Time flies, and half a month has passed in the blink of an eye.

After all, the members of the Magic City University team are talented people who have been carefully selected, and their strength is quite good.

The gym badge requirements formulated by Dongfang Yang have now been completed.

Including the players in the gorgeous competition.

Lu Ziqing herself is a member of the original school team, and her strength should not be underestimated.

Liu Zifeng is also a talented student of Magic City University. After a period of special training, she also achieved her goal.

Of course, she chose to challenge the weakest ones among the strongest gyms of the eighteen attributes of Dragon Country.

This is also what Dongfang Yang and others acquiesced.

Today is the day they all return to school.

Everyone gathered at the training ground. Dongfang Yang stood in the front and listened to Li Yuan report on the situation of everyone.

"Captain Qin Xun, it took 15 days to obtain four gym badges, namely the strongest dragon gym badge in Modu, the strongest ground gym badge in Hangzhou, the strongest fire gym badge in Rongcheng, and the strongest water gym badge in Sansha."

"Vice Captain Sui Yiqin, it took fifteen days and obtained four Dao���The badges are…"

Dongfang Yang nodded slightly as Li Yuan reported everyone's achievements one by one.

When the other party finished speaking, Dongfang Yang said in a deep voice:

"Very good, very good, but the real test has just begun"

"Last month, members of an overseas criminal organization sneaked into our"Wuhua Garden" secret realm. Thanks to the efforts of all our coaching staff, the other party did not cause serious impact. Of course, a large part of the reason is that the alliance's recent"anti-gang" operation cleared out a large number of members of the organization, so they were seriously short of people entering the secret realm, only five people."

"Although they have been brought to justice, we cannot let them tread on our heads, we must give a tooth for a tooth, an eye for an eye, and fight back."

Hearing this, Qin Xun and the others rolled their eyes at Dongfang Yang.

Good man, how come we don't know the principle of fighting back and cursing.

After that, everyone's eyes lit up and they became excited.


This is to take us to fight crime and enhance our national prestige.

However, before they could be happy for a few seconds, they heard Dongfang Yang continue to say

"Unfortunately, although I want to lead you to retaliate against them, the Alliance's ability to do things is really lame. After such a long time, we still haven't found the location of the other party's headquarters. Now, we are powerless."

ε=(´ο`*)))Alas, all the school team members showed disappointed expressions.

Although it was a pity, this might be their only chance to show the prestige of our country. After all, they were all family members, and even the only direct descendants. They rarely had the opportunity to join the alliance and perform dangerous tasks.

But they had no choice. They couldn't just run around outside like headless flies.

"So in the next few days, the members of the coaching team will conduct actual combat drills with you in the secret realm, simulating the situation of encountering overseas criminal organizations in reality. This time, the coaching team will not let you off, and Instructor Li Yuan will also go all out. You can discuss among yourselves and officially start tomorrow."

"I will also keep an eye on any news from the alliance in real time, and take you out to test your strengths when I have the chance."

""Yes, Chief Instructor."

Everyone, including the members of the coaching team, shouted loudly and saluted Dongfang Yang.

After a simple return of the salute, Dongfang Yang shook his sleeves and left to go to his sister. When he arrived at the venue, he looked through the information of everyone recorded by the person in charge.

Captain--Longyun: Lizard King (late gym level) Flying Dragon (middle gym level) Aluminum Steel Dragon (early gym level) Axe Fang Dragon (mid elite level)

Vice Captain--Lengyue: Emperor Nabo (middle gym level) Umbreon (early gym level) Nidoking (elite peak) Mosquito (early elite level)

Singles members

Cao Lin: Arcanine (middle gym level) Houndoom (elite peak) Blazing Eagle (elite late) Charizard (elite late)

Lieyun: Infernape (middle gym level) Blaziken (early gym level), Houndoom (mid-elite level), Snarker (mid-elite level),

Liu Yan: Rhydon (early gym level), Bankiras (mid-gym level), Boskdorla (mid-elite level), Talondra (early elite level), Dongfang

Ling: Doronesia (late elite level), Blaziken (mid-elite level), Bulbasaur (early elite level), Slowking (mid-elite level), Absol (late advanced level), Lapras (mid advanced level),

Wang Yao: Dragonite (mid-elite level), Steelix (mid-elite level), Flame Lion (early elite level), Gengar (late advanced level), Scyther (early advanced level), Fang Zhifan

: Sure enough, Weng (mid-elite level), Snorlax (early elite level), Forritos (early elite level), Umbreon (early elite level),

He Tian: Mosquito Repellent (mid-elite level), Mosquito Repellent (mid-elite level), Poisonous Skull Frog (early elite level), Toad King (mid-advanced level)

Doubles members, one group

Ximen Yan: Steel Armored Crow (elite late stage), Tropical Dragon (elite early stage), Tanabata Bluebird (elite early stage), Flaming Eagle (elite early stage), Messenger Bird (advanced late stage),

Tong Xue: Lapras (elite mid stage), Glaceon (elite mid stage), Mamoswine (elite mid stage)

Group 2

Hongwu: Fast Fist Lang (elite mid stage), Wrestling Hawkman (elite early stage), Strange Strength (advanced late stage), Slippery Boy (advanced mid stage)

Ye Tian: Blocking Bear (elite early stage), Rogue Crocodile (advanced late stage), Cool Leopard (advanced mid stage), Darkraige (advanced mid stage)

Group 3

Zhang Yi: Kairos (elite mid stage), Scyther (elite early stage), Incinerator (advanced late stage), Heracross (advanced early stage)

Wang Yang: Giant Claw Crab (elite early stage), Swampert (elite early stage), Sun Coral (advanced mid stage), Water Blastoise (advanced late stage)

Gorgeous Race

Bai Mengyao: Ice Ninetails (Late Gym Level) West Lion Sea Ren (Middle Elite Level) Burning Bug (Late Elite Level) Miss Skirt (Middle Elite Level)

Han Yue: Beautiful Flower (Early Elite Level) Flower Dance Bird [Hot Hot Style] (Early Elite Level) Hunting Swallowtail (Late Advanced) Eevee (Early Advanced)

Looking at the information in his hand, Dongfang Yang scratched his head. There was not much difference from half a month ago.

It was normal to fall into a bottleneck period after two months of high-intensity training.

Now the elves' bodies are probably very tired, and ordinary training will not have a very obvious effect.

Now there are only two methods.

The first is to use high-quality resources to hit them, but the resources provided by Magic City University during this period are not bad. Now there is probably a lot of energy left in the elves' bodies that has not been used and is escaping. It is not realistic to hit resources again, and the school probably does not have suitable resources.

The second is to rest for a while, let the elves' bodies relax thoroughly, and then do high-intensity training. Otherwise, it will not only be useless to keep exercising like this, but also damage the elves' bodies.

The official team members did not have this problem because they only had high-intensity training for a month. The intensity dropped when they were in the secret realm. Not to mention the first half of the month, they were all on the plane and it was good enough to complete the daily training.

"Why didn't I get the power of Evergreen? This thing is so effective in healing the injuries of elves. Damn, people like Sakaki can get the recognition of the forest, but I can't. What the hell, is it because my system is too rubbish? It says that I don't have the possibility of possessing the power of Evergreen and the power of Overpower. I can't have it. I'm a waste."

If the dead system knew Dongfang Yang's mumbling, it would probably jump out of the coffin and slap him.

( ̄ε(# ̄)☆╰╮(ಥ_ಥ)

(ꐦÒ‸Ó)You old six

(´இDishஇ`) I have never seen such a shameless person!

(´థ౪థ)σyou are not human

Dongfang Yang leaned back in his chair and pondered for a while. He could not make up his mind, so he asked the members of the coaching team to gather in the conference room to discuss the meeting.

After listening to Dongfang Yang's concerns, everyone also fell into deep thought.

"I think everyone may have thought too much."

At this time, a young woman in a white coat with a pair of black gold-rimmed glasses on her nose, bright eyes but not soul-stirring, long black hair draped over her shoulders, spoke in the corner.

Everyone's eyes immediately focused on the woman, and Dongfang Yang raised his hand to signal

"I remember you are Professor Guan Yue's student, your name is Ouyang Qian, right? You are a member of the Energy Cube Group. Come on, tell me what you think."

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Ouyang Qian swallowed her saliva, shrank her neck, and said

"I have looked through the information of the reserve members in the past.

In the past, the strength of the reserve was mostly between the advanced and elite levels.

Now the strength of the reserve students is far beyond the past.

Many of them have gym-level spirits.

This freshman competition can be said to be a sure win.

In the next half month, the reserve students can be given a small long vacation to have a good rest and let the spirits recover.

In the last five days, they will gather together to adjust their status.


Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up.


Yes, the current students are much stronger than before, especially Long Yun and his group. Maybe by the end of their freshman year, they will have the strength of the juniors of the previous year.

"Good, continue with what else, even if the school team has any ideas, you can express them, after all, brainstorming can make further progress."

Dongfang Yang nodded, indicating that the other party should continue to express his views.

Ouyang Qian nodded weakly and continued softly.

"In fact, the arrangements made by the head instructor of the school team are already very good. After all, although there have been improvements in the first half of the month, the intensity is still a little weaker than that of the reserve team. It is equivalent to a holiday. In the next half month, it is also a good choice to strengthen the intensity."

"Okay, thank you for your opinion. Does anyone else have any ideas?"

Nodding, Dongfang Yang looked around and asked.

After making eye contact with Dongfang Yang, everyone shook their heads, indicating that they had no better ideas.

"Well, let's give the reserve team a ten-day holiday to relax, but the necessary daily training is still needed, and the school team members will remain unchanged. How about that?"

As Dongfang Yang's voice fell, a voice echoed in the conference room.

"Next, let’s discuss other matters, such as…"

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