Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 113 The Tang family comes to visit

Early the next morning, the housekeeper of Luoshen Villa came to wake Ye Fei up.

"Mr. Ye, the Fourth Miss specifically asked you to tour the entire villa today, and I will act as your guide."

Looking at the polite butler, Ye Fei was a little confused.

Luoshen Villa occupies a very large area, with mountains, forests and lakes attached, and the related supporting facilities are also extremely complete. It is far more suitable for tourism than the so-called scenic spots.

But yesterday Song Wanrong didn't ask anyone to take Ye Fei out for fun, and just let him wander around the provincial capital. Why did she think of this again today?

Moreover, Ye Fei came to the provincial capital not just for the Song family. He still had many things to do and could not waste his time on sightseeing. Song Wanrong knew this.

Just when Ye Fei was about to politely decline, another butler came.

"Mr. Ye, Mr. Song Da invites you to come to the living room in the front yard to have a chat. I hope you don't refuse."

Song Qingtian?

Why did this old boy invite me to the living room?

Luoshen Villa is a huge building complex with many houses, so the functions of each building are very clear.

For example, this living room must be a place only used by Mr. Song Qixiang and his four children.

The living room will only receive people of similar status, such as heads of other families with comparable strength to the Song family, or top figures from the seven major financial groups.

With Ye Fei's current worth, he is not qualified to let Song Qingtian wait for him in the living room. At the same time, given Ye Fei's current status, the Song family will not let him meet in the living room. That place is used to entertain outsiders.

One after another, the two housekeepers brought different and even contradictory news, which made Ye Fei narrow his eyes.

If it were anyone else, if they were touring the mountains and rivers on the one hand and invited to the living room on the other, no matter what their relationship with Song Qingtian was, they would definitely choose to go to the living room to take a look first.

After all, Song Qingtian was waiting in the living room, so he must have something serious to do, which was much more important than traveling around.

Ye Fei smiled brightly: "You two, can I ask where Miss Song is now?"

The housekeeper who arrived first bowed slightly and said, "Miss Fourth is also in the living room."

The butler who arrived later looked impatient and suddenly said: "Mr. Ye, please go to the living room as soon as possible and let Mr. Qingtian wait. It is very rude!"

"Yo, are you threatening me?"

Ye Fei showed a playful expression, "When did the Song family become so unruly?"

"No, I don't dare. I'm just doing my duty and reminding Mr. Ye not to delay."

The butler sent by Song Qingtian immediately lowered his head, and big beads of sweat rolled down his chin!

The butler sent by Song Wanrong smiled and looked like he was watching the fun, and even took the time to wink at Ye Fei.

I understand, this is the brother and sister Song Qingtian and Song Wanrong who are fighting!

"What if I don't want to go to the drawing room? What are you going to do?"

Ye Fei was thinking, "Will you tie me up and take me to the living room?"

The butler sent by Song Qingtian suddenly panicked: "Mr. Ye is joking, I don't dare to be rude to you, and I will never be rude to you!"

What a joke!

These housekeepers just have a nice name, and they are the same as the managers of sales companies. Anyone who does sales will have the title of manager, but in fact he is a salesperson!

These housekeepers in Luoshen Villa are better than that, equivalent to higher-level servants. The ones who really have the final say among these servants are the stewards and the chief steward!

And what is Ye Fei's identity?

He is a distinguished guest invited back by Mr. Song Qixiang and Miss Song Wanrong Song! He is also a shareholder of Qingfu Group with three thousandths of the equity!

With such status, if it wasn't for factional hostility, even if Mr. Song Qingtian and Song Da were to meet him, he would have to treat him well!

A high-ranking servant of the Song family, not to mention being tied up, escorted and forced, if he was even a little rude, Ye Fei could make him fall into hell and never get over again!

"In the living room, except for Song Qingtian and Fourth Miss,

Who else? "

Ye Fei's expression turned cold instantly, and his tone was as sinister as the wind in the Nine Netherlands, "Say!"

"And... there is also the head of the Tang family, and... and a general manager of the Bingge Group!"

Terrified, the housekeeper sent by Song Qingtian did not dare to hide it.

"Thank you Miss Fourth for your concern for me."

Ye Fei nodded to the butler sent by Song Wanrong, "Help me call my companions and let's go to the living room together."

The butler sent by Song Wanrong nodded in agreement. He was only here to distract Ye Fei, or to give Ye Fei an excuse to avoid the Tang family. As for Ye Fei's choice, he had no right to interfere.

No wonder the Song brothers and sisters each sent a housekeeper to deliver a message. It turned out that the head of the Tang family came to visit!

During the dispute in Binhai, the Tang family tried to swallow up the underground world of Binhai and sent Tang Guangsheng. As a result, Tang Guangsheng was killed in the battle at Qingfeng Teahouse, and no one in the accompanying Tang family survived.

Later, Tang Jun, the martial arts prodigy of the Tang family, pretended to be the leader of two masters of the Blood Wolf Killing Society and provoked Ye Fei at the negotiation meeting. As a result, his martial arts skills were abolished.

Then, two days ago, as soon as Ye Fei arrived in the provincial capital, Tang Song from the Tang family directly challenged Song Qixiang at the shareholders' meeting. Ye Fei broke his famous iron leg with a move and became disabled.

The grievances between the Tang family and Ye Fei were deep, so it was not surprising that they came to their door.

It's just that the Tang family is the head of the family and the general manager of the seven major consortium Bingge Group. It seems to be giving the Song family face, politeness before fighting, but in fact they want to use their status to suppress others and let the Song family deal with Ye Fei on their own!

With the current situation of the Song family, if Ye Fei were an ordinary person, he might really be getting what the Tang family wanted!

Song Qingtian naturally has no good impression of Ye Fei. If he knew that Ye Fei had removed the witchcraft from his father, he might be the first to jump out and kill Ye Fei!

With this old boy cooperating inside and outside, it is not difficult to trick Ye Fei to death after repeated threats.

It's a pity that Song Qingtian and the Tang family really underestimated Ye Fei. If he could be manipulated like this, he wouldn't be able to get to where he is today!

Lao Biao and Yun Nishang hurried over and went to the living room with Ye Fei. They heard what happened on the way and immediately felt funny.

As Ye Fei's partner, he naturally understands the three people's positions.

The relationship between everyone and the Song family is just a cooperative relationship. Even if it involves a little bit of personal friendship, it can only be maintained based on interests!

The Tang family actually regarded Ye Fei as a vassal attached to Song Wanrong. They were really wrong!

When I came to the living room, I saw a few people sitting on two sides.

As the main seat in the middle, Mr. Song Qixiang, Mr. Song, sat on it, silently sipping tea.

Sitting next to them were brother and sister Song Qingtian and Song Wanrong. Opposite them were two strange middle-aged men they had never seen before.

"Ah Fei is here, come on, come and sit down and have a sip of the tea that was just delivered this morning. The taste is really wonderful!"?

This book was first published on 17K Novel Network, so you can read the original content immediately!

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