Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 860 Ye peeling off the skin

"Kill or not? Kill or not?" the little spider demon kept asking excitedly.

Ye Fei didn't answer.

By now!

Ye Fei still really hesitated!

I am not a reckless man!

Use your brain for everything!

When I first arrived, I was on the territory of the Qinglong Society. Although I seemed to be one of their people, I didn't seem to be one of them... What should I say now?

It is necessary for me to rely on my fists to make people feel that I am a character who is not easy to bully, but I cannot really do anything that cannot repair the relationship.

My relationship with the organization is extremely fragile. If I am targeted by this organization, my life may be very difficult.

Suppose you kill this guy!


There is a high probability that I will not be able to stay in the Qinglong Club any longer!

Think of this!

Ye Fei made up his mind!

Things have to be done beautifully!

So Ye Fei looked at the scholar in Tsing Yi who was crying bitterly, and then said: "Don't be too busy crying. I'm going to ask you some questions. If you answer well, I won't kill you!"

"Really?" After hearing Ye Fei's words, the scholar in Tsing Yi stopped crying on the spot and looked at himself with eyes wide open, making him look like the golden retriever husky he had in his previous life.

"How can I, a normal person, deceive you!" Ye Fei said, "Let me ask you, what is your name? What are you doing here?"

The scholar in green clothes quickly replied: "My name is Kong Fang, and I am a descendant of the Kong family..."

"Kong family?" Ye Fei thought it sounded familiar, but immediately blocked Kong Fang's mouth: "You don't have to tell me which family you are from. The less I know, the safer you are, you know? In case I evaluate you Your identity is too sensitive, I might still want to kill you!"

After hearing this, Kong Fang's head was pounding.

Ye Fei continued to ask: "What are you doing here?"

Kong Fang replied: "The teleportation formation needs people on duty to support it.

I happen to be on duty here today! "

"Oh! It turns out that you are responsible for the response. It seems that there may be some misunderstanding between us!" Ye Fei nodded.

Hearing the word "misunderstanding", Kong Fang felt that his probability of survival instantly increased by dozens of percentage points, so he nodded vigorously and said: "Brother, my tone was wrong when I asked the question just now. It may be a bit arrogant. Don't worry about it, everyone. We are all our own people, and logically there should not be such misunderstandings.”

Hearing this, Ye Fei patted Kong Fang on the shoulder and said, "That's the truth. If you talked to me like this from the beginning, we wouldn't be able to wear a pair of pants before we could, so why bother! Alas... Look at your men. Being beaten like this...I feel so sorry! But you also have to be considerate of me. If I don't beat them, they will beat me. If you are a dead Taoist friend or a poor Taoist, I have no choice but to passively fight back."

The scholar in Tsing Yi was dumbfounded when he heard Ye Fei's "shameless" words.

Can people be so shameless?

I have seen a lot today.

But in order to survive, what does it mean to endure hardships?

As long as you can survive, nothing else matters.

The scholar in Tsing Yi has made up his mind, survival is important.

At this time, Ye Fei said again: "I really don't want to kill you! You know I will be in danger even if I kill you!"

"Yes, yes!" the scholar in Tsing Yi said as if he was pounding garlic.

‘That’s right! I kill you because I'm worried about the consequences, but if I don't kill you, I'm more worried about your revenge on me! ’ Ye Fei analyzed: “Think about it, in the face of unknown risks and known possibilities, which one should I choose more?”

Hearing Ye Fei's magical logical analysis, the scholar in Tsing Yi almost fainted again!

He still has to kill himself!

So having said all that...it's all equal to zero.

The Tsing Yi scholars were dumbfounded.

How could I be so unlucky as to provoke such a guy?

However, the scholar in Tsing Yi felt that he should still struggle a little longer, so he said, "Don't worry, I will never retaliate against you!"

"What you say is unfounded!" Ye Fei said, "Why don't you write a letter of guarantee?"

"Guarantee letter? No problem, I'll write it right away... How to write it?" The scholar in Tsing Yi was completely dumbfounded and couldn't understand what Ye Fei was doing.

"How do I pronounce it, how do you write it!" Ye Fei said.


The scholar in Tsing Yi got up from the ground, walked to the table, took out pen, ink, paper and inkstone and began to write a letter of guarantee according to Ye Fei's wishes.

Soon, a fresh and shameless letter of guarantee was issued and placed in front of Ye Fei.

"Okay! Look!" The scholar in Tsing Yi looked like a businessman.

"Put your fingerprints on it!" Ye Fei added: "This thing is useless without fingerprints on it." Ye Fei said.

In fact, Ye Fei thinks that there is no point in putting a fingerprint, but who else will do what needs to be done, this guarantee will be his leverage to suppress this person in the future!


If this guy is shameless enough... there's no point in trying to control him!

As the saying goes, shameless people are afraid of ghosts!

Ye Fei can't help it!

After completing the guarantee letter, Ye Fei folded it and put it in his arms.

After completing this step, Ye Fei said to the scholar in Tsing Yi: "Brother, don't worry, as long as you have no other thoughts about me, this matter does not exist. But if you have any thoughts of revenge against me, I will Just give this guarantee to the senior management of the organization and let the senior management make a decision."

"Okay!" The scholar in Tsing Yi could only follow Ye Fei's instructions in order to save his own life.

Of course Kong Fang knew that his team could not provoke Ye Fei.

But the scholar in Tsing Yi never thought of it!

Ye Fei's methods are not over yet!

I saw Ye Fei put away the guarantee letter, and then said to the scholar in Tsing Yi: "In order for this guarantee letter to have a little warning effect, I think you need to put something valuable on the pledge!"

"What?" The scholar in Tsing Yi on the spot was dumbfounded!

And this kind of thing?

What's the difference between this motherfucker and a bandit?

There is no difference between this bandit!

Ye Fei looked at the scroll artifact in Kong Fang's hand and said, "Just keep this thing with me. When I am sure that you no longer have any ill intentions towards me, I will return this thing to you!" no problem!"

With that said, Ye Fei stretched out his hand and grabbed the scroll magic weapon.

"This one doesn't work...it's an heirloom in my family!"

Kong Fang said.

Ye Fei smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry! I don't want this thing from you! It's just kept with me. You don't have to worry at all. As long as I'm fine, this thing will be returned to you sooner or later! But if one day I don't Be careful if you die inexplicably, you may not be able to get your heirloom back!"

After saying that, Ye Fei smiled and turned to leave.

Ye Fei's skills are very awesome!

It really made Kong Fang, who was already very difficult to dismiss, docile.

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