Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 882 What you want

Ye Fei said that this matter is just a trivial matter.


This is just a polite word for Ye Fei.

In this case, this is not the case for Meng Ziyang!

Confucianism is a very special group.

In the tradition of Confucianism, the kings of heaven and earth, relatives and teachers, are all very important people.

No matter which one, they all have a pivotal position.

In Shangyang Academy, the old dean is Meng Ziyang's master.

As the saying goes, once a teacher, always a father.

Therefore, the relationship between the old dean and Meng Ziyang was definitely not an ordinary one.

The master had been lying on the bed for so long, which had already broken Meng Ziyang's heart.

I searched for a good teacher to no avail. A group of quack doctors treated the symptoms randomly. If the master's body had not been cultivated enough, I would have died in the hands of these quack doctors.

For all this, I was lucky enough to meet Ye Fei!

It was Ye Fei who found the location of the disease and dragged his master back from the hell!

This is Ye Fei's great ability!

It is something that everyone should be grateful for.

Not only that!

Thanks to Ye Fei's decryption, Uncle Shangguan also uncovered this deliberate conspiracy!


Ye Fei is the benefactor of the old dean and everyone, so he is also his benefactor.

Thinking of this, Meng Ziyang felt even more that he should thank Ye Fei.

As a Confucian scholar, Meng Ziyang has the air of a humble gentleman. Although his cultivation level is a little higher than Ye Fei's, he doesn't care.

So Meng Ziyang would come over one step ahead to say thank you...


It’s okay if he doesn’t come.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw a scene I didn't want to see!

Meng Ziyang never expected that the gentle scholars in his academy would be so unreasonable and hold a ruler against Ye Fei!

Are you preparing to hit someone?

How unreasonable!

Just thinking about it makes me angry!

That's it!

Meng Ziyang felt even more sorry.

So... Mencius is actually ready to kneel down!

"I'm sorry, Mr. Ye." Meng Ziyang wailed and prepared to kneel down.

This scene made Azi and the other two scholars dumbfounded!


what is going on?

Ah Zi couldn't understand that the uncle she respected the most would actually kneel down to a young man. Why?

"Uncle Master, what are you doing?" Ah Zi exclaimed.

"Shut up! You are such a troublemaker. You treat our benefactor like this. I am really disappointed!" Meng Ziyang said heartbrokenly.

"What kind of benefactor?" Ah Zi said anxiously, "Why can't I hear what you are saying about hands-on skills?"

Azi couldn't help but ask.

"You are confused! What is Mr. Ye doing here? Of course he is here to help treat our director!"

Meng Ziyang said.

Hearing this, Ah Zi suddenly realized: "Is the dean awake?"

Meng Ziyang rolled his eyes and said: "Otherwise? It's not because Mr. Ye's wonderful hand, Hu Chun's hand, cured the disease!"

"Ah!" Hearing this, the two scholars who were holding rulers and preparing to deal with Ye Fei were dumbfounded.

"How could this happen? Why! How could he be so capable? This...this..." It was obvious that Azi was not mentally prepared for this at all and was completely confused.

Before, so many people came to treat the old dean, no matter how famous the doctors were, why was this young man able to revive the old dean in a short period of time?

This unscientific!

This is not normal!

I can't accept it!

Azi didn't expect that Ye Fei had such ability. Everyone on the spot was stunned and could only speak incoherently and didn't know what to say.

At this time, Ye Fei spoke appropriately.

I saw Ye Fei stretched out his hand to support Meng Ziyang and then said: "Senior, please don't do this, you are just trying to hurt me."

After saying that, Ye Fei helped Meng Ziyang stand up, and then said: "It's a small effort, it's not worth it. If you do it like this, I will be in trouble. Otherwise... I'll give you one too, right?"

After saying that, Ye Fei was about to kneel down!

But Meng Ziyang grabbed Ye Fei and said, "Mr. Ye, the dean wants to see you, please come with me!" Meng Ziyang said.

"The dean wants to see me so soon? Does he have time? Has your college's own affairs been dealt with?" Ye Fei asked again.

Just now I saw that the academy wanted to clean up the door, so I hid away. I thought it was to avoid suspicion. After all, for me, the more I know, the more troublesome it will be sometimes.

Ye Fei is a smart man, and of course he knows how to turn danger into good fortune.

"It's been dealt with! Fei Qing has been controlled, and the master asked him to go to confinement first." Meng Ziyang explained: "Now that the dean is free, he wants to meet you, the savior, by name!"

"Okay, I'll go with you to see the dean!" Ye Fei also had his own idea in mind, that is, to stay here to practice.

After all this!

Ye Fei stood up and followed Meng Ziyang out of the room, leaving behind a confused Ah Zi and two other scholars.

"what happened?"

"Did I hear correctly? Could it be that it's Senior Uncle Fei Qing..."

The two scholars were dumbfounded.

Ye Fei followed Meng Ziyang to the old dean's room again.

The place has been cleared, and only Shangguanhong and the old dean are in the room.

Seeing Ye Fei walk in, Shangguan Hong smiled at Ye Fei and said, "Hello, kid! I did see the person right, he is a talent!"

Looking at Shangguan Hong's smile, Ye Fei felt a chill for no reason.

"It's all the credit of the seniors." Ye Fei said.

"You treat illnesses and save people, why should I take the credit?" Shangguanhong asked curiously.

Ye Fei replied: "The main thing is that the seniors came to help, otherwise I would have been beaten to death by your apprentice just now!"

"It seems like this is still the case! Haha, so to speak, I still know how to judge people... Well, it seems that I myself feel very wise!" Shangguan Hong actually boasted about himself. , this wave is in the atmosphere.

"Don't be a jerk!" The old dean smiled faintly at Ye Fei and said: "If this little brother hadn't seen through the tricks of my traitor, I would still be in a coma, and everyone would be kept in the dark. I don’t know what they are planning, but if they continue, Shangyang Academy will be in danger."

"So we should thank this little brother Ye." the old dean said.

"Tell me, young man, what reward do you want? As long as you can tell it, we at Shangyang Academy can give it to you, no problem." Shangguan Hong said generously.

"Senior, I am very impressed. In fact, this junior comes here because he has some aspirations for Shangyang Academy." Ye Fei said.

"Oh? What do you want to do?" Shangguanhong asked: "As long as it is something we can do, we will definitely agree without hesitation!"

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