Looking at Dongfang Yang who didn't move, Ying Yudie asked in confusion

"What? Don't you want to conquer him?"

"This one can't be tamed."

Dongfang Yang shook his head slightly.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you know the lifespan of elves?"

"I know that, except for the mythical beasts and ghosts, most of the elves have a lifespan of about a few hundred years. Dragon elves may have a relatively longer lifespan due to their strong physical fitness, at most a thousand years. The number of mythical beasts is rare, and there are few records in the world, so it is impossible to know. The lifespan of ghosts seems to be related to the spirit world, and the specific situation is unknown."

Dongfang Yang was very surprised that Ying Yudie knew this.

"I didn't expect you to still listen to the lecture."

"What do you mean?"

Ying Yudie was instantly unhappy and glared at him.

Feeling guilty, Dongfang Yang touched his nose and quickly changed the subject.

"Ahem, under some special circumstances, the Nine-Tailed Fox may live for a thousand years, so there is a saying of a thousand-year-old fox spirit, but there is also a limit, so a lifespan of thousands of years does not exist."

"This country has been destroyed for thousands of years, but Ninetales is still alive. Think about why. After thousands of years, it is still only a master-level elf. Why, even a green caterpillar with poor qualifications would have evolved into Rayquaza after thousands of years?"

Hearing Dongfang Yang's words, Ying Yudie almost choked to death on her saliva.

She patted her boyfriend's shoulder in annoyance and said seriously

"Don't joke about the Dragon Guardian"

"Yes Yes Yes"

"Hey, be serious, I'm serious.

Seeing Dongfang Yang's nonchalant and nonchalant look, Ying Yudie, full of anger, pinched the soft flesh on her boyfriend's waist and turned around.

"Did you hear that?"


Dongfang Yang took a breath and said quickly

"Got it, I won't open it anymore, I won't open it anymore."

After hearing Dongfang Yang's repeated assurances that he would not make fun of Rayquaza, Ying Yudie finally let go of her hand and rubbed her boyfriend's face with a distressed look.

"So, what's the situation with this Nine-Tailed Fox?"

Looking at the Nine-Tailed Fox that climbed up from the rubble and rushed towards the bound Greninja again, Ying Yudie asked in confusion.

Dongfang Yang explained while enjoying his girlfriend's massage.

"This nine-tail has merged with everything around it. A normal nine-tail has fiery red pupils, but the thousand-year-old nine-tail's superpower energy will suppress the fire energy, and the color of the pupils will turn purple."

Ying Yudie followed Dongfang Yang's instructions and looked at the nine-tail's pupils. It was indeed a dull purple.

"It is estimated that when the nine-tailed fox was about to die, it gave up all its supernatural energy and merged with the palace. As long as the palace is not destroyed, its spirit will not be destroyed."

Ying Yudie was shocked by what Dongfang Yang said.

"It is using everything it has to protect this place."

"That's right, it is estimated that the final owner of this country is its trainer."

Nodding, Dongfang Yang agreed with his girlfriend's statement, and before she could speak, Dongfang Yang continued

"However, the enemy's hero, my bandit, when he first came in, if Lucario hadn't been there, he would have really wanted to kill us."

"Besides, dust returns to dust, and its lifespan reached its end thousands of years ago. Let it follow its master."

"I don't want my elves to be loyal to me until death. Before I die, I will release them back to the mountains and forests. They can do whatever they want. I will build a tomb and scatter my ashes into the sea, and continue to travel the world. As for my descendants, haha, I don't care about the floods after I die."

At this moment, Dongfang Yang's momentum completely burst out, and even Lucario couldn't resist it for a while.

The Koga Greninja connected to Dongfang Yang's waveguide suddenly withdrew from the bond evolution form, and the breath on its body that reached the critical point suddenly rose step by step. With the last step, it finally stepped in.

It finally understood what it wanted.

Doing what you want is what you want, just like Dongfang Yang's idea, just be happy.

I won't be infamous for thousands of years, and I don't want to be famous for thousands of years.

I only hope that when I am alive, I can be free and easy and do what I want.

Just like the water I have comprehended.

Spirit: Koga Greninja

Attribute: Water Evil

Level: 111

Experience Value:…/…

Qualification: Gold

Characteristics: Bond Transformation

Divinity: Water (Control of water energy to a higher level, where there is water, that is your kingdom)

Intimacy: 255

Carrying items: Master belt

Skills: Omitted

Looking at the panel of Greninja, Dongfang Yang smiled and nodded.

At the beginning, Greninja and Charizard reached the critical point almost at the same time, but after Charizard broke through, Greninja remained motionless.

Unexpectedly, it secretly held back a big move.

At the moment when Greninja broke through, the power that burst out directly destroyed the surrounding palaces.

At the same time, as Dongfang Yang analyzed, the breath of the Nine-Tailed Fox suddenly became weak. The originally crystal clear hair also became dull.

Looking at the majestic Greninja, the Nine-Tailed Fox knew that he was no longer able to fight.

Now, I'll go get a place.

The Nine-Tailed Fox dragged its exhausted body and staggered to a certain place.

However, the weakness of the body made the Nine-Tailed Fox unable to move forward and fell to the side.

However, at some point, Greninja appeared beside it and carried it on its back.

Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie also ran over.

"Eat this. Although it can't save you, it should be able to keep you alive for a while. Wherever you want to go, we'll take you there."

Dongfang Yang took out the resurrection grass from his backpack and stuffed it into Jiuwei's mouth.

Jiuwei, who knew his own physical condition, did not refuse Dongfang Yang's kindness. He swallowed the resurrection grass and briefly recovered some vitality.


Please take me to the palace behind.���Xing nodded, and then ran to the palace at the back.

When they arrived at the palace with the gates tightly closed, Jiuwei asked everyone to stop. He forced himself to climb the steps step by step, and Jiuwei came to the stone gate and introduced the place to everyone.

"This is the Palace of Might. Only people or elves who have made outstanding contributions can enter."

"My master, the master of this kingdom, the elves under his command are not qualified to enter"

"When the natural disaster came, the master and everyone else went to fight against it, but they failed. Only I, the youngest and weakest, survived under everyone's protection."

"I quietly collected their remains and placed them in the Mighty Palace. At that time, I hoped that after my death, I could enter there and rest with everyone."

"In the past, I promised my master that I would protect this country for him.

I thought that when I fulfilled the promise, I should be qualified to go in.

Now it seems that I have failed.

I failed to keep the promise before the natural disaster, and I also failed to keep the promise just now.

I am doomed to be ineligible to enter if I cannot keep the promise.

Thank you for bringing me here and dying here.

I will continue to guard the gate for my master.

I hope I can keep the promise this time.


Kyuubi slowly climbed down with the stone door on his back, closed his eyes, and quietly waited for death to come.

At this time, Ying Yudie was already in tears, and Greninja and Lucario also had heavy expressions.

They admired the Nine-Tailed Fox's perseverance for thousands of years, but if it happened again, they would not show mercy, because they each had different positions. At most, they would toast a glass of wine after the Nine-Tailed Fox died.

"Who said you are not qualified? I think you are qualified to enter because I am your opponent. If you think my evaluation is not enough for you to enter this palace, then why not.

Dongfang Yang broke the silence, walked up the steps step by step, pushed open the dusty door, and said loudly.

"You come and ask them if you are qualified to go in."

At first, when Dongfang Yang pushed open the stone door, Jiuwei's expression was angry. Even if I am grateful that you brought me here, you can't disturb my master's peace.

However, after the stone door was opened, Jiuwei was stunned, and tears instantly wet his eyes.

Ying Yudie covered her lips with both hands to prevent herself from screaming, and her face was full of disbelief.

"" Master~"

There was an illusory figure standing in the palace, and there were various elves standing on both sides.

Seeing the old appearance of Nine-Tailed Fox, who used to cherish his hair the most, the figure's face was full of heartache, and he waved to him, signaling him to come in quickly.

The other elves also called out to Nine-Tailed Fox, urging it to come in quickly.

"I, I, am I really qualified to go in?"

Kyuubi tried to hold back tears, his voice trembling, he couldn't even speak clearly.

The figure smiled and nodded to Kyuubi.

The other elves also smiled and nodded to him. The water drops fell on the ground, making a crisp sound.

""Thank you."

An old voice sounded, and it was unknown whether it was addressed to Dongfang Yang or the spirit inside.

This could no longer be verified, because the body of the Nine-Tailed Fox had already dissipated into the air.

At the same time, a Nine-Tailed Fox with beautiful fur, a radiant look, and sparkling eyes appeared in front of the figure.

The figure squatted down and gently stroked the Nine-Tailed Fox's fur.

It seemed as if to say, thank you for your hard work over the past thousands of years.

The Nine-Tailed Fox's face was full of happiness, and it was obvious that it enjoyed the touch of its master who had been away for thousands of years.

One person and one pet, after a while of tenderness, the figure stood up and bowed to Dongfang Yang to express his gratitude.

The elves also bowed their heads to Dongfang Yang to express their gratitude.

Dongfang Yang smiled and closed the stone door for them, wishing that they would no longer be disturbed by the world in the future.

Before Dongfang Yang could go down, Steps, Ying Yudie rushed into her boyfriend's arms and burst into tears.

Dongfang Yang had no way to deal with this. To be honest, he felt very heavy inside. He could only pat his girlfriend's back gently to let her cry out.

With a heavy heart, Greninja returned to the Poké Ball to consolidate his own realm. Lucario was not far away, practicing Bajiquan over and over again, venting his emotions.

While comforting his girlfriend, Dongfang Yang took out his watch and looked at the time, sighing. We can only stop here today and rest here. I don't know if the expedition team will arrive tomorrow.

It's really troublesome.

We also have to tell them not to disturb them. After all, the place where the heroic spirits live forever should not be disturbed.

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