Think of this.

Chen Nan almost didn't raise his face and slap himself.

Peek at someone else's bath?


Can't you just have a little bit of interest?

Since they can all take shape, they can completely transform into each other's intimate clothes!

Even... The barrel that the other party bathes in can also be ah!

Think of this.

Chen Nan snorted.

I can't wait to become a powerhouse in the Avatar Realm now.

After coming back to his senses.

He wanted to cry without tears: "How can I have such dirty thoughts?

"Could it be that the host's personality is influencing me?"

"I'm a decent gentleman!"

Without much thought, he grabbed the stool on the ground and roared angrily: "Avenge the city lord!" "




Everyone was dumbfounded.

Especially the people of the six major families.

Yuan Zun was beheaded by someone.

What else do you mean by sneaking around at this time?

The enemy is a strong person in the realm of transformation, and people like you are just cannon fodder when they go up.

Now is the time to flee the scene as soon as possible, so as not to harm the pond fish!

Wait a minute.


This guy is as timid as a mouse, how can he seem like a changed person at this time?

Wouldn't it be scared silly?


The cold and charming face was bloodless, and he was snorting.

She naturally didn't want to offend a Transformation Realm powerhouse for the sake of the already dead City Lord.

But now Chen Nandu rushed up.

If he abandoned Chen Nan at this time, wouldn't he become a greedy person who was afraid of death?

When you become a couple, you say well, blessed and enjoy the same difficulties.

This doesn't match your own personality!

Think of this.

Her right foot tapped the ground, like a fresh breeze, and instantly appeared beside Chen Nan.


A purple-red longsword also appeared in her hand.

Above the sword body exuded a powerful chill.

It's chilling.

She had no way back, so she could only stand side by side with Chen Nan.

"This woman turned out to be a cultivator?"

Chen Nan was secretly frightened.

He could feel a powerful fluctuation of ability on Leng Qingmei's body.

It's just that.

He didn't know that Leng Qingmei was a cultivator.

This lady of her own is hidden deep enough!


I'll have to figure out her depth one day!

Many soldiers were dispatched from the city lord's mansion, surrounded the murderers, and attacked around with spears.

They themselves have the strength to harvest the Yin Realm.

Not to mention that the weapons in his hand are all specially made.

Even if the other party was a powerhouse in the Transformation Realm, he couldn't help them.

Instead, they suppressed each other to death.

However, the man in black who assassinated Yuan Zun did not fight, and the figure instantly turned into a black mist, and then transformed into a bird, soaring into the air and flying towards the north.

The Transformation Realm can turn into a bird and fly, which is something that those soldiers in the City Lord's Mansion cannot do.

They can only watch each other go and helpless.

"Come home with me!"

Leng Qingmei's eyes were cold.

She doesn't mind exposing Xiuwei.


Exposed Xiu Wei but failed to kill the other party.

This made her very angry.

After all, there are so many people in Tongcheng, only the Leng family made a move.

This would definitely anger the powerhouse of the Transfiguration Realm.

If such a person takes revenge on the Leng family.

It's not something they can compete with at all.

People can even kill the new city lord in seconds, why is it difficult to destroy the entire family of the Leng family?

On the way back.

Leng Qingmei's face was gloomy, like a piece of 10,000-year-old ice, exuding an icy aura.

Although she has always kept a straight face.

But the aura emanating at this time made Chen Nan a little uncomfortable.

He felt the need to explain the previous 'impulsive' behavior.

He cleared his throat: "Madam..."

"Stop!" Leng Qingmei's face was expressionless: "You can't call me a lady in the future."

"Also, you are the son-in-law of my Leng family."

"Every word and deed outside represents my Leng family."

"No matter what you do in the future, use your brain first, don't affect the reputation of my Leng family."

"I don't want to make my Leng family suffer a disaster because of your waste!"

My day!

Is it so pretentious?

The reason why Xiao Ye rushed out and shouted to avenge the city lord was all for the sake of your Leng family!


The more beautiful a woman is, the more brainless she is!

Even you're no exception!

Chen Nan's heart rose with a pang of unhappiness.


What can he say at this time, as a weak person?

Shut up decisively.

It's time to ask for peace!

Anyway, he won't listen to what he says at this time, and he won't give him a good face.

After the carriage had traveled for more than half an hour.

appeared at the back door of the Leng family.

"You can get out of the car!" Leng Qingmei closed her eyes, and her mood calmed down a lot.

At least there was no anger in the cold voice.

Chen Nan got out of the car.

Stride into the backyard.

He thought Leng Qingmei was a smart woman.

But I didn't expect to have no vision, pattern.

Although the city lord Yuan Zun was killed.

But how could she not think about it.

After Yuan Zun was killed, why did so many soldiers from the City Lord's Mansion appear in the first place?

Why do those people seem so calm?


They had already expected that there would be assassinations today.

The man who was killed must be the city lord's stand-in.

At this time, as long as anyone comes forward, can they not win the favor of the city lord?


What a simple thing!

But it was ignored!


Paper can't contain the fire after all!

It won't be long before the world learns that the true city lord is still alive.

It's just that I don't know if by then, Leng Qingmei will still be so strong.

Will you say that you have no brains.

You wait.

One day, after Xiao Ye steps into the Transformation Realm, he will definitely transform into your belly pocket!


Chen Nan raised his hand and gave himself a big slap in the face.

Why is the host so shameless?

Why are there so many lewd thoughts in the head?

"Young Master, how did you come back so quickly?"

"Didn't the City Lord's Mansion prepare a banquet?"

Song Ziwei, who was eating lunch in the courtyard, quickly put down the bowl and chopsticks in her hand.

Normally, if you go to the city lord's inauguration ceremony, the city lord's mansion will prepare a banquet.

It is also an opportunity for the city lord to mingle with the common people in private.

But she didn't expect the young master to come back so quickly.

"Don't mention it, make me something to eat after you eat." Chen Nan was also a little hungry.

Song Ziwei said, "I just rolled out some noodles, or should I give you something to eat?"

"Okay, you eat first." Chen Nan said and went to the room without looking back, picked up a book on medicinal herbs and read it intently.

Don't say it yet.

The medicinal herbs of the underworld are also in the Yang Realm, but the names are different.

But the medicinal effects, as well as the properties of the medicinal herbs are the same.

He pondered.

Found a prescription for soaking the medicinal bath.

As long as he soaked in the medicinal bath, he was able to reinvent his bones and lay a solid foundation.

At that time, he will definitely be able to cultivate the Yin Harvesting Technique, and thus become a cultivator of the underworld.

The other side.

The expressionless Leng Qingmei received an invitation from the City Lord's Mansion.

Golden invitation.

After spreading out, she suddenly stood up, her pupils full of shock: "The city lord actually invited us to be a guest?"


"Isn't the city lord dead?"

"What's going on here?"

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