Chen Nan lit a cigarette and said with a smile: "I'm afraid, but I'm afraid that you gods in the Western world don't dare to accept me."

Thomas Yale was furious: "Are you blaspheming the gods of the Western world?" "

At the same time.

Four black SUVs also appeared side by side behind Thomas Yale, directly blocking Chen Nan's way.

Chen Nan cut and said disdainfully: "Even if I blaspheme your gods in the Western world? How about you ask them to come down and me?" Thomas

Yale's eyes contained a strong killing intent: "I heard that you are a Fire System Saint Domain Mage? Unexpectedly, you, an Oriental, actually comprehended magic.

"Today I want to see if you have the ability of a Saint Domain Mage."

The words fell.

He silently chanted the mantra.

The lake boiled and turned into a forty-meter-long giant sword.

The greatsword flashed in the air.

Directly slashed towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan did not dodge.

When the giant sword appeared five meters in front of him.

He snapped his fingers.

The giant sword instantly disintegrated and turned into a small water sword.

Then flew to Thomas Yale.

"Damn it!"

Thomas Yale seemed to have seen a ghost, and his eyes were full of horror.

He didn't expect Chen Nan to crack his magic so easily, and even manipulate the laws of the water system to attack him.

It's too late, it's too soon.

A shield formed by the laws of the water system appeared beside him.

Resisted those water swords.


He cast Holy Domain magic, and the lake turned into a thick water dragon, roaring in the air to kill Chen Nan.

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent.

He clenched his fists in the air.

The water dragon directly turned around and killed Thomas Yale.


Thomas Yale's shield was broken.

Knocked him out and slammed into the windshield of the vehicle behind.

Blood spat out of his mouth.

The face was pale to the extreme.

"Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!" Thomas Yale's mentality exploded: "You are obviously a fire magician, why can you still cast water magic?"

"Could it be that you are a dual-line magician?"

Speaking of this, his voice was filled with endless fear.

Magicians themselves are rare.

The dual-line magician is even more of a existence in ten thousand.

Not to mention.

Both the Chen Nan Fire System and the Water System have reached the Holy Domain level.

The disciples of the Light Sect behind him also widened their eyes.

You must know that Thomas Yale is a holy domain magician of the Holy See of Light!

It has always been an invincible existence.


Who would have thought.

The oriental man in front of him hit him hard in an instant?

Even with their own eyes, they couldn't believe that Thomas Yale would be seriously injured.

"Dual-line magician?" Chen Nan shook his head: "I'm not a magician, but if you have to treat me as a magician, please call me a magician!" "


Thomas Yale spewed out a mouthful of blood and said angrily, "All magicians? You're fooling three-year-olds, aren't you? If I believed you, I would be a fool! "

Magic is divided into seven series, light, darkness, and gold, wood, water, fire and earth.

Even though magic has existed in the Western world for thousands of years, there have never been seven series of magicians.

Chen Nan smoked a cigarette and said lightly: "It doesn't matter if you believe it or not, the important thing is that the Bright Sect should take my previous words to heart."

"Yes, you have two weeks to go."

"In two weeks, I will go to the base camp of the Holy See of Light."

"As long as you cultivators in the Western world kneel and worship Liangzhou Ding, Yongzhou Ding, Yongzhou Ding."

"And admit to the world the fact of stealing the Three Dings, and I will let your Bright Sect have a way to live."

"Otherwise, I can only uproot your Light Sect!"

Thomas Yale was furious: "The surname Chen, do you think that my Western cultivation world is a soft persimmon?"

Chen Nan laughed: "So far, I haven't seen anything outstanding about you. "

Kill him!"

Thomas Yale ordered directly.

The next moment.

The dozen or so disciples of the Light Sect behind Thomas Yale all took out their weapons.



And the Desert Eagle.

There was even one holding a Gatling.

And a rocket launcher.

It's like a movie recreated.

"Husband, I'm afraid!" Xu Qianxin subconsciously put his arm around Chen Nan.

Chen Nan soothed softly: "Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" "


More than a dozen people on the opposite side pulled the trigger at the same time.

Tongues of fire erupted from the muzzle.

A dense stream of bullets came on.

But halfway through.

The stagnant water on the ground turned into a whirlpool, swallowing all the bullets.

Not a single bullet came close to Chen Nan at all.

"I am disappointed in your strength." Chen Nan sighed lightly, and then he waved his right hand, and the bullets in the vortex instantly flew out upside down.


The bullet landed on those Light Sect disciples accurately.

Let them die instantly.

Two of the holes pierced Thomas Yale's abdomen.

Although it was not life-threatening, it was necessary to rest for a long time.

Chen Nandao: "I still have to go to Los Angeles, what means do I have to use as soon as possible." The

words fell.

An excavator transformed by the laws of the water system appears in the lake.


It's an excavator.

The excavator moved away from the road under Thomas Yale's ghostly eyes.


Thomas Yale was completely stunned.

Can magic still be played like this?

Can it also be turned into an excavator?

Why can't the magic I cultivate turn into an excavator?

Chen Nan got into the car, drove to a stop next to Thomas Yale, and said, "Ask you a question, do you know which is better at learning excavator technology?"

Thomas Yale swallowed wildly.

How do I know which one is better at learning excavator technology?

"If we meet next time, I hope you can answer my question, it may save your life!" Chen Nan stepped on the accelerator to the end, and left with Xu Qixin under the terrified eyes of Thomas Yale...

Just when Chen Nan was driving.

Thomas Yale returned to the Temple of Light.

He was weak.

He was carried into the temple.

"Thomas Yale, how could you be so badly injured?" Archbishop of the Holy See of Light, George Dennis's face changed sharply.

In addition, those Holy Domain magicians were also taken aback.

Thomas Yale's strength is very strong.

But they didn't expect it.

He will be carried back.

Thomas Yale said weakly: "Lord Islam, it was Chen Nan who hurt me.

"We underestimated that guy, he is not only a fire magician, but also a water system holy domain magician."

His words instantly caused a burst of exclamations in the temple.

"He's actually a dual-line magician?"

"How can an Oriental be a dual-line Saint Domain magician?"

"How can such a monster appear between heaven and earth?"

Thomas Yale shook his head: "I feel that Chen Nan's strength should be above the Holy Domain, yes, his magic can be transformed into strange things."

George Dennis asked in a low voice, "What are you talking about strange things?"

Thomas Yale asked rhetorically: "Does an excavator count?" "

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