Urban Evil Doctor

Chapter 885 The Wordless Heavenly Book

"Mr. Ye, I hope you enjoy living and working here." After saying these words, Meng Ziyang was about to leave.

Ye Fei sent Meng Ziyang to the door.

But before leaving, Meng Ziyang suddenly turned around and said to Ye Fei: "The classes we teach here are not necessarily limited to the required class hours every day. If your course is liked by many people, the students will ask you to increase the class hours. At that time, You can adjust the class time according to your mood, and you can earn a lot of resources... Of course, here, both spiritual stones and resources can improve your cultivation."

After saying that, Meng Ziyang turned and left.

After hearing these words, Ye Fei was greatly shocked!

I have never thought that Confucianism is such a Confucianism.


Ye Fei finally understood.

Why did the Confucian sect become the three most powerful forces in the main continent and one of the troika of the Righteous Alliance... Not to mention anything else, just standing there and making money, and looking very awesome, It is enough to show the power of Confucianism.

Ye Fei was even more surprised...

This Shangyang Academy is just a branch of Confucianism!

I don’t know how rich those orthodox Confucianists will be!

Putting away his little thoughts, Ye Fei began to walk to the training room. Taking advantage of the opportunity that the low-grade spiritual stone had not been consumed and he could practice well, Ye Fei began to practice.

have to say!

This training room indeed has a unique mystery. It only took me a few hours, and it felt like I had completed several days of training!

With such a state, Ye Fei couldn't help but feel excited.

It seems that I did not choose the wrong place when I came here.

Taking advantage of the break in practice, Ye Fei took out the book magic weapon blackmailed from Kong Fang and began to study it.

This magic weapon is very strange!

Ye Fei felt an extremely powerful force on it, but this power seemed to be sealed.

Only the corners can be used.

After looking through this book, I found that the front of the book said "Heavenly Book without Words" in big characters.

A wordless heavenly book?

What a loud tone!

Ye Fei smiled faintly.

Then start reading the books!

Unexpectedly, there was really not a single word in the book. After reading it several times, it was all blank pages, which made Ye Fei feel speechless.

Such a magic weapon?

Apart from emitting strange spiritual power, what is its use?

Immediately, Ye Fei started to try.


Ye Fei sprinkled water on the book, and the book absorbed the water immediately, but it was of no use.

Then use and use fire to burn!

In the end, Liehuo couldn't do anything with this book!

After a meal roasted over a fire, the books did not change at all.

This is strange!

This calligraphy instrument is not immune to water and fire, so what is its use?

Suddenly, Ye Fei had a whimsical idea. He actually injected spiritual power directly into the book!

Enter the book with your own spiritual power!

The unexpected happened right away! Just below the redemption, several pages of patterns suddenly appeared.

Ye Fei took a closer look and found that these patterns turned out to be a kind of cultivation technique!

A very strange spiritual power movement technique...

Ye Fei thought about it for a while, then tried to learn the cultivation methods in the book and began to practice self-cultivation.

When the spiritual power starts to operate according to the instructions in the book!

Something unexpected happened!

Suddenly, I felt that some blocked acupoints in my body were actually developed through the operation of this spiritual power.


Ye Fei felt a little unbelievable!

What's happening here?

After thinking for a while, Ye Fei came to a possible conclusion!

The magical instrument in this book seems to be a supplementary magical instrument for practice. You can use your own spiritual power to judge the deficiencies in your practice and give suggestions and supplements!

Such a thing!

It can be called an artifact!

The origins of this book are certainly extraordinary!

Ye Fei made up his mind to ask Kong Fang if he had the chance to find out what the secrets of this book were.

Putting away his curiosity, Ye Fei began to continue practicing.

The next day, Ye Fei came to his work place according to his plan and prepared to teach.

However, after arriving, Ye Fei discovered a problem: he actually had no scheduled classes.

After some understanding, it turns out that the class hours of the course I want to take need to be reported to the chief in advance, and then the chief will order the Academic Affairs Office to issue a class scheduling notice. Only then will there be classes available when I go to work.

So the first thing I need to do now is to report to the chief.

There is no other way!

In order to act in accordance with the rules of the academy, Ye Fei could only come to the office to report to Mr. Huang, the chief of the medical department.

However, Old Monster Huang was not there. After asking, I found out that Old Monster had gone to class!

All right!

Even the old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage don't slack off, and I have no reason to slack off!

Thinking of this, Ye Fei luckily waited in the room.


Been waiting for a long time!

I didn’t even see Old Monster Huang come back, so when I asked, I found out that Old Monster Huang wouldn’t be back today, because Old Monster has already fully booked his courses. From morning to late at night, all the time are fully booked. !

Ye Fei was surprised!

Is this fucking person crazy?

A good old monster in the Nascent Soul stage doesn't want to practice?

"Why is this happening? Is this necessary?"

Ye Fei asked the gentlemen in the office.

Everyone looked at Ye Fei as if he had seen a ghost and said: "Brother, are you new here? Don't you know that the number of hours you choose has a lot to do with your cultivation? The income of those of us who teach is directly related to the number of hours! Once there are enough class hours, the academy will The rewards given are even more! These rewards can be exchanged in the academy for spiritual stones, elixirs, exercises, and anything else that helps with cultivation!"

One of the instructors seemed to be very talkative and said to Ye Fei: "There are many benefits among them, which you can't even think of! The roots of the Confucian tree are deep, and there are even elixirs for monks to prolong their lives. For example, take Mr. Huang, he has reached the end of his lifespan and needs pills to extend his life!"

Hearing this, it was like a bolt from the blue!

It turns out that Mr. Huang has reached the end of his lifespan and has to find ways to extend his lifespan.

And this Confucian elixir is a rare life-extending elixir.

Therefore, Huang Laocai had to work day and night.

This is considered selling oneself to Shangyang Academy.

Ye Fei said goodbye to his teachers and returned home.

The next day, Ye Fei got up early. Come to the office to find Mr. Huang.

This time I finally met Mr. Huang.

"Xiaoye, you're here so early." Huang Laozheng was sitting on a chair with his eyes closed, looking exhausted.

Ye Fei replied: "Mr. Huang, I am reporting. According to the requirements of the academy, I need to give lectures for three classes every week."

"Well, I really envy you! Xiaoye, you are young and don't have to work so hard."

Mr. Huang had no intention of embarrassing Ye Fei. All the old monster's thoughts were tied to earning pills, so he immediately took out a pen and paper and wrote down a line of text.

"You take this registration list to the Academic Affairs Office, and they will adjust the class time according to your requirements." Mr. Huang said.

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