There was only a"crack" sound.

The light green protective shield around the staff-tailed scaly dragon shattered like glass and dissipated.

The red-faced dragon's attack directly landed on the staff-tailed scaly dragon.

In an instant, the staff-tailed scaly dragon flew backwards and fell heavily behind Qin Xun.

"When you challenge a gym, it's best to learn more about it. Although Aaron rarely uses his main Pokémon in gym battles, his most famous fighting method is"Reverse Scales" plus"Brute Force" plus"Dragon Claws", which form an extremely violent attack. Aaron often uses this method to exchange with his opponent, an exchange of the weak over the strong."

Hearing Ye Yan's explanation, the school team members fell into deep thought.

What should they do if they encounter this attack?

At the same time, Qin Xun on the battlefield felt his head buzzing and didn't react for a while.

""Hold on" didn't hold on?

"It seems that the brat's teaching is not enough. Why do you think that"holding" can block the attack of the red-faced dragon?"

Dongfang Long crossed his arms and said in a deep voice.

"That's right, there's a huge gap between the strength of the brat and you guys, even if I break the 'hold', you'll think it's natural."

"The Red-faced Dragon's 'Dragon Claw' contains the power of 'Reverse Scale' and 'Brute Force'. Both sides are at the level of a Heavenly King, and a mere 'Hold' cannot stop them."

"Remember, these skills of"holding" are not omnipotent."

Qin Xun came back to his senses, took a deep breath, and bowed to Dongfang Long.

"Thank you for your advice, but it's not over yet, Armored Dragon."

Hearing the trainer's call, the Armored Dragon lying on the ground opened its tightly closed eyes and climbed up again.

Looking at the Armored Dragon returning to the battlefield again, Dongfang Long's mouth twitched

( ̄~ ̄;)

Damn, quasi-gods are troublesome. This guy's defense is too high."Hold" is not completely useless. It still offsets a lot of damage.

Looking at the gradually fading dragon and fighting energy on the red-faced dragon, Dongfang Long quickly calculated in his mind.

It is necessary to make a quick decision. The duration of"Reverse Scale" and"Brute Force" is about to expire. If the side effects of the skills come on, it will be even more difficult for the red-faced dragon.

Although Dongfang Long has also trained the red-faced dragon to offset the side effects of skills, the results are not obvious and it will still be greatly affected.

"Red-faced dragon, 'Dragon Star’"

Hearing this, the red-faced dragon raised its head and released a large amount of dragon energy stored in its chest, forming several meteorites that fell down.

"‘Soul Dance Sonic Boom’"

Following Qin Xun's loud shout, the Armored Staff-tailed Dragon let out a deafening roar.

Under the continuous output of the"Soul Dance Sonic Boom", all the"Dragon Star Clusters" were shattered.

At the moment when the Armored Staff-tailed Dragon attacked, the Red-faced Dragon endured the pain of a torn eardrum and hit its opponent's jaw with a"Dragon Claw". The Armored

Staff-tailed Dragon, whose spellcasting was forcibly interrupted, was not to be outdone. With a left hook, the"Frozen Fist" hit the Red-faced Dragon's red face. The

Red-faced Dragon took advantage of the situation and turned around, and swung a"dragon tail".

The Armored Staff-tailed Dragon took a step back to stabilize its body, and directly grabbed the Red-faced Dragon's tail with the"Dragon Claw" and threw the Red-faced Dragon out. The

Red-faced Dragon landed steadily, splashing some dust, and the dragon and fighting energy wrapped around its body completely dissipated in the air. The

Red-faced Dragon's breath became much weaker, and its pupils began to turn red, and the whole dragon began to sway.

"The side effects of violence have begun."

Ye Yan, who is familiar with Dongfang Long, frowned and said in a deep voice

""Mom, what's going on?"

Curious Ying Yudie asked everyone's questions.

Although"reverse scales" will confuse the elves and"brute force" will reduce the attack and defense of the elves, they will not be weakened as much as the red-faced dragon is now. The red-faced dragon, which was originally in the late stage of the king level, now exudes an aura that is at most in the early stage of the king level. It is directly equal to the staff-tailed scale-armored dragon.

Taking the opportunity to touch his daughter-in-law's little head, Ye Yan was about to explain for her when a familiar voice sounded behind everyone.

"The old man's combination of 'reverse scale', 'brute force' and 'dragon claw', while exchanging for a powerful attack, also amplified the side effects a lot. Tsk, it's been so long, and the old man hasn't solved it yet."

Ye Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and she knew it was that brat by the sound of his voice.

Everyone looked back, and Dongfang Yang came behind them without knowing when.

Quickly coming to his girlfriend's side, Dongfang Yang pushed his mother's hand away, ignoring Ye Yan's ugly face, gently rubbed Ying Yudie's head, and whispered in her ear


Ying Yudie leaned into her boyfriend's arms and shook her head slightly.

Holding his girlfriend, Dongfang Yang looked at the two elves fighting on the battlefield.

"I don't know if Qin Xun was lucky, but the old man's dragon shame, although he often relied on this combination of skills to commit crimes, was most afraid of the dragon quasi-gods. As a result, Qin Xun's first one was a staff-tailed scaly-armored dragon. Tsk tsk"

"However, the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon is also in a bad situation, and it is estimated that it will not be able to deal with the next elf."

Ye Yan said softly, trying to save some face for her husband.

"How should I put it? It depends on whether the old man has shame or not. If he directly uses Dragonite and Styracosaurus, haha, there is no need to play. Although the other four elves of the old man are a bit mediocre, these two quasi-gods that cost a lot of effort are still quite good."Rolling his eyes to his son, Ye Yan said unhappily

"Your father is not so shameless."

Don't you see what you are talking about? Dongfang Long's two quasi-gods have been in the semi-champion level for a long time. Ordinary champion-level elves may not be their opponents.

"I remember the old man’s Desert Dragonfly also reached the semi-championship, right?"

"Well, the semi-champion's early strength"

"I guess the old man will put it in the third position, otherwise it would be embarrassing if he really lost."

Ye Yan did not refute Dongfang Yang's words.

She also guessed that her husband would put Desert Dragonfly in the third position, otherwise it would be bad for the newly promoted semi-champion-level trainer to be defeated by a senior student in the gym battle.

"If the two quasi-gods are eliminated, the old man's main force will only be the old man dragon and the poisonous algae dragon. I estimate that the poisonous algae dragon will be used in nine out of ten cases. It is impossible to send those gym elves."

Touching his chin and thinking for a while, Dongfang Yang said slowly

"Why can't it be the second team of elves? Your father's second team still has two king-level elves."

"As for his miserable second steel team, you are talking about the overweight King Bronze Elephant and the fragile armored bird."

Glancing at his speechless mother, Dongfang Yang continued

"I'm not saying anything, mom, you should also take care of the old man.

I don't object to training a second steel-type team, but can you be more normal? The only two king-level ones, one is about to get too fat to walk, and the other has metal that is incredibly brittle.

There are also Giant Claw Mantis, Nut Dumbbell, and Alola form of Sandslash, all of which are four times weak to fire.

The only thing that can be seen is the gym-level cat boss.

I'm afraid that after a while, I will give Ling'er a Mega Evolution Stone, and her Blaziken will be able to pick four Pokémon from the old man's second team.


Faced with Dongfang Yang's ruthless complaints, Ye Yan was speechless.

(; ̄д ̄)

Dongfanglong's second steel team is indeed a joke. Even if the King Bronze Elephant and the Armored Bird are stacked to the early stage of the King level, they are still not up to the standard.

"Look, the result is out."

This is, Ying Yudie, who was nestled in Dongfang Yang's arms, pointed at the battlefield and shouted.

Ye Yan and Dongfang Yang stopped communicating and looked at the battlefield.

The two wounded elves flew backwards after another fight with"Dragon Claw". After a violent gasp, the staff-tailed scaly dragon lying on the ground supported its knees and climbed up with difficulty. The crimson- faced dragon, who was lying on the ground, also struggled to stand up after seeing his opponent stand up.

The two panting elves looked at each other, and neither of them wanted to fall down first.

Dongfang Long and Qin Xun didn't say anything.

Both elves were at the point of exhaustion, and it was good enough that they could barely wake up.

Attack? Very difficult.

The two elves were wasting their time like this, and in the end, it was the crimson-faced dragon that fell first, lost its ability to fight, and fainted.

The referee on the side quickly announced

"The Red-Faced Dragon lost its ability to fight, and the Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon won this round."

Hearing this, the Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon breathed a sigh of relief, and its body softened and it fell to the ground.

Seeing this, Qin Xun quickly put the Staff-Tailed Scaled Dragon back into the Poké Ball.

"You've worked hard, take a rest first."

Dongfang Long also exhaled and took the Red-faced Dragon back.

"The Red-Faced Dragon finally fell because of its racial value."

With a sigh, Dongfang Yang said with emotion

"The Red-Faced Dragon was your father's original spirit, so he is still unwilling to give it up."

Ye Yan also sighed with regret.��

People around heard it, it was a head full of black lines


In fact, the racial value of the Red-Faced Dragon is not low, it is higher than many elves, it is just lower among dragon elves.

However, compared with the Quasi-God Staff Tail Scaled Armored Dragon, the Red-Faced Dragon is quite impressive.

"Having said that, actually, what the Red-faced Dragon has done is good enough. After all, the opponent is an early-stage King-level Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon. Now it will be difficult for the opponent to fight in the next round. It can be said to be a one-on-one exchange. Normally, with the strength of the Staff-tailed Scaled Dragon, this should not be the result."

Dongfang Yang rarely spoke for his father.

With the strength of quasi-god elves, it is common for the early stage to fight the late stage against ordinary elves.

The current result is not only due to the flawed combo skills designed by Dongfang Long for the red-faced dragon, but also due to Qin Xun's own huge mistakes.

It's still not enough, I need to practice.

In an instant, Dongfang Yang made a judgment on Qin Xun in his heart.

In the battle, Dongfang Long released his second elf, the poisonous algae dragon that Dongfang Yang expected.

Elf: Poisonous algae dragon

Attribute: Poison dragon

Level: 77

Qualification: Blue

Feature: Poison thorn

Carrying: Poison gem (medium quality 36%)

However, Qin Xun almost released his own elf, the Shield Blade Monster at the same time.

Elf: Shield Blade Monster

Attribute: Steel Ghost

Level: 71

Qualification: Purple

Feature: Battle switch

Carrying: Metal film (top quality 24%)

Seeing this scene, Dongfang Long's face darkened.

But Dongfang Yang in the stands laughed out loud

"Dark, dark, the old man's face darkened, it made me laugh to death.


Ye Yan laughed happily at her husband's misery.


The other people also had strange expressions on their faces, as if they wanted to laugh but didn't dare.

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