"Chief Instructor, you are looking for us."

He Tian took the lead and several people walked into Dongfang Yang's office.

"That's right."

Seeing the few people coming in, Dongfang Yang motioned them to sit down first, then poured them a few glasses of water and said

"It's like this. Although you all have three elves, it is far from enough. It is easy to be targeted by the opponent. Therefore, you need to expand your lineup. If you have any elves that you like, if the school's breeding house has it, I will take you to the breeding house to have a look. If you think it is suitable, I will help you apply to the school."

While speaking, Dongfang Yang opened the campus intranet and the interface of the breeding house, where you can see the elves in the school's breeding house.

Hearing this, He Tian and others were stunned, and then fell silent.

There are not many opportunities to get the best deal from the school. The elves in the breeding house inside the school are of good qualifications. If students want to change, they can only rely on credits.

They also know about the things in the selection competition. No matter what people outside say, people in the school will not have too many opinions. After all, in order to save credits, they just don't have a chance, otherwise they also want to go through the back door.

Now, there is a chance to get one for free, they have to think carefully about what elf they want.

There was silence in the room for a long time, and He Tian spoke to break the silence.

"I prefer various frog-shaped Pokémon, Bulbasaur, Tadpole, and Frog."

As soon as He Tian finished speaking, Wang Yao and Han Yue moved aside with disgust.

The others were fine, but they really couldn't accept the final evolution of Tadpole - Toad King. They got goosebumps just thinking about it.

He Tian was not surprised by their reactions.

"Um, the ones you mentioned are all in the breeding house, go in and look for them yourself, where are the others?"

"Are there any naughty pandas or sly boys?"

Hongwu said in a muffled voice.

"It is also quite common."

Seeing this, Zhang Yi, Ye Tian and Wang Yang looked at each other and said one after another

"My idea is that the Colt Sword Soldier or Dalubi"

"Heracross, the coward"

"Are there any water-based three families?"

Dongfang Yang checked and responded.

"Heracross and Dalupi have them. The Colt Sword Soldier is rare in China, so it is not available at the moment. As for the Fearful Bug, there are Pokémon eggs, but there is no time. You can exchange them yourself if you want them in the future. As for the Water Starter Pokémon, there are some. You can go and check the situation to see which one you need."

""Okay, no problem."

Zhang Yi nodded and said excitedly.

In contrast, Wang Yang was much calmer, but this was only on the surface. The storm in his heart was the highest among all the people present.

The three water-type Pokémons were something he could only dream of as he came from an ordinary family.

Although the alliance would issue some Pokémons to newcomers as their initial elves every year, there were too many wolves and too little meat. Due to the huge population of the Dragon Kingdom Alliance, the number of Pokémons issued each year was never enough.

He was considered lucky. His initial Pokémon was the Water Leap, which is now Swampert.

He felt very lucky. He didn't expect that God would give him another chance. He could choose a Pokémon. This was something he only dreamed of.

In fact, there were not many Pokémons, but the alliance could only control and issue a few. Leng Yue's family provided the alliance with the three water-type Pokémons, and most of the rest were under the control of those big families.

On the market, the Pokémon eggs of the Pokémons basically cost millions, and ordinary families could not afford it. This was still under the control of the alliance. Otherwise, hehe

""Fang Zhifan, Wang Yao, Han Yue, you originally shouldn't have this opportunity. Fang Zhifan, Wang Yao, your families are not weak, you should have elves that are already being cultivated. Han Yue, the gorgeous competition you are participating in does not require a high number of elves, but I have already signed up for He Tian and the others, so you guys are not a big deal. As for the others, you don't have to worry about them. Tell me what you think."

Wang Yao and the other two were not surprised by this. Han Yue didn't mention that Wang Yao and Fang Zhifan's families were all in business, and they had some assets, but they were not as good as that group of people.

Are you kidding? What are you comparing? Dongfang Ling's elves are not simple at first glance. My goodness, each of them can fight above their level. Even if their qualifications are low, the team is complete.

Not to mention Long Yun and the others.

Tong Xue should be the poorest among the group. There is also a gym behind her. What can she compare with?

After thinking for a while, Han Yue spoke first.

"I want an Eevee"

"Uh, yes, sure."

Dongfang Yang agreed without even thinking about it.

If there were no Ibrahimovic in the cultivation room of Magic City University, it would be a joke.

After a long silence, Wang Yao and Fang Zhifan looked at each other and said in unison.

"Coach, we want to hear your opinion."*2Once the others heard this, they were stunned. Is there such an operation?

Dongfang Yang paused as he held the mouse, shook his head and laughed.

"The smartest ones are really the two of you who are in the top eight."

Dongfang Yang said solemnly after letting out a sigh.

"Fang Zhifan, this afternoon I noticed that your fighting style is to counterattack, so high double defense and high stamina are the prerequisites for you to choose Pokémon.

Your Goran has strong stamina, Snorlax is good in stamina and special defense, and Forritos has good physical defense.

The remaining Pokémon can also be considered in this aspect.

For example, Agito, especially after its mega evolution, can be said to be the ceiling of physical defense.

Umbreon, with excellent double defense, is also worth considering.

Knight Snail can also be considered.

It has good double defense and extremely high attack, which is also suitable for you.

Others like Rhydon, Steelix, and Uzumaki are also suitable for you.


After speaking, Dongfang Yang took a sip of tea, and Runrun���Zi, ignoring the surprised looks of the crowd, continued

"As for Wang Yao, your fighting style is varied, so I will analyze it for you from the attribute aspect.

Electric type is Elafulu, Steelix of Steel and Ground type, and Fire type and General type is Flame Lion.

First of all, you should pay attention to Fighting type Pokémon, which are double restraint to your Steelix and Flame Lion.

If possible, you need to train a Pokémon for them.

Ghost type is a good choice.

Of course, you don't have to, because you have an Elafulu.

However, I still recommend training a Gengar.

After all, Gengar with floating attribute can be very immune to ground type skills, and ground type Pokémon can also restrain your Elafulu well, so a Gengar is definitely not a loss.


(ps: Gengar's floating attribute was removed in the seventh generation, but I think that the flying black fat man always feels obedient without the floating attribute. Xiaozhi carried the black fat man to pick the Max Mushroom. What do you think of the black fat man's floating attribute? You said that it is understandable for the sake of balance in the game, but if it were real, who would fight Gengar by focusing on the poison attribute?)

"Think about it, with a Gengar, there are basically not many attributes that affect your lineup. Counting your Lightning Dragon's super evolution, you have the Dragon attribute, which is nothing more than an additional ice and fairy attack surface. But for the ice type, you have Flame Lion, and for the fairy type, you have a poison-type Gengar, so it's not a big problem."

"It's nothing more than some reinforcements, air combat and water combat capabilities. In fact, you don't lack them. You have the electric dragon for water combat and the floating Gengar for air combat, but it's better to strengthen it a little bit."

"My personal suggestion is that when strengthening in this aspect, consider pairing it with the Dark and Fighting types, and combine them with each other, such as Mosquito Repellent Swimmer, Carnival Wave Dancer or Megalodon, Iron Claw Lobster, and Greninja. The ones to match it are Crow Head, Vulture Nan, Lower Stone Bird and Wrestling Hawkman, Flamingo. These two can also be replaced by Mook Hawk and Warrior Hawk."

"Although that's what the attributes say, my personal suggestion is not to choose Megalodon and Wrestling Hawkman. Megalodon has high requirements for the fighting environment, and Wrestling Hawkman can't fly. Of course, the specific choice is up to you."

After saying that, Dongfang Yang drank a large glass of water directly, took a deep breath, and then he recovered.

He Tian and the others were completely dumbfounded.

Dongfang Yang spoke in a bang, and they had never heard of many Pokémon.

What are the Red Flamingo, the Stone Bird, and the Carnival Wave Dance Duck?

Compared to the confusion of the crowd, Wang Yao was a little excited in her heart. She didn't expect that her team could be so good.

At that moment, she decided to train a Gengar. Even if there was no one in the school's breeding house, she would ask her family to get one for her. After looking around and making sure that no one was missed, Dongfang Yang spoke

"In this case, let's make it a deal. Tomorrow I will take you to the training house at school. Rest early today. We will set out at five in the morning tomorrow. I will notify the people at the training house to try not to delay the morning training."

Hearing this, He Tian and others were all upset.

How important is training? They squeezed in time in the morning and refused to waste any time for morning training.

If we fall into the hands of this training maniac, can we still survive?

Seeing that several people were still sitting in their seats like wooden sticks, Dongfang Yang frowned and said in a deep voice

"Anything else?"


He Tian and the others looked at each other and couldn't say a word for a long time.

"If you have to fart, just fart."

Dongfang Yang was very dissatisfied with the way they hesitated, and he scolded them sternly.

Everyone was immediately startled and sat up straight, but still said nothing.

Finally, when Dongfang Yang's patience was about to run out, He Tian couldn't stand the pressure, and under the urging of his companions, he spoke

"Instructor, I would like you to help us consider the lineup."


Hearing this, Dongfang Yang showed an understanding expression.

"Of course, this matter..."

He Tian and others were full of expectations on their faces

"It's impossible."

Seeing the astonishment and disappointment on everyone's faces, Dongfang Yang laughed and said with a look of disdain.

"As the saying goes, if you miss this opportunity, you will miss it forever. You have already passed it, and when you see others', you want to turn back. How can such a good thing happen?"

"Besides, what can you pair up with? You all specialize in water, bug, dark, fighting, and there are only a few Pokémon in each department. Why don't you specialize anymore? You want to switch jobs? And you, there are only a few Pokémon in frog form. Why don't you get a Ditto?"


He Tian shrank his neck and scratched his head.

"That's better."

"Is there anything else?"

Dongfang Yang smiled kindly.

"Um, no more"

"Why don't you go back to sleep? You have to get up early tomorrow. I tell you, if anyone is late tomorrow and fails to complete the morning training, your training workload will be doubled."As soon as

Dongfang Yang's roar fell, He Tian and others burst out at an astonishing speed and disappeared from the room, leaving only the office door shaking back and forth.

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