sword shook, instantly penetrating the eye sockets of one unlucky egg after another, tearing the brain.

"I'm standing here today, and I'm going to see if you natives can kill me, or if I kill you


Around the stands, there are hideous-looking, red-eyed, endless dead cannon fodder.

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