"We're not going to sell for money." Chen Nan's voice sounded: "We plan to ask for 25% of the shares of Warwick Group. He

and Zhang Wei have a clear division of labor.

Zhang Wei is responsible for introducing the product.

He was responsible for discussing the details of cooperation with Qin Zhenggang.

"Gee, twenty-five percent of the shares?" Qin Chuan sneered: "The surname is Chen, do you know what our Warwick's stock price is?" Do you know what 25% of the shares means?

"I admit that your battery technology is advanced and a landmark existence, but don't open your mouth, okay?"

The battery developed by Zhang Wei has caused a huge shock in the industry and even the world.

This will completely replace fuel vehicles and become the mainstream transportation in the future world.

It can make mileage anxiety no longer anxious.

But Warwick's market value is more than 300 billion!

Chen Nan looked at Qin Chuan and asked calmly: "Do you know how much money large car companies in Western countries are willing to pay for our battery technology?"

Qin Chuan was speechless.

They only know that the battery technology in Zhang Wei's hands is a sweet potato.

It got a lot of attention.

There are also many companies that want to bid to buy.

But how much money was offered, except for Zhang Wei, it is estimated that no one knows.

Chen Nandao: "BBA has offered more than 30 billion US dollars to buy the battery technology in our hands, and is willing to give some shares."

"I thought, they should offer a lot more than 25 percent of your company, right?"

Qin Chuan's face turned red.

Although Warwick Group has a market value of 300 billion.


Twenty-five percent of the shares seem to be less than the more than 30 billion dollars offered by BBA, not to mention that they are willing to give some shares.

The shares of Western car giants are very valuable.

Even if new energy is rising rapidly.

But there are still some gaps in front of the BBA.

Qin Zhenggang asked: "If this is the case, then why did your company not sell battery technology to Westerners?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Who doesn't want their country to be stronger?"

Qin Zhenggang said with a smile: "This is true, as a descendant of Yanhuang, who doesn't want the technology of their world to be above other countries?"


"In the years since Warwick was founded, it has never given shares to outsiders."

"We will certainly not be able to meet your conditions."

Chen Nan's face was full of regret: "That's really a pity.

Qin Zhenggang said, "In this way, we Warwick will directly buy out your technology and give you all the expenses at once, what do you think?"

Chen Nan looked indifferent: "It depends on the sincerity of your company."

Qin Zhenggang: "Five billion Chinese coins." "

Five billion Chinese coins?" Chen Nan was amused.

Zhang Wei and his wife and Ye Wanzhi did not expect that the other party would offer this price.

Five billion Chinese coins seems to be an astronomical amount.

But Zhang Wei's battery technology is much more than that.

After all, foreign car-making forces offer $30 billion.

Chen Nan smiled and spoke: "Don't five billion, in my opinion, let's stick you five billion, and give you battery technology for free, okay?" The

words came out.

The vice presidents behind Qin Zhenggang, the staff all showed displeasure

, Qin Chuan slapped the table even more angrily: "The surname is Chen, what do you mean by yin and yang weirdness?" I tell you, this is Warwick Group, so you can't be presumptuous here.

Qin Zhenggang raised his hand to stop his nephew's words, and said expressionlessly: "Is Mr. Chen joking?"

Chen Nan's smile remained unchanged: "Obviously, you joked with us first!" Perhaps

others would be nervous and uneasy when they saw Qin Zhenggang.

After all, he was at the helm of the Qin Group.

But for Chen Nan.

That's it.

Chen Nan said lightly: "We came with fist sincerity, which is to see the potential of Warwick Group.

"But since we don't get your company's attention, then we can only find other partners."

"Anyway, there are many new energy vehicle manufacturing forces in China."

"They should be interested in our battery technology."

Qin Zhenggang also laughed: "What Mr. Chen said is right, there are indeed many new energy car manufacturing forces in China, but how many can compare with our Warwick Group?"

"Besides, we at Warwick will soon resume cooperation with Qualcomm, so you must have heard about it, right?"

Chen Nan shrugged.

I've heard about it.

If I hadn't helped you Warwick speak, would you be able to resume cooperation with Qualcomm?

Qin Zhenggang continued: "Our Warwick's car reputation and performance have always been good, if the cooperation with Qualcomm is resumed, it can truly realize unmanned driving, at that time, all domestic car companies will not be our opponents."

"Even if you sell battery technology to other companies, we can beat the competition and buy their companies."

"What if your battery technology is very advanced?"

"With our Warwick's background and strength, we can completely create public opinion and make your batteries suppressed or even banned."

Hear this.

Zhang Wei, Wen Huaiyu and his wife.

As well as Ye Wanzhidu, he showed a strange gaze.

Obviously, I didn't expect the boss of Warwick Group to be able to say such threatening words.

Is this the pattern of a boss with a market capitalization of hundreds of billions?

It's incredible!

Chen Nan laughed angrily: "It's like Western countries suppressing Warwick, let you disable 5G chips to suppress us?" "

President Qin is really learning and using it now, a good means."

"I'm kind of convinced."

Qin Zhenggang said with a smile: "The means in the business field are not important, the important thing is the result.

"Of course, Qualcomm has released its suppression of us."

"We are about to resume cooperation with Qualcomm."

"By then, our market capitalization will double, far more than the 300 billion we have today."

He has a shallow smile on his face, giving people the feeling of being a villain.

Qin Chuan hugged his arms and sneered: "Although five billion is not much, it can also make Mr. Zhang worry about food and clothing for a lifetime, I feel that you should seize this opportunity."

"Don't smash that battery technology in your hands, it's not worth the loss."

Chen Nan got up and said, "In that case, then we don't have to talk."

"As for whether that battery technology will be smashed in the hand..."

"Let's think about how to negotiate with Qualcomm first!"

"Let's go!"

With that, he led the person out of the conference room.

"Uncle, what should we do? Do you really want to miss out on battery technology in their hands? Qin Chuan couldn't help but ask.

A cold light flashed in Qin Zhenggang's eyes: "That battery technology will become Warwick's bag sooner or later." Go, let's go down first to meet the people of the Qualcomm mission. The

group immediately got up and went to the first floor.

Right now.

A convoy of Mercedes S drove over.

Qin Zhenggang's heart beat faster, and he quickly led people to meet him.

Met Qualcomm Vice President Pete.

Just as he was about to say hello to Pete, Pete walked towards Chen Nan with an excited face: "Oh, my respected Mr. Chen, it is really a blessing to see you today!" Qin

Zhenggang and the others suddenly felt numb in their scalps.


Why does Qualcomm's vice president respect Chen Nan so much?

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