Elf: Thorntail

Attribute: Bug

Level: 0

Qualification: Green

Features: Escape

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Caterpillar

Attribute: Bug

Level: 0

Qualification: White

Features: Escape

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Spearow

Attribute: Normal Flight

Level: 0

Qualification: White

Features: Sharp Eyes

Carrying Items: None

After looking at the Pokémon eggs in a row, which were all common insect Pokémon and house birds, and their qualifications were not high, Dongfang Yang frowned slightly.

"Ziyi, do you have any criteria for collecting these Pokémons? Do you collect them directly from trainers who come out of the wild or secret realms?"



Ying Ziyi was slightly stunned, shook his head, and denied Dongfang Yang's statement.

"If you collect them directly from trainers who have returned from outside, most of them will be Pokémon like Caterpillar and Pidgeot, and their qualifications are not high, so they are basically unsellable. After all, you can get these Pokémon as long as you run outside the city."

"No breeding house will buy directly from trainers. The price we offer for an egg is not low. We have no way to find out the types of Pokémon eggs unless we ask those Pokémon experts to identify them one by one. There is a possibility of error, and the cost is not low. It is not worth it. No one will do it."

"Only stores on the black market and exchange markets will want them. The prices they offer are very low, usually to trick newbies, or to give them out as rewards. Once they are not sold, they will hatch and most of them will be released directly into the wild."

"I originally wanted to save money. I didn't ask experts to estimate the quality of the elves like other breeding houses did. I just put a batch of them in the store. If you come across a good one, it's purely because you are lucky. You will not ask someone to judge the type of elf eggs."

In order to come to this breeding house, Ying Ziyi still learned about these things in advance.

After listening to Ying Ziyi's explanation, Dongfang Yang nodded, then pointed to the elf egg he had just checked and said to it

"This half is what you just said, all of them are green caterpillars, stingtails, and spearows. There is something wrong with your store."

Hearing this, Ying Ziyi's face darkened.


He would not doubt Dongfang Yang's words. After all, there was no need for him to deceive him. There must be something wrong with this batch of elf eggs.

The purchase price of an elf egg was fifty thousand, so a hundred eggs here would be five million.

Now half of them are problematic, which is two and a half million.

Whether it is the black market or the exchange market, the price given for eggs like caterpillars is basically a few thousand. Fifty eggs would be five hundred thousand at most, and the difference in price is two million.

Although he doesn't care about this little money, it's interesting that the trouble has fallen on his head. What do they think of himself?

Stepping aside, Ying Ziyi took out his mobile phone and gave a message to his men, asking them to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Seeing that Ying Ziyi had sent someone to deal with it, Dongfang Yang no longer paid attention to the matter and continued to check the remaining elf eggs.

Elf: Scyther

Attribute: Insect Flight

Level: 0

Qualification: Green

Features: Insect Premonition

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Kairos

Attribute: Insect

Level: 0

Qualification: White

Features: Super Power Pliers

Carrying Items: None

Elf: Duckbill Baby

Attribute: Fire

Level: 0

Qualification: Green

Features: Flame Body

Carrying Items: None

Although they are no longer some house birds or caterpillars, their qualifications are indeed not very good. However,

Dongfang Yang was not in a hurry. He slowly picked them one by one. He didn't go to other stores to check. If there was nothing, he would just forget it. If he couldn't beat them, he would go to the Alliance to fleece them. Anyway, the Alliance is a big fat sheep and it will take a while to fleece them all.

Dongfang Yang also took out the blue-qualified Pokémon eggs he saw.

After all, for ordinary families, blue qualifications are already quite good.

Pokémon: Charmeleon

Attribute: Fire

Level: 0

Qualification: Blue

Features: Escape

Carrying Items: None

Pokémon: Ink Seahorse

Attribute: Water

Level: 0

Qualification: Blue

Features: Sniper

Carrying Items: None

Pokémon: Pachirisu

Attribute: Electricity

Level: 0

Qualification: Blue

Features: Storage

Carrying Items: None

Pokémon: Jaw Ant

Attribute: Ground

Level: 0

Qualification: Blue Features : Super Strength Claw Carrying Items: None There are not many


There are only four of them in the nearly fifty Pokémon eggs, and the one in front of it is Pidgeot.

Elf: Bobo Attribute: General Flying Level: 0 Qualification: Blue Features: Strong chest muscles Carrying items: None After taking out the five elf eggs, Dongfang Yang told Ying Ziyi about their situation and let him handle it himself.

Ying Ziyi quickly arranged for someone to take the five blue elf eggs away, and the purple scorpion tail can attract a lot of customers to a certain extent.

At this time, Ying Ziyi's younger brother had already investigated the matter of this batch of elf eggs and came to report to Ying Ziyi.

Listening to his younger brother's words, Ying Ziyi's face became completely gloomy.



Dongfang Yang and Ying Yudie didn't care about the final outcome of this matter.

Dongfang Yang said that it was inconvenient for outsiders to intervene too much, and that it would be enough to give appropriate reminders.

Ying Yudie believed that Ying Ziyi could handle this kind of thing, and she didn't need to worry about it.

The couple looked at each other, and sneaked away with Pikachu.

After leaving the breeding house, Pikachu lay on the shoulder of its trainer and yawned leisurely. Dongfang Yang held Ying Yudie's hand, and the two walked aimlessly on the street.

"I didn’t expect that Ziyi didn’t have any suitable elves here. Where do you plan to go next?"

"Just let it go, don't force anything."

Shrugging, Dongfang Yang didn't really care about not finding the elf he wanted.

┐( ̄ー ̄)┌

"Actually, I still have a few elf eggs on me. According to the date, they should hatch in the next few days. I originally prepared them for Ling'er, but now I guess they can't be used."

Hearing this, Ying Yudie blinked her eyes and asked curiously

"What kind of elf is this? How could Ling'er not be able to use it?"

"There are four in total, Eevee, Electabuzz, Squidward, and Kokodor."

After a pause, Dongfang Yang continued

"Originally, they were all for Ling'er. If you want to be a coordinator trainer, they would be Eevee and Squidward. If you want to be a professional trainer, they would be Kokoro, Incandescent and Dragonite."

"Now she has been given the Dragon Messiah, the Burning Bug is in Mengyao's hands, and Ling'er may not want the remaining Kokodora. Her current fighting style tends to be fast attack and turret style, so Kokodora is not suitable for her. Instead, Fang Zhifan in the reserve is more suitable."

Ying Yudie thought about it and felt that what Dongfang Yang said seemed to be right.

Dongfang Ling's fighting style is now fixed and it is impossible to change it rashly. After all, she is not like Dongfang Yang. At this stage, it is quite good to be able to use two fighting styles reasonably.

To be honest, Dongfang Yang also has only one style, a complete fast attack style. At least most of his elves are like this.

"So what do you want?"

"Ask her later. If she doesn't want it, put her in Team 3 and train her on her own."

"So, what about Squidward and Eevee? Oh, and there's also an Electric Monster, how are you going to deal with it?"

"I was thinking, how about we go to the Gorgeous Competition next year? I will train Ibrahimovic and you will train Ugliano, and then we will compete in the Gorgeous Competition."


Hearing this, Ying Yudie's eyes lit up instantly and she said excitedly

"Okay, okay, that sounds interesting, but first of all, you are not allowed to use your Gardevoir, it's too much."

She had also seen the video of Dongfang Yang's flash Gardevoir's gorgeous performance. In one word, it was awesome.

"Don't worry, that won't happen. Gardevoir is not interested."

"That's fine. Next year, let's see how my Milotic can defeat you at the Grand Festival. By the way, what kind of evolution type do you plan to train Eevee into?"

"What? Are you here to gather information now?"

"No way?"

Squinting her eyes, Ying Yudie looked at Dongfang Yang with a dangerous light flashing in her eyes.

You'd better think it over before answering, otherwise, hum. Hum.


Rubbing his girlfriend's head, Dongfang Yang said softly

"Of course you can. The most suitable one for the gorgeous competition should be Sylph Eevee."

"Oh, are you referring to what is said on the internet: 'A real tough guy dares to face his inner love for pink'?"



Dongfang Yang looked at the little princess he had chosen speechlessly and could only sigh helplessly.

"If you say so, then it is"



Ying Yudie smiled and was very satisfied with her boyfriend's attitude

"What about the electric monster?"

""Electric Monster, if I remember correctly, I picked it up in the forest where Pikachu and I met. I brought it back because it had good aptitude."

Hearing this, a Pikachu resting on Dongfang Yang's shoulder raised its head, waved at Ying Yudie, and called out twice, proving that Dongfang Yang was right.

After rubbing the cute Pikachu, Ying Yudie smiled and said

"If you don't want to cultivate it yourself, just give it to me, how about that?"

"Okay, if you like it, I will train you."

Since his girlfriend wants it, Dongfang Yang will certainly not refuse. Besides, it's rare for her to ask, so he will definitely agree. There is no second possibility.

"I just thought about it carefully, and it seems that your three teams are complete, Taneka, Dratini, Kokoro, Eevee, and the only ones left are Farfetch'd and Gastly."

"Oh, now that you mention it, it seems to be true. I didn’t notice it. Oh, by the way, what do you think of the second team?"

"Wait for me to count. Currently there are Slow Hippopotamus. If we include the future Electabuzz and Milotic, there are still three left."

"Any ideas?"

"No, I plan to do the same as you, take it one step at a time, there is no rush anyway, hehe"

"Haha, I can't believe we look so alike, it's like we were made for each other"

"We are, okay?"

"Yes, you are right, we are"


"Ha ha~"


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