Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 365 Huang Wenbing’s Sorrow

In the space of the bronze mirror, Hanhan gnawed his portion of the barbecue honestly, swallowing a portion of the essence and blood of the spiritual beast from time to time.

The master said that he had just been promoted and was in a weak stage and needed a lot of supplements. Hanhan listened to the master the most, so he kept eating.

On the other side, Bai Xue's own nest was filled with fire spirit fruits.

Among the three spiritual pets, Bai Xue has the worst bloodline and the weakest heels. Although it is the most favored by everyone, normally it should be the most difficult to break through, and its future achievements should also be the lowest.

But there is a saying that good luck is never bad, and Bai Xue happens to be a fire attribute.

The master sent so many fire spirit fruits that it took a long time to digest each one.

But Bai Xue believes that as long as he keeps eating and eating, he will definitely be able to surpass Hanhan, that big fool!

Huang Wenbing lowered his head and quickly took care of a huge fire.

A whole bison was roasting on the fire. The strength of this bison had reached the second level of the Foundation Establishment Realm. It was a real tonic.

Moreover, the beef tastes excellent, far more delicious than the meat of other messy spiritual beasts.

Watching the beef roasted under the flames, slowly reaching the most delicious taste, the small sharp knife in Huang Wenbing's hand flew up and down, peeling off the roasted beef slices on the surface, and threw them in front of Hanhan.

Now when it comes to barbecue skills alone, Huang Wenbing can definitely be called a master chef.

Even because its illusion is now able to pick up items that are not too heavy, Huang Wenbing always carries a few illusions with him to help. With its appearance and posture, even ordinary chefs cannot match its style.

But Huang Wenbing was not happy.

As a spiritual pet, Huang Wenbing knows very well that strength is the only criterion for determining status!

He has indeed mastered a lot of skills, he can grow elixirs, serve elixir tea, and now he can also barbecue. If the master plans to live and work in peace and contentment and return to the mountains and forests, then his importance must be ranked first.

However, the master is still out fighting and fighting people to death in order to gain more benefits for everyone.

Unfortunately, Huang Wenbing, who thought he was the most intelligent, could play less and less role in the battle.

Sometimes Huang Wenbing also feels very sad and very dissatisfied with himself.

As for me, I obviously have the highest intelligence and the best skills, but why are I so afraid of death?

Not only was he afraid of death, but he was also very timid.

During the battle, if you stay in a safe place, you can display 100% of your abilities, and you can control hundreds of illusions to mess up the scene.

But whenever there is any danger, I will be frightened and uncontrollable, and I will not be able to perform even two to three percent of my abilities!

Not to mention others, even Huang Wenbing himself was ashamed and unable to accept it.

Huang Wenbing is a guy with a very strong sense of crisis. Looking at his two companions who are constantly improving, Huang Wenbing has already thought that he has fallen behind in strength and cannot keep up with his master, and will eventually be abandoned.

Thinking of this, Huang Wenbing sighed involuntarily.

It's hard to change your personality, and it's hard to even improve your strength now. I'm really worried!

The wretched and thin back suddenly became desolate, and the feeling of loneliness made people cry.

Silently drinking a portion of the spirit beast's essence and blood, Huang Wenbing cut himself a large piece of roast beef. Huang Wenbing sat cross-legged next to the fire and slowly bit into the beef. It felt like it had been abandoned by the whole world, so pitiful.

Entering a new terrain, Ye Fei told He Wenli his previous guess.

The entire secret realm should be divided into pieces, and each piece has a different environment and terrain.

According to Ye Fei's reasoning, there should be one or two heart-washing towers in every piece of terrain, or even more.

With this inference, the efficiency of the two people in future searches will be greatly improved.

For example, this vibrant terrain in front of us,

As long as you find two Heart Washing Towers here, you can leave quickly. Continuing to search here will be extremely uneconomical.

Because the environment has become extremely suitable for survival, the number of spiritual beasts in this new terrain has increased.

He Wenli did not ask about Ye Fei's behavior of extracting blood essence and collecting fresh meat after killing the spirit beast.

Essence and blood are easy to explain, after all, they are the raw materials for refining elixirs.

But fresh meat can only be used as food material. Long-term consumption does improve the monk's physique, but compared with other harvests, fresh meat only deserves to be thrown away.

After all, this thing is quite large, but not valuable enough, and it takes up a lot of space.

However, Ye Fei's storage magic weapon is very spacious. Along the way, I don't know how much fresh meat of spiritual beasts he collected, and I didn't see him saying that the storage magic weapon was not enough.

If Ye Fei is an extremely stingy guy, his behavior can be explained. However, this guy is extravagant and even behaves extravagantly in battle!

Moreover, Ye Fei was also extremely generous when it came to the distribution of spoils. Many times, the benefits He Wenli received even made her feel a little embarrassed.

If he hadn't been beaten several times by Ye Fei before, He Wenli would have even doubted whether this big financier from the small sect of Jinfu Sect had taken a fancy to her?

He Wenli suppressed all kinds of strange things in her heart. Not only did she not ask questions out loud, she also tried hard to keep herself normal so as not to show any probing expression.

During the short period of time together, He Wenli discovered many unreasonable things about Ye Fei.

However, he was protected by Ye Fei and received a lot of benefits. No matter how weird the other party was, He Wenli could accept it calmly.

As a monk, if you cannot understand the way to survive when you reach the foundation-building realm, your achievements in this life will be limited!

Either you become a miserable person struggling at the bottom of the world of immortality, or you die early on the road.

In this lush terrain, Ye Fei and He Wenli struggled to find a heart-washing tower.

I have to say that this terrain is quite tricky.

Although full of vitality and green eyes can make people feel a little better, and the rewards from killing spiritual beasts will be a lot more, but precisely because of this terrain, it is much more difficult to find the Heart Washing Tower than other places.

Under the cover of the tall tree canopy, a black and shiny tower stands in the jungle.

Ye Fei secretly decided in his heart that whenever he had a choice in the future, he would definitely choose that kind of desolate terrain to enter.

At least there is a vast plain, and when you look up, everything you can see is clear.

When a new Heart Washing Tower appeared, Ye Fei and He Wenli did not act rashly. Instead, they quietly explored the surrounding environment while slowly moving towards the Heart Washing Tower.

There are no traces of human monks coming, and the mechanism at the entrance is still intact. This is an undeveloped heart-washing tower.

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