Since there were still a few students who had not yet returned, teacher Li Qing asked him to move freely in the neighborhood first, and waited for everyone to return to the classroom. Teacher Zhao also arranged for several staff members to go in to see if there were any accidents among students.

Now the students who have nothing to do have long been unable to control their battle souls, and they have been looking forward to elf battles for so many years, and now they finally have their own elves, and they can't wait to have a hearty battle. Although most of them are just rookie chickens pecking at each other.

"Come on, Xiao Linzi, let's have a fateful duel with the fat master!" Liu Tian incomparably shouted an awkward invitation to battle.

In this regard, Lin Xun could only cover his face, and then...

"Since you sincerely invited, I will show mercy and promise you: in order to prevent the world from being destroyed, in order to protect the peace of the world, to implement love and true evil, Lin Xun, accept your challenge" An even more shameful middle two words shouted out from Lin Xun's mouth, otherwise how could the two become diehards for so many years, after all, only like-mindedness can agree.

"Xiao Linzi, you are not kind, you secretly made up the class again, and actually prepared such a bullish line." Liu Tian was immediately dissatisfied with Lin Xun's old sixth behavior.

The surrounding classmates were full of black lines, looking at these two teases, if they didn't want to watch the battle between the two rare elves, they would have been far away from them, in case they were infected with the second disease.

The battle begins, and Scorpio stands facing the little saw crocodile.

A classmate next to him temporarily acted as a referee.

"Both sides prepare, prepare, begin."

"Go to the little saw crocodile, use the water gun to attack the preemptive."

"Fly up and dodge, Scorpio."

At the beginning of the battle, both of them put away their laughter and became extremely focused, after all, they both love the profession of trainer so much. The battle is not sloppy.

Scorpio is worthy of being an elf who has been living alone in the wild since birth, and its reaction speed is very fast, and the water gun of the small saw crocodile is directly avoided. Reality is not a game after all, you and I will bombard each other. Except for a few must-hit moves, the rest can be avoided.

"A beautiful Scorpio, just use a poison needle in the air to attack the little saw crocodile."

The "Vka" Scorpio pointed its tail in the air in the direction of the small saw crocodile, and then a poisonous needle flew towards the small saw crocodile.

"The little saw crocodile quickly dodged, aiming at the air Scorpion continuous water gun attack."

"Vani ~~~~" The little saw crocodile who barely dodged the Scorpio poison needle briefly charged his strength, and then spewed out a continuous column of water.

"It's now, Scorpio uses high-speed movement to approach the side of the sawmill, and then uses sand splashing to attack the sawmill's eyes." Lin Xun saw Liu Tian let the little saw crocodile use a continuous water gun that required a short charge, and decisively asked Scorpio to change his attack.

Seeing this, Liu Tian didn't have time to remind the little saw crocodile, and saw that the scorpio had flashed to the side of the small saw crocodile using high-speed movement, and swept a large amount of sand with one tail to pounce on the little saw crocodile. Suddenly, the little saw crocodile's eyes could not be opened, and he temporarily lost his visual ability. (ps: Don't say that the crocodile has a third eyelid, don't listen or listen ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ)

" Take advantage of the victory and pursue, use the quicksand hell under the little saw crocodile to completely trap its action. Then keep flying. Lin Xun insisted on the principle of beating the falling water dog, which was a constant use of damage tricks.

Looking at the little saw crocodile who couldn't move in the mud, Liu Tian was also numb. "Lin Zi, where did you come from, your Scorpio actually even moves at high speed, quicksand hell, it's too perverted!"

"Haha, surrender fatty, if you don't admit defeat, I will let Scorpio continue to use the poison needle." When the time comes, the little saw crocodile will not feel good. Lin Xun smiled at Liu Tian.

"Forget it, I admit defeat, you scheming dog, Lin Laoliu." Looking at the one-sided battle situation, helplessly Liu Tian could only admit defeat and surrender, after all, it was not necessary to hurt the elves in just a fight.

"Dirty, so dirty. Lin Xun's heart is black! The students watching the battle around looked at this one-sided battle from the beginning, and thought that it would be the death of the Scorpio who was defeated by the water attribute small saw crocodile, but they did not expect that it would be so easily resolved one by one under Lin Xun's command, but instead won the victory against the attribute.

Syllable! Syllable! Syllable!

At this time, there was applause from the side, it turned out that the previous battle attracted the attention of Teacher Li Qing and Teacher Zhao Jie, after all, there was a battle between the three royal families.

"Classmate Lin Xun, you have performed well, you can clearly understand the skills that elves will use in such a short time, and you can flexibly use the various skill combinations of Scorpio in the first battle, which solves the disadvantage of restrained attributes." I saw Teacher Li Qing clapping his hands and saying while having a charming smile on his face.

Teacher Zhao on the side also gave a thumbs up to Lin Xun, "Yes, young man, the tactics are good, and he has quite an idea."

Lin Xun could only touch his head tactically.

The conversation changed

: "In contrast, Liu Tian, you have a lot of shortcomings. Trainers do not only need to give orders outside the field, but more often carefully observe the situation on the field as the second pair of eyes of the elves, such as when the small saw crocodile is fascinated by the sand splash, you can command in what direction to dodge. "

Don't use expensive skills without absolute hits. Just like the continuous water gun used by the little saw crocodile, because of the short-term charge, it was hit by Lin Xun's classmates, which caused your defeat in this battle.

"All of you onlookers should also take this as a warning." The restraint relationship of attributes is not absolute, and only calm command and the use of skill moves can achieve victory. Teacher Li Qing mercilessly pointed out Liu Tian's lack of command and judgment, and made him a negative teaching material.

Looking at the depressed Liu Tian, Lin Xun put his shoulder on his shoulder and comforted, "It's okay, it's just because I was too excited about the first battle, generally you can fight a few more battles, the experience is summed up."

"But Linzi, you are also fighting for the first time, and you have played so well." Alas~~~" Liu Tian lamented with a bitter melon face.

"Hehe, maybe I'm the spot type, hehe." He can't say that he has been in the game in his previous life and has been ravaged by those quality dogs for more than ten years.

Looking at Liu Tian, who was still frowning, Lin Xun had to launch a trick: "After school, I will invite you to eat fried chicken, take care of it." "

When the words fell, Liu Tian was immediately resurrected with blood", Lin Zi said that you have a treat, haha, the fat master wants to eat you poorly. "

······· Lin Xun was speechless, and even suspected that Liu Tiangang's loss was pretend, just to trick him into treating. It turns out that the real old Liu is you.


some fighting, all the students returned. Only five or six students did not accept the elves, and they had to find a way outside of school, or transfer to academic-oriented classes in their senior year.

Because the third year of high school began to have a variety of practical teaching for trainers and elves.


With the genie in hand, it also means that the semester is coming to an end.

Class teacher Li Qing asked students to use this summer vacation to cultivate a tacit understanding with elves and develop elves' abilities.

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