Seeing that everyone agreed, Xu Yan was relieved.

Zhuge Hongwen was not surprised by all this.

Everyone used connections and owed favors to enter the secret realm, all for the resources, for the Tianyuan Fruit.

Now nearly twenty days have passed, and a lot of resources have been found, but there is no trace of the Tianyuan Fruit. Zhuge Hongwen probably knows in his heart that he was fooled this time, and there is a high probability that there is no Tianyuan Fruit in the secret realm. The

Ma brothers and sisters thought so too, and this time there was a high probability that they were used as a gun.

Now they met a group of people who seemed to have obtained the Tianyuan Fruit. Zhuge Hongwen and his friends still wanted to try their luck. Even if they didn’t have the Tianyuan Fruit, it would not be a loss to get other treasures.

Squatting down and looking at the embarrassed Xu Yan, Zhuge Hongwen smiled.

"Can you tell us in advance about the 'mysterious space' you mentioned?"

Looking at the people who gathered around him, Xu Yan sighed and said helplessly

"There is a tree in that dense forest. We guess that the space was created by the influence of this tree. As long as you find the tree in that space and touch it with your hand, you will be pulled into an illusion. As long as you pass the illusion, you can get the treasure given by the tree, which is a bit like the inheritance in online novels."

"The most difficult part of the whole process was two points. One was finding the tree. In that space, all magnetic fields were disordered and all instruments could not be used. Finding the tree was completely based on feeling. The second was the illusion. There were seven of us who went in together, and five of us found the tree, but I was the only one who got the reward, and what I got was this."

As he spoke, Xu Yan took out his reward, a colorful stone.

"Is this a super evolution stone?"

Σ( ° △ °|||)

Seeing this scene, everyone was stunned. Is the reward so good?

"No, this is not a super evolution stone."

Ying Yudie shook her head. She had a set of super evolution stones herself, so she knew what this was.

Facing the puzzled looks of others, Ying Yudie explained:

"This is the Evolution Keystone. Although it is not as rare as the Super Evolution Stone, it is also a rare and precious treasure. If you want to super evolve, both the Super Evolution Stone and the Evolution Keystone are indispensable."

After listening to Ying Yudie's explanation, everyone suddenly realized.

No one questioned Ying Yudie's words, because they all noticed that the bracelet on her wrist was also inlaid with an identical Evolution Keystone.

After hearing this, Xu Yan's expression dimmed a little. I thought it was a Super Evolution Stone, but I didn't expect it. I feel like I missed billions.

( _ _)ノ|Wall


Just when the mood of several people was a little low, Lu Rongyuan touched his chin and said

"If that tree can really give an evolution key stone, can it also give a super evolution stone?"

Hearing this, the expressions on everyone's faces kept changing.



( ̄▽ ̄)/

The people who reacted quickly gathered with their friends and talked about something in groups of three or five.

""Brother Lu, you seem to have said something you shouldn't have said."

Tian Xue pulled Lu Rongyuan's sleeve and whispered



Lu Rongyuan didn't know what to say for a moment. It seemed that he was just speaking out his thoughts.

"It's okay. If you don't mention it, others will react soon.

Patting Lu Rongyuan on the shoulder, Zhao Lei comforted him.

"You just put these things in advance, and it won't have any impact. After all, whether you can get the reward or what kind of reward you will get is uncertain."

"What should we do now?"

After thinking about it with his head tilted, it seemed to be the truth, so Tian Xue asked about the next plan.

After thinking for a while, Ying Yudie said softly

"Let's take it one step at a time. Although that person seemed very honest and told everything, I always felt that he was hiding something. That space should not be that simple. Just like he mentioned before, seven people went in, five found the tree, and only one person got the reward. So what about the others? What kind of impact did they have? He didn't say a word, but showed the evolution key stone to divert everyone's attention."

Hearing Ying Yudie say this, the others also reacted and lowered their heads to think.

Fan Yong's girlfriend, Zhou Hanxue, said softly

"Speaking of which, Xu Yan's words do have many loopholes. For example, since they did not find the tree together, how did those who found the tree and those who did not find the tree meet up later? Were they expelled from the space together?"

"And, and more."

Zhao Lei's girlfriend, Ye Qing, also spoke up.

"Is that evolution key stone really the reward Xu Yan got in the space? Although the evolution key stone is relatively precious, it is not impossible for Xu Yan's family to get one. If that space is an extremely dangerous place, and Xu Yan just took out an evolution key stone to attract us in order to lure us in, do you think it is possible?"

Zhao Lei and Fan Yong looked at each other and saw each other's helplessness.

My goodness, their team is really strong women and weak men, and the women are so dominant, pitiful, well, who made me incompetent, just get used to it, and do hard work.

"This girl is right, we have the same concerns."

At this time, Zhuge Hongwen came over with his wife Huang Yuqin and the Ma brothers and sisters, and Qin Xun and Xue Xingxuan followed slowly behind, neither hurried nor slow.

"Hey, what are you doing here, you bad-tempered fellow?"

Ying Yudie was quite familiar with these people. She had known them since childhood and knew their personalities very well.

"Sister Yudie, please don't be so repulsive."


Zhuge Hongwen spread his hands and said with a pitiful look on his face

"Besides, I am not your opponent. Now, you have your man as your backer. Even if I have any conspiracy, I dare not use it. I dare not bring a madman to the family."

This sentence is not said casually. In the eyes of those big families, Dongfang Yang is a madman. A madman who dares to fight against the alliance alone

( ̄ー ̄)

Ying Yudie's mouth twitched. Before she confirmed her relationship with Dongfang Yang, she also thought that Dongfang Yang was a lunatic.

"So what do you mean?"

"We are here to form an alliance."

Ma Yunfei said


"That's right."

Nodding, Zhuge Hongwen explained

"That guy must be dishonest and has concealed a lot of things. There might be danger. Here, the three of us are the strongest. If we form an alliance, we can deal with most of the dangers."

After listening to Zhuge Hongwen's words, Zhou Hanxue and Ye Qing were silent. They knew in their hearts that the other party wanted to form an alliance just to kill Ying Yudie, and they were just incidental.

And Ying Yudie knew this better, or in other words, the strongest people Zhuge Hongwen mentioned were Qin Xun, Xue Xingxuan and himself, because they had king-level elves, and they were the strongest people in this secret realm. It was estimated that this alliance was also a suggestion made by Qin Xun and Xue Xingxuan.

After thinking for a while, Ying Yudie nodded and agreed.

"No problem, I agree to the alliance"

"Okay, let's discuss the various matters."

Zhuge Hongwen and Ma Yunfei were overjoyed and quickly pulled Ying Yudie to discuss various matters.

Qin Xun and Xue Xingxuan gathered together and whispered

"Old Xue, you are the one who is treacherous."

"Captain Qin, stop slandering me. I just made a reasonable suggestion. Besides, you agreed to it, didn’t you?"

"Haha, let the coach who secretly follows him go and inform the chief instructor. I guess the reserve team will also come over. By then, with the chief instructor present, there will be a team safer than Ying Yudie."

"Don't say anything nonsense. I just made a suggestion. The person who finally decided to implement it was Zhuge Hongwen. It has nothing to do with me."

"Haha, keep pretending."

(︶︿︶)=╭∩╮ Than the middle finger

"Nothing else, no more chat"

(。•ˇ‸ˇ•。)piss off

""Ziqing, Lao Xue is a very evil person, you have to be careful in the future."

Facing Qin Xun's teasing, Lu Ziqing just smiled, she must trust her man more.

On the other side, after Dongfang Yang got up, he first checked the training situation of Dongfang Ling and others. After all, he had been focusing on those inbound spies during this period.

Looking at the people who were training even in their spare time, Dongfang Yang nodded with satisfaction. Just when he was about to go up and give some pointers, a member of the coaching team ran over.

"Chief Instructor, something happened"



Dongfang Yang's face was full of confusion and bewilderment.

It was nothing. Didn't I catch those clowns? Could there be someone else? Damn, you only know how to cause trouble for me. Can't you just be quiet for a while?


The more he thought about it, the angrier he became. Dongfang Yang was visibly furious.

The air pressure around him dropped to freezing point in an instant. Dongfang Ling and the others who were training, as well as the staff in charge of logistics, were all frightened.

Could something have happened? The chief instructor was so angry and furious. It seemed that something serious must have happened. The chief instructor's actions in the past few days were also mysterious. Instructor Li Yuan was not there today. Something must have happened.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Listening to Dongfang Yang's cold words and feeling the faint murderous intent in the air, the coaching staff who came to report the intelligence kept shaking their legs and couldn't speak for a long time.

Not hearing a reply, Dongfang Yang frowned and was about to lose his temper.

At this time, Dongfang Ling quietly came over and held her brother's hand.

In an instant, Dongfang Yang returned to normal, and the faint murderous intent in the air also dissipated.

"Tell me, what happened?"

Seeing Dongfang Yang put away his momentum, the coaching staff breathed a sigh of relief, swallowed their saliva, and quickly reported what happened to the school team members.

After hearing what happened, Dongfang Yang's face gradually became strange.

"That's it?"


The coaching staff was confused.

Isn't this serious?


Realizing that he had misjudged his thoughts, Dongfang Yang coughed twice and said softly

"So that's it···"

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