At the moment when Chen Nan's soul did not enter the body of that underworld native.

The young man's soul let out an angry roar.

"Who are you, get out of my body!"

Taking away is a very immoral thing.

It goes against the way of heaven.

But Chen Nan had no choice.

He spoke, "I need to borrow your body, and when I am done, I will make you a god."

"Don't worry, since I have sacrificed your physical body, I will naturally fulfill your unfulfilled dream."

He decisively erased the soul of the other party.

To seize the house is the dove occupying the magpie's nest.

You have to kill each other.

In this way, you can control the body of others.

If you wait until the other person swallows, it is called parasitism.

It cannot be called a takeaway.

There seems to be little difference between parasitism and seizure.

But it's a world of difference.


As the name suggests, it is only briefly parasitic in the body of the other party.

Nothing is known about the host's past.

This will reveal flaws.

After all, I don't know the character of the host, as well as the past.


The parasite can also last for three or five days, and the flesh will decay over time.

But the takeover is different.

Sacrifice is the plundering of the host's body, memory.

Just after Chen Nan killed this young man.

A huge amount of memories was like a bomb, which instantly exploded in his calm mind!

It must be unbearable to change to someone else.

But for Chen Nan, it was like waking up with a headache after a hangover.

It hurts for a while.


He also learned the identity of the young man.

"Good fellow!"

"What a nice guy!"

"I didn't expect that this guy who took the house was also called Chen Nan."

Chen Nan didn't expect that he met a person in the wild, and he had the same name as himself.


This guy's fate is much more tragic than his own.

This guy lives in an ancient city called 'Tongcheng'.

He is the illegitimate son of the Chen family of the six major families in Tongcheng outside.

I have always lived in a small mountain village in the middle of nowhere.

Two years ago, he was taken back to the Chen family, recognized his ancestors and returned to his ancestors, and became a wealthy young master.

I thought the better days were coming.

But it was found.

He is just a pawn in the family marriage.

Although the Chen family is one of the six major families in Tongcheng, it has little influence among the six major families.


Chen Nan's father, Chen Bohan, proposed to marry the Leng family among the six major families.


It was not to marry the Leng family, but to make him the Leng family's son-in-law.

If that's all, that's it.

Since the Chen family does not wait to see him, it is not impossible to be a son-in-law.

As long as it's not bullied.

But here's the thing.

Obviously married a beautiful girl.


It's been so long.

But he didn't even touch his fingers.

Learn about the host's past.

Chen Nan was speechless.

Although they are all called Chen Nan.

But this Chen Nan is a complete licking dog.

This time I went out because I wanted to eat a wild fruit called red plum.

Only then was he attacked by wild beasts, running all the way and rolling down the hillside.

Of course.

This Chen Nan is not just licking the dog, but also a soft egg.

Bullied and did not dare to resist.

Both in the Chen family.

Or the Leng family, the status is not even inferior.


But for Chen Nan, as long as he can survive, it is more important than anything else.

At the same time, he also figured out the background on this side of the underworld.

If you want to become a yin, you must become a ghost cultivator.


Underworld cultivators are very rare.

But there are also realms.

Yin Harvesting, Gathering Souls, Transfiguration, Soul Craving, Body Grabbing, Ghost, Earth Ghost, Heavenly Ghost, and Ghost King.

According to the host's memory, Chen Nan learned.

The eighteen-hall Yan King is a strong man in the Ghost King realm.

And it's easy to be yin.

You only need to become a cultivator of the Yin Harvesting Realm.

Of course.

As for whether the ghost cultivator who became a ghost cultivator in the Yin Harvesting Realm could reach the eighteenth level of hell, even he didn't know.

However, there is a hope.

"By the way, I've practiced Yin Picking Techniques before, I wonder if I can cultivate in the Underworld?"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

Immediately sit cross-kneeled and meditate on the Yin Harvesting Technique.

Time passes slowly.

He also clearly felt that Yin Qi entered his body.


The amount is very small.

"I really didn't expect that this guy is not only a soft bone, licking dogs, but even has such a poor talent."

"If you want to cultivate, you must first consolidate your body."

Chen Nan was not disappointed.

Because he verified that the Yin Harvesting Technique could be practiced in the underworld, this was enough.

He then performed the Qiqi Technique.

In a flash.

The scene in front of me seemed to be covered with a layer of gray haze.

There was a strong ghost aura wafting between heaven and earth.

It's clear.

Qiqi can also be used in the underworld.


But it is very soul-consuming.

He only looked at it for a second, and suddenly he had the feeling that the sky was spinning.

But he was very excited: "I learned the Hope Qi Technique from Master Wushan, he was a saint in his previous life, this exercise should be regarded as a holy art, right?" "

With the blessings of the two exercises of Yin Harvesting Technique and Hope Qi Technique, rising in the underworld and becoming a ghost, how can it be difficult to reach the eighteen-layer prefecture and meet the Houtu Niangniang?"

Chen Nan was in a good mood, and almost didn't shout the sentence that the future is promising.

"Young Master, where are you?"

Listen to this time.

In the distance came a woman's eager cry.

"I'm here..." Chen Nan shouted loudly.

His current physical wound is not light.

It's hard to walk.

Need help to get back to Tongcheng.

Otherwise, you may die in the wild.

A moment later.

A young woman in a long white dress ran over with an anxious face.

Fifteen or sixteen years old.

Long eyebrows are clear and beautiful, pavilions are jade.

It gives a feeling of a small family jasper.

Especially those bright eyes, full of spirit.

As if it could speak.

Her name is Song Ziwei.

Chen Nan's personal maid.

It's not so much a personal maid, but a little sister.

The host and mother lived in the countryside.

While returning home from a medical visit, it was pouring rain.

Then the mother and son went to a broken temple to shelter from the rain.

So he found Song Ziwei in his infancy, and then brought her home and raised her.

Although both mother and son regard Song Ziwei as relatives.

But the little girl knows that there is a difference between master and servant, and has always lived as a maid.

Then he married into the Leng family with Chen Nan.

To ask who in the world cares about her the most, besides her mother.

The remaining person is Song Ziwei.

It's just that.

At the moment when he saw Song Ziwei.

Chen Nan felt as if a certain string in his heart had been plucked.

In his opinion, this is obviously a stranger.

But perhaps because of the fusion of host memory, it found it particularly familiar.

It's like someone who is important in life.

"Young Master, are you all right? Is the injury serious? Song Ziwei looked at Chen Nan with concern, her eyes flashing with crystal tears.

Chen Nan said weakly: "It should be a few broken ribs, it's not a big problem, let's go home first!" Saying that, he stood up with the help of Song Ziwei.

It's just that.

His simple words made Song Ziwei show an incredible gaze.

The young master is so afraid of pain, he broke a few ribs, but said that the problem is not big?

Is this still his own young master?

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