He can write books like Master Lan and make money by publishing books!


The cost of publishing a book is not large.

As long as you write down the books you have read in your past life, you can find a printing house to publish them.

As for what to write...

Bai Yuji is very good.

As a senior cleaning fan, it is a bit exaggerated to say that it is backwards.

But it's not hard to write it down.


He was determined to publish a book.

As the so-called knowledge is wealth, you can earn money soaking medicinal baths by publishing books.

It's easy to get out of a book.

The hardest thing is whether the story is engaging.

In addition, it is necessary to go to the city lord's mansion for filing and obtaining a publication license.

This is about the same as on Earth.

The second is to find a publisher to print and customize.

In general, there is little investment in publishing books.

Just right for him now.

"The title of the book is White Feather, it's too abnormal for birds to enter the phoenix nest!"

"Pseudonymous words..."

"It needs to be catchy and memorable."

He thought left and right and thought of a pen name that people will remember instantly.

"The pen name is Fourth Uncle and Five Essences!"

Chen Nan is a man of action.

After returning to Leng's house, he closed the door.

Grinding, lifting the pen.

The first step towards becoming a writer began.

At the time of Chen Nan's writing.

The memory of the dead youth suddenly came to life and attacked him.

It reminded him of the memories of taking turns looking at Teacher Bai with Pei Jian in high school.

"Young Master, what are you doing in the room behind closed doors?"

In the evening.

Song Ziwei returned home.

"I'm going to the City Lord's Mansion later, I'm changing my clothes."

Chen Nan quickly put away the pen, ink and paper.

If Song Ziwei saw that he was writing a book, and it was still colored, she would have to laugh at him.

Then he walked out.

At this time, Song Ziwei put the pastries she brought back on the table in the courtyard: "Madame asked me to bring you back some pastries." I told Madame what you said earlier, and she was very happy.

Chen Nan pinched two pastries and ate them, and walked outside while eating: "I won't come back to eat at night, you can eat it at home!"


This time, Chen Nan did not go to find Leng Qingmei.

Instead, it comes out through the back door.

Came to the gate of the Leng family and waited for Leng Qingmei to appear.

After today's event.

He could be considered to have thoroughly understood his value in the Leng family.

That is worthless.


Why bother yourself and follow the cold in and out of the gate?

The host can be used as a licking dog.

But Chen Nan only allowed others to lick him!

Come to the front door.

The deserted carriage was already waiting.

Seeing that Chen Nan did not come out at the front door, a trace of displeasure flashed in Leng Qingmei's heart.

This guy knew he was waiting for him at the front door, but he had to go out through the back door.

This is sincerity against oneself.

Or does he himself like to go through the back door?

Chen Nan got into the carriage.

Leng Qingmei said to the horseman: "Let's go!" "



The carriage moved slowly towards the city lord's mansion.

In the carriage.

Chen Nan closed his eyes and recuperated.

There is no reason for being cold and charming at all.

He didn't even look at her more.

Leng Qingmei suddenly felt that she had no sense of existence.

Although she had only met Chen Nan once before, she had also heard that he would go to the door of his other courtyard almost every day, just to see himself more or two.

He also heard that no matter what he needed, if he didn't have it at home, he would go to the street to buy it as soon as possible.

But today...

but chose to ignore her.

This made a strong sense of loss rise in her heart.

Isn't his beauty enough to conquer him?

Of course.

Leng Qingmei had a haughty personality, and did not say anything.

Silence all the way.

Then came to the gate of the city lord's mansion.

Butler Tian Bo has been waiting for a long time.

Watched the two get out of the car.

He greeted him with a smile, and then made an inviting gesture: "Young Master Chen, Miss Leng please inside!"

Chen Nan was neither humble nor arrogant: "There is Lao Tianbo!"

This scene made Leng Qingmei couldn't help but be impressed by Chen Nan.

Tian Bo was the steward of the City Lord's Mansion, and his energy and power were amazing.

Even he was cautious in front of Tian Bo.

Chen Nan looked light and breezy.

If nothing else, this heart alone is by no means something that ordinary people can have.

The three of them headed towards the banquet hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

On the road.

Tian Bo asked curiously, "Why did Young Master Chen desperately rush to the outlaws of the Anti-Heaven Sect today?" Aren't you afraid of death? Without

waiting for Chen Nan to answer.

A cold and beautiful voice sounded: "The Anti-Heavenly Sect is a cult, and as the people of the underworld, we should take the lead and kill the members of the cult to defend our peace in the underworld."

Tian Bo smiled and said, "Miss Leng has this heart, and she really doesn't let her eyebrows!"

Although he had a smile on his face.


Chen Nan felt the disappointment in his eyes.

He spoke: "The cult is condemned by everyone, but my move today is not to kill the anti-heavenly sect. "

Oh?" Tian Bo was interested: "What does Young Master Chen mean by this?" "

Leng Qingmei's face is expressionless.

She explained why they made a move, and won Tian Bo's praise.

Chen Nan explained this matter at this time, which was clearly a drawing of snakes.

It may even be self-defeating and cause dissatisfaction on the other side.

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "If the junior didn't guess wrong, that member of the Anti-Heaven Sect should have been killed, right?" The

smile on Tian Bo's face became even brighter: "That member of the Anti-Heaven Sect fled in full view, Chen Gongzi saw this with his own eyes, why would you say that the other party has been killed?"

Chen Nan said, "Lord City Lord has just been killed, and before the murderer pulls out the murder weapon, the soldiers of our City Lord's Mansion responded as soon as possible.

"If you hadn't guessed in advance that Lord City Lord would be killed, then this reaction speed would have been too fast, right?"

"And you were there when it happened, your..."

Tian Bo asked curiously, "What is mine?"

Chen Nan touched his nose and asked a little embarrassed: "Are you sure that the junior said it, you are not angry?"

Tian Bo said with a smile: "If you have something to say, it doesn't hurt to say it, the old age is not enough to see you in the same afterlife."

"Then the junior will speak freely." Chen Nandao: "Although you were shocked at that time, if you look closely, you will find that your expression is very pompous, more like you are deliberately performing for the world to see." Tian

Bo: "You continue."

"So, therefore, I conclude that you had planned it." Chen Nan: "The person who was killed is not the real city lord, and the reason why you are looking for a scapegoat is, in the final analysis, there are two purposes."

"One, bring out the anti-Heavenly Sect and kill them all."

"Second, I want to use this matter to test the ability and courage of the six major families."

"To put it bluntly, you have given the six major families a chance to show themselves."

"At this time, as long as a certain family stands up, it can gain the favor of City Lord Yuan."

Tian Bohaha laughed loudly: "Young Master Chen's heart is as delicate as hair, his wisdom is almost demon, and his old heart is happy and sincere!" "

Speaking of which.

He looked at Leng Qingmei: "Miss Leng, you really found a wishful Langjun, this is the blessing of the Leng family!"

Leng Qingqiu showed an awkward but polite smile.

But there was a strong fear and uneasiness in my heart.

Chen Nan's resourcefulness was already above her.

She felt more and more.

One day this child will be out of control.

Between conversations.

The three arrived at the banquet hall of the City Lord's Mansion.

She also saw the old man sitting at the table with white hair and a majestic face.

Without waiting for her to salute, Chen Nan exclaimed, "The city lord turned out to be you? "

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