"I'm fine."

Dongfang Yang waved his hand and gasped violently.

"It's just that my superpowers have been overused. I just need to rest for a while."

This kind of long-distance"instant teleportation" with more than ten people consumes a lot of energy.

Even the super-evolved Gardevoir and Dongfang Yang can't bear it.

Supported by Ying Yudie, they returned to the snow house to rest. Dongfang Yang did not forget to remind them:

"Ask if anyone named Lu Yeming or Yu Hang has arrived. If not, send someone to meet them nearby. They should arrive in the evening at the latest. I will take a rest first."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang fell asleep.

Seeing her boyfriend's tired appearance, Ying Yudie felt very distressed and gently wiped his body.

When Dongfang Yang woke up, the sun had already set, and the deep night sky was dotted with stars.

Seeing her boyfriend get up, Ying Yudie hurried over to help him.

"You're awake, are you hungry? What do you want to eat?"

Dongfang Yang said with a smile, rubbing his girlfriend's hair.

"I'm fine, I've recovered, just give me something to eat"


After confirming that Dongfang Yang was not abnormal, Ying Yudie nodded, responded, and ran out of the snow house quickly.

After a while, Ying Yudie and Long Ze came in at the same time.

Dongfang Yang took the bowl and chopsticks from his girlfriend and took two bites. While chewing, he asked

"How is it going?"


Shaking his head solemnly, Long Ze said in a deep voice

"Except for the two groups of people you rescued, everyone else has lost contact, and the possibility of survival is extremely low."

"Haha, there are hundreds of people, but only dozens survived. That's OK."

Dongfang Yang paused while eating, then snorted and said in a cold voice


Long Ze was also very upset about this. These were the talents that the Dragon Country Alliance had reserved, and they were wasted just like that. How abominable!

"Many of the missing people are talented children from major families. Because of this incident, these families are going crazy. The Liu family is about to be ruined."

"Have another bowl."

After finishing the food in the bowl quickly, Dongfang Yang whispered to Ying Yudie.

Knowing that Dongfang Yang and Long Ze had something to say, the sensible Ying Yudie took the bowl and chopsticks and went out to get food.

After Ying Yudie left, Dongfang Yang told Long Ze the whole process of the incident.

Although some people survived, Dongfang Yang was worried about them, especially those researchers. It was impossible for them to openly disobey the orders of the alliance headquarters without any selfish motives.

Even if those two people were the leaders and had the strongest strength, they were not the ones who could disobey orders. Everyone understood this, but they still followed. It can only be said that one is willing to fight and the other is willing to suffer.

After listening to Dongfang Yang's explanation, although he knew that there were many guesses in it, it was estimated that it was almost certain.

The annoyed Long Ze punched a hole in the wall of the snow house and said angrily

"These guys really deserve to die."

"People are always greedy, and they will always pay the price for their greed.

Dongfang Yang was also in a bad mood.

"By the way, I led the team to fly here directly from the imperial capital in order to rush here, which must have alarmed other countries. We need to speed up the progress of the work here."

After venting his emotions, Long Ze looked at Dongfang Yang and said in a deep voice.

Rolling his eyes, Dongfang Yang understood what the other party meant. He just wanted him to be here, but it was impossible, absolutely impossible.

"I don't have time. We have already checked inside. Generally speaking, there is no threat. Our staff is very smart. As long as the headquarters can delay for a week, we should be able to collect the most important information."

"Humph, the original number of personnel was enough to fully explore the information in the ruins, but now it's hard to say."

When Long Ze heard this, his anger, which had been somewhat calmed, ignited again.


"Don't worry."

At this time, Ying Yudie came in with food and said softly

"Yesterday, I took Sister An and the others to investigate all the useful information in the palace, and saved all the information that could not be translated."

Take the bowl, Dongfang Yang's mouth curled up slightly.

"I'm at ease with you doing the work."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang lowered his head to show off his food.

Ying Yudie smiled and turned to report the progress of the work to Long Ze.

"Now Sister An and her friends are investigating the situation in other places. Take away everything that is suspected to be related to the secret realm. If they can't take it away, destroy it directly after taking photos. Even if other countries put it together again, give them some difficulty and find something to do."

"As expected of you, the big sister of the winner."

After listening to this, Long Ze gave Ying Yudie a thumbs up, saying that she did a great job.

As for whether this behavior would be condemned, who cares? Can't we fight back when we are attacked by elves?

Isn't it normal to damage something in battle?


Dongfang Yang swallowed the last bite of food.

"It's time for us to go back. You can handle the situation here. As for the secret realm, I personally suggest that we don't get involved for the time being. There are too many mythical beasts in it now, and we can't guarantee that other master-level elves won't appear. Let's go in again after a year."

"As for other countries, I don't think it matters whether they can get in within a year. Maybe we can trick them. Besides, if they go in, we can follow them in. As for opportunities, they are not so easy to get."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang stood up and stretched.

Long Ze agreed with this.

Indeed, it is too dangerous in there now. It will be better after a while.

When the search operation is over, there will be only three champion trainers here. When other countries arrive, we can just send one person to keep an eye on the temple.

If they don't make any moves, we will make our moves after we are fully prepared; if they make any moves, we will follow them in. It doesn't make sense that we have more information than them, but we can't get the most opportunities.

Before leaving, Dongfang Yang handed the collected urns to Long Ze.

Afterwards, Dongfang Yang and Long Ze said goodbye, and left with his girlfriend on Dragonite in Long Ze's grateful eyes.

Long Ze will lead people to search again. A few days passed. Although the hope was slim, we couldn't give up unless we had no other choice. At least we had to bring back the ashes of the other party. We couldn't let them be buried in a foreign land.

Fallen leaves return to their roots. This is the sentiment of the Chinese people.

The situation here was also transmitted to the alliance headquarters in real time.

It was learned that there were less than seventy people in the expedition team who were definitely alive, half of them were definitely dead, and the rest were in danger of life and death, and the probability of death was even higher.

The top leaders of the Dragon Country Alliance were directly blown up.

Since the Dragon Country Alliance became strong, there have been higher casualties than this, but the benefits have been higher.

This time, it was completely a heavy blow brought about by one's own selfish desires.

There are also many family members in the expedition team. They are all in the team anyway, whether they are going to gain experience or to gild themselves. And there are quite a lot of them.

They thought there was no danger, so they let these family members go.

As a result, there were such heavy casualties, and they could not explain to the family at all.

Old Li was also very angry. His little grandson was also in the team, and now his whereabouts were unknown. How could he be in a good mood.

After his son knew about it, he and his wife rushed to the core area of the Arctic to find his son overnight. With their strength, they might be left behind.

However, he could not say anything. He could only let them take their elves with them and ask Longze to help take care of them.

Other families that had accidents also arranged for people in the family to search for survivors in the core area of the Arctic.

In a word, if they are alive, they must be seen, and if they are dead, they must be seen.

A large number of strong men from the Dragon Kingdom went to the North. The situation in the Arctic has attracted international attention.

Other countries sent people to the Arctic to investigate the situation while issuing statements to question Longguo.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Longguo Alliance dealt with them on the grounds that Longguo’s expedition team had lost contact in the Arctic, and did not mention anything else.

That night, the Liu family was attacked by a foreign organization and was uprooted. More than a hundred people in the Liu family died.

The Longguo Alliance was furious, and the Four Heavenly Kings went out collectively to clear out all gang-related forces in Longguo.

A nationwide anti-gang operation was launched.

Regarding this matter, the members of the foreign organizations that sneaked into Longguo were confused.

No, I have just lurked in and I have to encounter such a thing. I am in big trouble.

The heads of the headquarters of these organizations are also full of question marks.

( ´゚ω゚)?

No, didn't you guys just launch a strike in Dragon Country? Shouldn't you relax for a while? What the hell are you doing?…


MD, my talent has just sneaked in, I guess I can’t stay here. C, don’t you know that it’s very expensive to train a good spy?


Don't let me know who is causing trouble at this time, I will���about you


Because Longguo directly blocked the border and strictly checked the people entering and leaving. It was not easy for their people to survive or get out, so they could just give up on these people.

The events of the past period of time were still vivid in their minds. The foreign organizations that were afraid of retaliation from Longguo directly gave up rescuing these people and began to relocate their headquarters.

At the same time, they also sent people to investigate what the SB organization had done.

They wanted to vent their anger on them.

As a result, a foreign organization that took the blame suffered a devastating blow from its peers in confusion.

It was really devastating and was directly wiped out.

Because after one party took action, all the forces were afraid of falling behind, so they took action together.

The leader of the blamed force didn't know what happened until he died.

These things are all later stories.

At this moment, it was just dawn, and Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie landed in front of the dormitory building of Modu University.

"Go take a rest first, we will gather again later."

He pinched his girlfriend's pretty face to wake her up, fearing that she would fall asleep while going upstairs.

"I'm fine, but you should take a rest. You were so tired yesterday, but you still don't have a good rest. Aren't you afraid that your body can't bear it?"

Ying Yudie impatiently slapped Dongfang Yang's mischievous hand away, rolled her eyes, turned around and walked towards the dormitory building.

Dongfang Yang didn't stretch until Ying Yudie showed her head from the balcony of the dormitory and waved.

Rest? It's still early. I have to talk to those elves.

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