Rockefeller LeClyde immediately connected to Chen Nan's call and asked respectfully: "Good evening Mr. Chen, I don't know if there is anything that can serve you?" "

For Chen Nan.

Rockefeller Claude was grateful and in awe.

If not Chen Nan.

He's still a vampire.

Of course.

It was also because Chen Nan killed Morgan Duncan, so the clansmen of the Rockefeller family died.

He also rightfully became the current patriarch of the Rockefeller family.

Control trillions of assets.

And the most important point.

He had heard about Chen Nan's previous killing of the Paladin of the Bright Temple.

All indications are that Chen Nan is not an ordinary person.


He didn't mind doing things for Chen Nan.

"I'm in Ohio, and I want to ask Mr. Claude for a favor." Chen Nanyan said succinctly: "One of my brothers, Zhang Wei, founded a company with Will Mario, but he was treated very unfairly.

Rockefeller Cloud hurriedly said, "Don't worry, Mr. Chen, I know what to do."

Chen Nan: "There is work."

"Mr. Chen is polite, it is my honor to be able to do things for you."

After chatting for a couple of words, Chen Nan hung up the phone and said to Zhang Wei, who had lost his soul: "Viagra, don't be so negative, no matter the storm tonight, it will be difficult to stop tomorrow's sunrise."

Xu Qianxin also said: "My husband does have some connections here, which can completely help you regain the company's shares." Just put your heart in your belly.

"It's really not okay, it's okay to drink to relieve your worries."

"Anyway, sleep and you will come back."

The corners of Zhang Wei's mouth flashed with bitterness.

Instead, he hoped that Chen Nan would have some connections to help him take back everything that belonged to him.

But he had never heard of a big man named Claude.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Wei said: "Come on, have a presumptuous drink tonight, no matter what, you don't have to get up early to go to the company tomorrow!" "


New York.

The Rockefeller family.

Claude looked at his butler and said expressionlessly, "Investigate Will Mario's background." The

butler immediately found out Will Mario's background with the tablet and said, "Sir, Will Mario's uncle Will Arnold is the number one in Ohio.

Claude frowned: "If I'm not mistaken, Will Arnold was the candidate chosen by the Rockefeller family, right?"

The butler replied, "Yes, Will Arnold has always been a faithful servant of the Rockefeller family, and the family has promised to keep him re-elected." "

As the richest family in country M.

The energy of the Rockefeller family is unquestionable.

To put it bluntly, they can even decide who will succeed to the throne.

Claude snorted coldly: "The people of the Weir family have offended Mr. Chen, if Will Arnold is allowed to continue to be re-elected, then wouldn't I, Claude, be ungrateful?" "

Contact Will Arnold and let him step down early."

The housekeeper said yes, and then said, "Do you need to tell him about Mr. Chen?"

Claude said, "Let him realize it for himself."

"If they can realize it, let them live."

"If he doesn't even have a little understanding, he will send a cobra to level the Weir family!"


The butler said and turned to leave.

Claude suddenly said, "Has there been movement over there in the Light Sect?" The

butler replied, "I received news before that Thomas Yale, a magician of the Water System Holy Domain, has left the Light Sect, and if nothing else, he should have made a move on Mr. Chen. "

Get down!"

After the butler left, Claude ordered a cigar.

He was thinking.

Chen Nan was chased and killed by the Bright Sect, but he had been with him for so long.

Will this bring disaster to itself?

If Chen Nan is destroyed.

The Holy See of Light will definitely free its hand to clean him up afterwards.

At that time, even if the Rockefeller family has wealth that can be rivaled.

It is also absolutely impossible to oppose the Holy See of Light.


After thinking of what Chen Nan had done when he came to the Western Cultivation World.

He felt that his worries were somewhat superfluous.

Chen Nan can cast fire magic to kill ten Light Sect and ten paladins in seconds.

He dared to return Liang Zhouding to the Bright Sect, and he could see this person's courage by declaring war on the Western cultivation world in public.

And the courage of this thing often comes from its own strength.

Not to mention Chen Nan driving from New York to Los Angeles.

He knew that the Holy See of Light would not let him go.

Self-driving is also used to get on the road.

He almost said the phrase 'I've created a chance for you, come quickly if you want to kill me.'


All this was Chen Nan's plan.

He wanted to disintegrate the strength of the Light Holy See step by step.

Think of this.

A glint flashed in his eyes.

He was looking forward more and more to the fact that half a month later, Chen Nan would go to the Bright Church.



Will Mario came to his uncle Will Arnold's house excitedly: "Uncle, I have successfully obtained all the shares of the company, just wait for the company to go public, you can make a big profit!"

"At that time, our Weir family will have tens of billions of wealth!"

Will Arnold nodded gratifyingly, he had always admired his nephew.

"You're not undertreating your partner, are you?" Will Arnold is a public figure who cherishes his wings.

No way.

It's about his career.

Will Mario smiled and said, "He's my partner, and without him, our company wouldn't have developed that battery."

"In gratitude for his contribution, I gave him 20 million dollars."

Will Arnold said: "It is good that the family can obtain tens of billions of wealth, but you must not get carried away."

"Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, tens of billions of wealth is an astronomical amount."

"But in front of the real hidden rich, tens of billions of wealth is just a drop in the bucket!"

Will Mario couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, do those hidden rich people really have wealth that rivals the country?"

Will Arnold thought for a moment and said, "Really rich people don't know how much money they have, but so much that even they don't know how much money they have." "

Right now.

Will Arnold's cell phone rang.

It showed a number that made his heart beat faster.

Without much thought, he quickly connected the phone, endured his excitement, and asked respectfully: "What is Victor's housekeeper's order?"

Victor said lightly: "Arnold, my husband is very dissatisfied with your performance, and I hope you can step down early." "


The simple words made Will Arnold feel like five thunders, and he asked in horror: "Butler Victor, didn't the family agree to my re-election?" Why did I leave early?

Victor: "If you want to blame, blame you for not bullying others!"

"As for who you offended, you should ask your people!" Saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

Will Arnold reacted after a long time, and he looked at Will Mario angrily: "Say, did you offend others outside?" "

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