Urban Fairy King

Chapter 297 Intercepting Missiles

When a dozen superhumans returned to the building, Baili Yunxiao had already jumped from the tower, got into a passenger plane, and put the captain and several flight attendants under hypnotic control.

There are two passenger planes and four helicopters at the airport, but at this time, other crew members did not set foot on the plane.

By the time he left the passenger plane, four to five hundred people had gathered at the airport.

Among them, prisoners and security personnel account for more than half, and more than 100 are scientific researchers working here.

Baili Yunxiao came to an older man, and after easily hypnotizing him, he asked this man to identify some of the other key scientific researchers, more than twenty in total.

"You guys come with me!"

Baili Yunxiao hypnotized these twenty people again one after another, took them back to the building, and asked them to identify some more expensive scientific research equipment.

Baili Yunxiao's Void Ring is ten meters long, wide and high, nearly a thousand cubic meters. Before coming, he put most of the things inside on Longting Island, leaving only a small amount that didn't take up space. Pill.

There is such a large space that almost all the scientific research equipment here has been moved.

In addition, some computer hard drives that stored data were also taken away by Baili Yunxiao.

Of course, he also accepted some of the ancient swords collected by the institute from Daxia!

"I guess the outside world has gotten the news. Maybe they will send people here soon. I will take a plane and take these people away. I don't know if they will hunt me down!"

Baili Yunxiao is well aware of the power of modern weapons. Not to mention laser weapons and various missiles, even those fighter planes are not so easy to deal with.

Therefore, he did not dare to stay here for too long, and ordered more than 20 scientific research leaders and more than a dozen people with special abilities to board a passenger plane together.

"Let's go!"

Standing in the cab, Baili Yunxiao issued orders to the captain.

The captain had completely obeyed Baili Yunxiao's orders and started to start the plane and drive slowly.

Although this mountainous area is surrounded by mountains, there is a cliff about a hundred meters wide in the north. The airport's runway leads directly to the cliff. With superb skills, the captain can still easily enter and exit.

In just one minute, the Boeing passenger plane flew high into the sky and flew towards the North Pole, attempting to cross the North Pole directly and head to Daxia.

But what surprised Baili Yunxiao was that Canada did not send troops to pursue the plane until it left Canadian airspace.

"Could it be that the Institute of Supernatural Powers is not owned by the Canadian government, but belongs to a private organization?"

Baili Yunxiao was doubtful, so he also called the leaders of more than twenty scientific researchers in front of him.

At this time, these people were still under hypnosis. After questioning, Baili Yunxiao realized that this superpower research institute was not owned by Canada, and even the valley belonged to private territory.

They belong to the Illuminati. The Illuminati is a huge consortium with assets of over 100 billion US dollars. Canada's Superpower Research Institute is one of the industries under the Illuminati. The apparent helmsman is Frank Ming. But everyone knows that Frank Ming is just the small leader of the Illuminati. Even these scientists don't know the real major shareholder behind it.

"It seems that the water in this supernatural research institute is very deep! I wonder what the Illuminati has to do with Western religions!"

Baili Yunxiao can be sure that Frank Ming must have been born in the Western Illuminati Religion. Otherwise, he would never be proficient in the divine arts of the Illuminati Religion.

The passenger plane quickly flew over the North Pole. However, Baili Yunxiao did not dare to let the passenger plane enter the airspace of the Russian Empire. Instead, it flew south along the Bering Strait.

A few hours later, the passenger plane entered the Bering Sea. Just when Baili Yunxiao thought it was high seas and should be safe, two fighter planes outflanked the plane from the west. However, they did not open fire immediately, but approached the plane. Sometimes, when flying with the plane, there is a strong intention to coerce the passenger plane into changing its direction.

Because Baili Yunxiao was worried that the passenger plane would be discovered, everyone had already asked the captain to shut down the radio communications, radar signals, and air-ground data links on the passenger plane in advance. This also made it impossible for the outside world to communicate with the personnel on the plane. The pilot on the fighter plane could only gesture at close range to signal the plane to return.

Baili Yunxiao also noticed the logos on the two fighter jets, which were Citizen fighter jets.

"Canada's air force did not dispatch, but Citigroup's fighter planes arrived. In this case, the Illuminati also has a huge influence in Citigroup. Otherwise, how could it mobilize the military?"

Baili Yunxiao knew that if Citigroup wanted to keep this passenger plane, people like him would be in danger. With Citigroup's style of doing things, they would rather destroy the passenger plane and kill all the people on the passenger plane than allow it. Take these people back to Daxia yourself.

"However, this place is close to the border of the Russian Empire. As long as I enter the Russian Empire, your Citigroup should not dare to send fighter jets or missiles to intercept it, right?"

Thinking of this, Baili Yunxiao ordered the captain to fly west immediately, trying to enter the Russian Empire's airspace as soon as possible.

And he used the soul technique again, easily got out of the passenger plane, and launched an attack on the souls of the pilots of the two fighter planes on the left and right.

They are just ordinary fighter pilots who don't understand soul defense at all. How can they withstand Baili Yunxiao's mental attack?

In an instant, the two men suffered from splitting headaches and almost passed out. As a result, they also lost control of the fighter plane and plummeted downwards.

A moment later, two loud bangs were heard, and both fighter planes crashed into the sea.

If they attack from a distance, there is really nothing Baili Yunxiao can do, but if they dare to get close to the passenger plane, they will have no choice but to seek death.

As soon as the two fighter planes crashed, Baili Yunxiao sensed a sense of crisis and surged into his heart. He subconsciously went to the window and looked to the outside world.

Diagonally below, two flames were approaching rapidly.


Baili Yunxiao was shocked. At this time, he didn't even carry a flying sword, so it was impossible to intercept him from the air.

"It seems that this is the only way!"

Baili Yunxiao hurriedly formed seals with his hands, relying on his induction of the elements of the outside world to stir up the wind and clouds, and covered the entire passenger plane with a single mist concealment technique.

At the same time, the two wind dragons quickly condensed into shape, expanding the area covered by the clouds and mist, and flew towards the two missiles.

Fenglong did not detonate the missiles, but guided them and flew past both sides of the passenger plane.

On the sea below, in the command room of a large cruiser, the captain was stunned as he looked at the passenger plane that disappeared from the radar and the missile that had lost its target and was still flying in the air.

"Why did the anti-aircraft missile change direction midway? Did it not hit the target?" Many people have this question.

"Captain, do you want to continue firing missiles?"

"The area of ​​​​the cloud and fog is not large. After the passenger plane flies out, we will launch. In addition, we will mobilize spy satellites to conduct reconnaissance from high altitudes. If they cannot be detected, then we will detonate the missile directly in the clouds. Absolutely The passenger plane cannot be allowed to fly into the airspace of the Russian Empire!" the captain said with a cold expression.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

The fog concealment technique in Baili Yunxiao did not last long. Moreover, the passenger plane was flying at a rapid high speed and flew out of the cloud and fog area in just a few dozen seconds.

"Sir, the plane is almost out of fuel!" the captain said to Baili Yunxiao.


Baili Yunxiao looked quickly and saw that the plane's fuel had indeed reached the danger zone and the red light turned on.

"Flying in the southeast direction, it is estimated that it will not take long to reach the territory of the Russian Empire. When the time comes, make an emergency landing on the snowfield!" Baili Yunxiao could only reply.

However, this way, there will be more variables. Once he lands, not only people from Citigroup or Canada will send people to hunt him down, but even the Russian Empire will probably not let him leave at will. He can only Fight your way through.

Fortunately, Baili Yunxiao called the four girls before the plane took off and asked them to go to the North Pacific to meet him.

However, he did not want the country to get involved in this matter. After all, kidnapping foreign scientists was not a glorious thing. Once word spread, Daxia would definitely be suppressed by the entire world.

Below, five more missiles were launched into the sky one after another, and the two missiles that were originally guided elsewhere by Baili Yunxiao actually circled back. From this, it can be seen that Citigroup's missile system is indeed very excellent. It can be said that we will never give up until we reach our goal.

A total of seven missiles shrouded the fighter plane from different directions, and all of them flew at supersonic speeds.

"Open it for me!"

Baili Yunxiao's mental power instantly climbed to its peak, covering a huge area with a radius of 3,500 meters.

When those missiles flew in at high speed, he did not use spiritual magic anymore, but directly used his mental power to control them and flew towards a cruiser diagonally below.

Although the cruiser was far more than 3,500 meters away from the plane, its existence could be detected even by looking at Baili Yunxiao.

When the people on the cruiser saw that their missiles actually turned and flew towards them, they all screamed in fright.

At this time, even if they wanted to control the missile, it was too late to change the target. In desperation, they could only fire from all directions and use machine guns and anti-aircraft missiles to intercept.

Da da da……

The shells formed a barrage, filling the sky like raindrops, detonating seven missiles in mid-air, and clouds of fire enveloped the sky above the battleship.

"Continue to launch missiles. In addition, notify the border garrison and send fighter planes. The passenger plane must be destroyed, even if it briefly enters the airspace of the Russian Empire."

On the cruiser, a white-haired woman wearing a small white suit who looked to be in her mid-twenties said with a murderous look on her face.

Including the captain, no one in the command room dared to criticize.

And with hundreds of miles of clouds in the sky, he felt that dealing with seven missiles at the same time was more overwhelming than slashing out the Soul Sword.

Mental power is the energy of invisible matter. It is impossible to change matter unless it reaches a certain height. He usually guides one or two bullets against the enemy, which is naturally no problem. How big is the bullet? Just a few hundred grams.

But each of these missiles weighs at least several hundred kilograms. The weight difference between the two is more than ten thousand times? And the thrust is more powerful. To guide and change their intended target, the mental power required is at least ten thousand times more than controlling a bullet.

This is just a small anti-aircraft missile, once it encounters several thousand kilograms. With a larger thrust of tens of thousands of kilograms, it is impossible for Baili Yunxiao to intercept it with mental power alone.

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