tyrannical!! crazy!! violent!!


These words are perfect for describing the mongoose killing the leader at this moment.


The mongoose kept making hoarse roars from its throat.

The originally red eyes were now as red as if they could bleed.

Those sharp claws reflected a frightening cold light.

Full of crazy desire to attack!!

What caused such a big change in Mongoose Killing the Leader was because he used a skill!

"Abdominal bulge!!"

Qin Ming's face became solemn.

【Belly Bulging: Reduces one's physical strength to half, thereby maximizing attack power. 】

This is the explanation in the game, reducing physical strength by half, thus quadrupling the attack power.

But this is one-sided!

In the real world, it is not easy for elves to use temporary BUFF skills such as Sword Dance and Dragon Dance!

You know, these temporary BUFF skills.

While increasing attack power or speed, the load on the elves themselves will also increase.

If the elf's own physical fitness is not enough, it is likely to collapse due to excessive gain of power.

It would even leave irreversible damage to the elf's body.

In addition to testing the physical fitness, it also tests the spirit of the elves.

Suddenly gaining huge power will obliterate the elves' consciousness and reason, causing them to become violent and crazy.

Out of control!

There is a research report online.

Elves who have reached the elite level are trained to withstand a sword dance.

A gym-level elf who is trained to withstand two sword dances.

A quasi-king-level elf can withstand three sword dances after training.

Although this varies from person to person, most elves follow this rule.

At this time, Mongoose Slash was only at the elite level, and using the abdominal drum was equivalent to using Sword Dance three times.


Although Mongoose Kills the Leader has no sense at all, all he can think about is violence.

But the hatred engraved in our DNA is indelible.

He quickly pounced towards a rice spoon snake in front, using the tearing claws that the Mongoose Clan was good at.


The rice spoon snake that was hit by the attack let out a mournful cry and then fell straight to the ground.

Mongoose's boss-killing attack is maximized, and at the same time, combined with its characteristic Poison Boost, the attack power is unprecedentedly increased.

With just one blow, a rice spoon snake was instantly killed.



The other remaining soldiers, stimulated by their leader, became more motivated and launched a large-scale counterattack.


However, the Rice Spoon Snake clan is not a soft persimmon, and they will fight with their mortal enemies without giving in.

The mongoose killed the leader, and after defeating a rice spoon snake, it flew towards the leader of the rice spoon snake.

Qin Ming, who was watching the battle, looked at the fierce group fight with a long look!


The meerkats used their sharp claws to kill the leader, leaving heavy scratches on the snake leader.


The leader of the Spoon Snake hissed in pain.

But the Mongoose Killer didn't give him a chance to breathe, and quickly launched a thunderous attack.

Stretch out your claws again!


The leader of the Rice Spoon Snake hissed, exhausted all his strength and fell down.

As soon as the leader of the Rice Spoon Snake fell, the battle situation immediately changed dramatically.

The meerkats quickly gained the upper hand and defeated all the rice spoon snakes.

But even if the mongoose kills the leader and goes into a violent state, it will change the situation of the battle.

But after all, the Spoon Snakes were more numerous. After the Mongoose defeated the Meerkats, there were only five members of the same species left.

After defeating his sworn enemy, the tyranny in the head of the mongoose-killing leader did not subside even a little bit.

The violent factor in the brain still fills the mongoose leader with a strong desire for destruction.


The leader of Mongoose Killer directed towards Qin Ming's position and let out a low roar.

"Little Frog is ready for battle!"

Qin Ming told the frog and came out of the hiding place.

The distance between the two parties was too close, and Mongoose Zhan could smell his own scent. Qin Ming expected that


Full of destructive desire, the mongoose leader pointed his claws at Qin Ming and issued instructions to control his subordinates.

Then he took the lead in attacking the croaking frog!!



The remaining mongooses slashed and charged with the leader.

Qin Ming's eyes narrowed and he quickly gave instructions:"Little frog, use tongue licking!!"


The frog quickly used energy to transform into a black tongue.

The ghost type's tongue licking can't cause any harm to the normal type's Mongoose Slash.

However, Qin Ming's intention was not to cause harm to the opponent, but to take advantage of the frog's ability to change freely.

Temporarily changes one's water attribute into ghost attribute.

The mongoose chopped off the leader's sharp claws and 'hit' the frog, stimulating a burst of blue-black gas.

The blue-black gas quickly gathered and re-condensed into a gas-like frog.

Facing the other five attacking meerkats, Qin Ming threw out a treasure ball.

After a burst of red light, a giant rock snake crossed in front of them


The huge rock snake stretched across in front of him, motionless as a mountain!



PS: The new book is about to set sail. Data is very important. I beg readers to send flowers and comment votes. Please, please.

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