"Tap tap."

Following the sound, a large group of ice-stepping puppets gathered around, performing tap dance steps.

"What is this?"

Bai Mengyao was puzzled by this scene.

Tong Xue touched her chin and observed for a while. Suddenly, an idea flashed in her mind and she said in surprise

"I didn't expect our luck to be so good, we encountered the dancing moment of the ice puppets.’"


Seeing the puzzled expressions of the little sisters, Tong Xue explained

"Each group of ice-walking puppets will have such a time period for them to dance to their heart's content."

"And this time is not fixed. When most of the ice-stepping puppets in the tribe start dancing, the rest will slowly blend in."

At this time, the crisp and bright tapping sound rang out, naturally forming cheerful music, which is fascinating.

The tapping beat and the joyful melody of dancing release their vitality.

They danced happily, like a group of happy birds.

The tap dance of the ice-stepping puppets is like a breeze blowing on the face, bringing bursts of freshness.

When Dongfang Ling and the others were excitedly applauding the wonderful performance of the ice-stepping puppets, an ice-stepping puppet came in front of them.

Amid the tapping sounds, the ice-stepping puppet took off his hat and saluted like a gentleman, stretched out his right hand, and waited for Dongfang Ling and the others' response with his left hand behind his back.

The four girls smiled at each other, stood up, and followed the ice-stepping puppet to the center of the dancers.

The rest of the ice-stepping puppets also gathered around. , circling around the four girls, taking brisk dance steps, and began to spin in circles.

Just when netizens were confused, the tapping sound suddenly disappeared, and the ice-stepping puppets spread out in all directions, holding up their top hats in one hand and pointing their canes directly to the center of the ice with the other.

The four girls who were exposed have already integrated themselves into the dance, posed, and froze in place.

As the crisp and pleasant tapping sound rang out again, the four girls seemed to be resurrected. With slender waists and long legs, they danced lightly on the ice. When they danced, they were butterflies, and when they stopped, they were butterfly flowers.

The passion of jumping and the extreme rotation were as powerful as a hurricane, as natural as flowing water, and as intoxicating as a beautiful scenery.

It made people forget the time and only had eyes for the person on the ice.

The live broadcast room was boiling again.


"I dunk for the Magic City Girls Group"

"This is art."

"NNND, open your eyes and watch some variety shows and evening parties, this is the performance I want to see"

"Come on, come on, let's clean up the entertainment industry"

"Woohoo, this is the series of"In My Lifetime""

"Winner Ying Ziyi: To be honest, it is really good looking"

"The old owner of the Magic City: Hahaha, this is my daughter, hahaha"

"Harbin City Gym: Miss, we are here to support you. Everyone please stand up and applaud."

"Ximen Daguanren: It seems that my little sister has found a good friend, that's great"

"Bai Tianhao: Lao Long, how are you doing recently? Thank you for taking care of Mengyao."

As various gifts filled the screen, the dance gradually came to the end.

The ice-walking puppets stopped, raised their walking sticks, and pointed to the sky.

One after another,"frozen beams" collided in the air.

Suddenly, a large number of ice crystals fell down, shining in the afterglow of the setting sun.

Dongfang Ling and the others also stopped their agile postures and bent down to take a bow.

At this moment, I don’t know how many netizens took screenshots and saved them.

Returning to the resting place, the four girls drank water while adjusting their breathing. After two performances, they consumed a lot of physical strength.

After all, they are women, unlike Dongfang Yang who has some appalling physical strength.

The ice-walking puppet who invited them to dance before came over again.

Taking off his top hat, the ice-walking puppet took out four evolution stones from it and put them in Dongfang Ling’s hand.

"Is this for us?"

Staring at the evolution stone in his hand, Dongfang Ling looked up and asked.

The ice-walking puppet nodded, and then without waiting for Dongfang Ling's response, he retreated back to the tribe.

All the ice-walking puppets took off their hats to thank the four women, and then left with cheerful tap dance steps.

It was not until the ice-walking puppets disappeared that Dongfang Ling and the others came back to their senses, looked at the evolution stone, and smiled helplessly.

"See if there is anything you need?"

Dongfang Ling said, handing the four evolution stones to Bai Mengyao and the other two.

"My elves don't need evolution stones. If they do, my brother will prepare some for me."

As soon as these words came out, Bai Mengyao and the other two immediately expressed their envy. I also want the same brother.

"Let me see."

Bai Mengyao picked up the four evolution stones and looked at them carefully.

"Wow, these are all good quality, top-grade water stone, top-grade leaf stone, medium-grade thunder stone, and top-grade sun stone."

After hearing Bai Mengyao's confirmation, the three girls from Dongfang Ling were slightly surprised. They didn't expect that the gift given to them by the Ice-Walking Doll was so valuable.

"What do you think?"

This is what everyone got together, Dongfang Ling wants to hear everyone's thoughts

"I don't need it."

Bai Mengyao didn't even think about it and said directly that she didn't need it.

"If there is an Ice Stone, I will take it, but forget about these.

Tong Xue also shook her head.

"How about this?"

Finally, Ximen Yan came up with an idea.

"Just take this evolution stone as a prize and draw it. As for memories, there is nothing better than videos, and the best destination for evolution stones is to use them."

The three of them nodded and felt that what Ximen Yan said made sense.

So, after taking photos, Dongfang Ling announced that four evolution stones would be drawn as prizes to the right people.

Suddenly, the live broadcast room was very lively.

"Oh my god, really? Three evolution stones as prizes?"

"How could this be false? Wasn't everything happening right before your eyes?"

"If it were any other anchor, I would still doubt the quality of the evolution stone. As for Xiao Ling'er and the others, forget it. Their families allow them to do this."

"Miss sister is generous"

"Miss sister, please look at me, I just need a top-quality thunder stone"

"Slap me, miss, slap me"

"OK,( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮o( ̄▽ ̄///)"


"I've never seen such an unreasonable request."

"┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍"



"o(*≧▽≦)ツ┏━┓Table slamming and laughing"

"It makes me laugh to death, hahahaha"

"Stop being naughty, little sister, let's draw the lottery quickly"

"Yeah yeah"


Facing the urging of netizens, Dongfang Ling said with a smile

"Could you please ask the platform staff to make a lucky draw turntable in my live broadcast room?"

"Douyu: No problem, it will be ready soon.

Seeing the other party's reply, Dongfang Ling smiled.

"Thank you"

"Ha Bing City Gym: Wait, our gym owner said that the number of gift boxes prepared by the young lady has been increased to 1,000. Although I really want to give more, Lao Dingfeng can't make it. 1,000 is the limit. Please forgive me."


"The owner is very generous"

"The upstairs people are so unrestrained, but when they meet the boss, he is so generous"

"The boss is generous"

"The boss is generous"

"Father-in-law is generous"

"The boss is generous"

"No, there seems to be something strange mixed in with the team"

"C, someone is still thief, and is thinking about my wife, old thief, look at the knife"


Tong Xue, who learned about the situation, came over quickly.

"Ah, Dad, are you watching too?"

"Ha Bing City Gym: Miss, the gym owner is busy with the gym battle. He asked me to tell him that I can bring my friends home to play when I have a chance."

""Oh, OK."

Tong Xue nodded in a daze.

Then, Ximen Daguanren and Bai Tianhao also appeared in the astonished eyes of Ximen Yan and Bai Mengyao.

One of them increased the 500 coupons promised by Ximen Yan to 10,000.

The other one was in a similar situation, 10,000 500 coupons, which could be used for any shopping mall or product under the name of Bai's Group.

It has to be said that both of them are top businessmen. In the next year, the profits of Ximen Airlines and Bai's Group will increase exponentially.

It can be said that they took advantage of Dongfang Ling's favorable wind.

Last night's incident, plus the two performances just now, as well as the popularity and traffic brought by their own identities, almost made Douyu's server smoke.

If it weren't for Douyu's big The industry is huge, so we need to add more servers immediately, otherwise there will be a live broadcast accident.

Looking at the increase of other prizes, Dongfang Ling tilted his head and thought about what prizes he should prepare. After all,

Ying Ziyi and Dongfang Long were about to speak up to help after noticing Dongfang Ling's thoughts. After all, it is better to lose the battle than the people. Others have the support of their families, and Dongfang Ling should have the same.

As for Ying Ziyi, on the one hand, he really felt that Dongfang Ling was his sister, after all, the relationship between sister and brother-in-law was there. On the other hand, he knew that his brother-in-law doted on his sister. If he treated Dongfang Ling better, maybe his brother-in-law would help him, and then life would be better.

But before they sent the text they edited, they heard Dongfang Ling say

"Otherwise, I will prepare some energy cubes made by my brother as prizes. Don't worry, the energy cubes made by my brother are better than those on the market."

Ordinary netizens are still unclear about the situation and just express their gratitude, but some people can't sit still.

"Dragon Country Champion: ????"

"Zhao Xiaolong: ????"

"Liu Sanjin: ????"

"I am Cao Yang: ????"

"Cold and snowy: ????"

"Dragon Country Champion: Ling'er, you decide?"

"Yes, what's wrong?"

Dongfang Ling nodded, not understanding why Long Ze asked this.

After getting Dongfang Ling's affirmative reply, Long Ze and others were eager to try. They knew the quality of the energy cubes made by Dongfang Yang.

If they wanted it, they couldn't force him to make it.

They were just worrying about how to solve it, and the energy cubes were delivered to their doorstep.

"Dragon Country Champion: If anyone who has won the energy cube wants to sell it, I will take it all and the price is negotiable."

"Snowy weather: Same reason"

"Liu Sanjin: +1"

"Dragon Country Champion: K, you guys are really lazy."

Faced with Long Ze's incompetent rage, Cao Yang and the others didn't care at all.

Now, ordinary people also know that this energy block is a good thing.

"The old owner of the Magic City Museum: Ling'er, how many copies do you want to draw? Is it enough? I have some at home. I'll give them all to you."

"No, no."

Seeing his father's comments, Dongfang Ling waved his hand quickly.

"I'm going to draw 500 copies. My brother gave me 1,000 copies before, and he was afraid that I wouldn't have enough. I have them at home and in the dormitory. Although I've consumed some, it should be enough. If not, I'll ask my brother to make some."

In the Magic City Gym, Dongfang Long, who was resting, was silent. He remembered that he had to coax and trick Dongfang Yang to get dozens of boxes of energy cubes. He actually prepared so many for Ling'er.

"This brat."

Dongfang Long gnashed his teeth and said.

In fact, he didn't know that he was the only one in the family who got the least energy cubes. Ye Yan and Dongfang Yue each got several hundred for daily consumption, and Zhao Gang also got about a hundred.

As Dongfang Long muttered, Dongfang Yang, who was far away in the North Pole, suddenly sneezed.

"What's wrong? Do you have a cold?"

Faced with Ying Yudie's concern, Dongfang Yang touched his nose and said

"It's okay, it must be my dad who is scolding me, let's just move on."

Although Ying Yudie was very curious about why Dongfang Yang was sure that it must be Dongfang Long who was scolding him, seeing that Dongfang Yang didn't want to say it, she didn't ask and followed him silently.

In fact, she misunderstood, Dongfang Yang didn't want to say it, but he was too lazy to say it.

As for why he was sure, hehe, he sneezed, it must be Dongfang Long's fault.

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