
Li Mu plunged headlong into the Pacific Ocean.

He kept struggling and screamed: "Chen Nan, I took you Immortal Plate, didn't you know before that after gathering Jiuding, you will become an ordinary person from a cultivator?"

Chen Nan breathed steadily, like a leaf, lying on the surface of the sea, gently swaying with the waves: "If I knew that after gathering Jiuding, cultivators would become ordinary people, do you think this would happen again?"

"Don't panic, it's no big deal."

"As long as we keep our mentality and stay in danger, even if we fall into the Pacific Ocean, we will not drown in a short time."

He and Li Mu are not ordinary people.

Firm in heart.

At the critical moment, Tarzan collapses at the top without changing color.

Li Mu stabilized his figure in the sea.

He can't swim though.

But I haven't watched videos about swimming lectures before.

Only because he went fishing in the river at the age of three and almost drowned, he was left behind and did not dare to learn to swim.

But now.

He landed in the Pacific Ocean and had to try as shown in the video.


Don't say it yet.

Dogs can learn to plan, it's just a little unsightly.

Li Mu suddenly became excited: "Come and come, call me Master."

"You call me Master, and I'll teach you dog gouging."

Chen Nan gave him a look like a fool: "Even if I learn to gouge, what can I do?" Wouldn't you dream that we would swim across the Pacific Ocean and return to Bactria by swimming?

Li Mu's expression froze, and he said unpleasantly: "Speak as you speak, can you not use this kind of stupid eyes?"

Chen Nan gave him another roll of his eyes: "I have to tell you something, there is a powerful tornado in the sea area five hundred miles behind us, and the wind is strong..." In any case, there must be about fourteen or five levels.

"At the previous speed, we could come to us in as little as an hour."

"If you don't want to die, hurry up and call someone to save us."

Li Mu was completely panicked.

Quickly took out a special model of mobile phone in his pocket, dialed a number and screamed: "Hurry up, hurry up and use the satellite to locate my location, and send someone to rescue us."

"If we don't send someone over for an hour, Chen Nan and I will be buried in the Pacific Ocean!"

After this call went out.

Shocked the entire top.

The special department immediately used satellites to lock the positions of Li Mu and Chen Nan.

I saw two people lying on the water one by one.

One in the dog planing, all stunned.

The strength of these two people is against the sky.

Why did it fall in the ocean?

Before people could react, someone saw a huge typhoon heading towards the two on the satellite cloud image.

"Quick, contact the fleet patrolling nearby, you must save Chen Nan and Li Mu!"

"Save the two at all costs!"

Whether it was Chen Nan or Li Mu.

They are all true heroes of the country.

The state cannot afford to lose them!


"Save some physical strength, don't go to the dog?"

"If you drown due to lack of physical strength, how can you be a brother and not save it?"

"If I come to the rescue, we may both die!"

Chen Nan floated on the sea and looked at Li Mu with an unhappy expression.

Li Mu wanted to cry without tears: "Can you blame me for this?"

"If you hadn't said that there was a typhoon behind us, Lao Tzu wouldn't be so afraid!"

"Even if I want to stop now, I can't stop!"

Chen Nan sighed: "Don't worry, when your physical strength is exhausted, I will definitely not save you."

Li Mu scolded angrily: "Chen Nan, I'm going to die in front of your eyes, but you can't save it?" Are you still human?

Chen Nan: "It's not that you don't want to save, the main thing is that I know that you are worried about your sister Li Muya, and if you die, there will definitely be no one to take care of her." I'm not thinking, I'll take care of your sister for you!"

"Please be a person!" Li Mu took a deep breath and forcibly calmed his mood.

After choking on more than a dozen mouthfuls of seawater, he finally learned to swim backstroke.

Of course.

It's not a backstroke either.

Just lying on the surface of the water, spreading your arms and breathing evenly can prevent you from sinking into the sea.

This method can save itself after falling into the water, so as to wait for the appearance of rescuers.

Li Mu looked at the azure sky above his head, and suddenly laughed: "Although I didn't expect to become an ordinary person today, I feel that this is very good."

"Now is the real peace of the world."

"Without the power of the cultivators, the common people can return to their previous lives."

Chen Nan snorted undeniably: "I also don't like life in the cultivation world, it's boring, far less real and interesting than on earth."

Li Mu asked sharply: "Is the life on the earth interesting, or the girls on the earth interesting?"

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "Do the two things conflict?"

Li Mu pouted.

Chen Nan suddenly said, "What happened to the capable man you were looking for?" "

Gather Jiuding, protect the cangsheng.

Now it was time for him to also find the reincarnated Celestial God and put the task of rebuilding the Heavenly Court on the agenda.

If the heavenly court cannot be rebuilt, then the stability on earth will only be temporary.

Li Mudao: "I have asked people to set up a special organization for talented people, and I am looking for people and people all over the country, but so far I have not found them.

"This matter, don't be in a hurry, take your time!"

Chen Nan sighed.

He also didn't know how many reincarnated gods there were.

As for when he will be able to find them, even he has no bottom in his heart.

Forty minutes later.

The originally calm sea level has changed.

Waves are coming in the east.

At first, it was only a little over a meter high.

After that it became three meters.

Look to the east.

Black pressed one piece.

A super typhoon is coming towards the two.

Just when the two felt desperate.

An ocean-going frigate appeared in the West.

The eye-catching national flag made Chen Nan and Li Mu feel relieved.

Li Mu burst into tears: "Finally saved!" "

Ten minutes later.

The two boarded the ocean-going frigate.

Then the ocean-going frigate began to return home.


two days later.


Chen Nan and Li Mu landed in the magic capital.

There are two reasons to come here.


Chen Nan planned to come here to meet Ye Wanzhi.

After all, the two once developed a special drug to cure hepatitis B together and became a friend of Guan Bao.

After so long back to Earth, this was the only woman he hadn't seen.


When he returned before, Rockefeller Claude called and said that Qualcomm had lifted the restrictions on Warwick, but the specific details of the cooperation still needed to be discussed.


He needs to meet with the head of Warwick on behalf of Qualcomm to discuss cooperation.


Zhang Wei and Wen Huaiyu's family of three also returned to Daxia and came to the magic capital.

According to the previous agreement, you should have a good drink when you come back.

"Call us at any time if you have anything!" After landing, Li Mu and Chen Nan said hello, and then parted ways.

Chen Nan called a taxi and came to the pharmaceutical company building where Ye Wanzhi worked according to the address given by Li Muya and waited for her to leave work.

And by this time it was time to leave work.

"Warwick Pharmaceutical?"

See four eye-catching big characters on the office floor.

Chen Nan frowned: "Shouldn't it be a subsidiary of Warwick Group?" "

Right now.

A beautiful figure walked out of the building.

It was Ye Wanzhi.

Without waiting for Chen Nan to step forward, he saw a brother in his twenties, holding flowers in his hand, and appeared in front of Ye Wanzhi first.

Chen Nan looked stunned.

It seems that there are a lot of love rivals!

Think about it.

There are so many confidantes, but don't there be many love rivals?

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