Although the master and servant are commensurate.

But in the host's heart, Song Ziwei is his sister and his relatives.

Song Ziwei's status in his heart is second only to his mother.

In other words, Song Ziwei was bullied before, and the host definitely did not dare to stand up for her.

But now.

Chen Nan controlled the host's body and emotions.

Naturally, he can't watch Song Ziwei being bullied and ignore it.

"No one bullied me." Song Ziwei sullenly wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes.

"Then why are you crying?" Chen Nan felt inexplicable.

In his memory.

This girl is not the kind of person who is arrogant and unreasonable, and cries at every turn.

Song Ziwei looked at Chen Nan with a huff: "You said before that you would never read Little H books again, right?"

"Yes!" Chen Nan nodded repeatedly: "Today I passed the book stall and saw that I didn't buy Master Lan's latest work, which should show my determination, right?"

Song Ziwei said with an angry face: "I don't deny your determination not to read Little H's book, but..." But..."

Chen Nan asked cautiously, "But what?"

Song Ziwei's face turned pale anxiously, she stopped the language, and said angrily: "I thought that your prodigal son turned back and completely quit reading that kind of book."

"But I didn't expect that you would change from a reader to an author."

"Shameless, smelly and shameless!"

"If Madame learns about this, she will definitely be angry and unable to eat."


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

His face was full of embarrassment: "Did you see the white feather I wrote?"

"Why would you write books like this?" Song Ziwei's eyes were full of disappointment.

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Make money!" "

Three simple words.

Let Song Ziwei be speechless.

The pupils trembled slightly.

It was far more shocking than seeing the white feather written by the young master before.

She never thought about it.

The young master actually wanted to make money.

She grew up with Chen Nan since she was a child.

She had heard him say a lot of outrageous things.

But the word make money is the first time she has heard it in Chen Nan's mouth.

After returning to her senses, she said, "The young master is naturally happy if he wants to feed himself and slaves, but there are many ways to make money, why do you write such filthy books?"

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Is it against the law to write such books?"

Song Ziwei: "Although you don't violate the law, but you are the young master of the Chen family and the son-in-law of the Leng family, aren't you afraid that others will laugh at you after knowing your identity?"

Chen Nan said disapprovingly: "As long as you make money without violating the law, you will not shudder no matter what you do."

Song Ziwei held her stomach and wanted to say.

You can hear the young master's words.

Suddenly there was no speech.

Oh, yes!

Life itself is hard.

As long as you don't steal or grab money, you won't shudder either way.


She sobbed and asked, "I care now, can I make money by publishing books?"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up and said, "Don't underestimate the profession of writers, they can earn thousands of taels of silver by writing a few words casually, and if they write a masterpiece, they can even earn 10,000 taels of silver." "

As a long-time book lover.

Chen Nan still knows the status of writers in this world.

He had heard that Master Lan could earn at least eight thousand taels of silver with a casual book.

Unlike those hard-pressed online writers on the planet, a book is tens of thousands of words.

Even wrote it while practicing in the Qinglou.

I earn a lot, and the writing environment is also very nice.

And the most important point.

Master Lan's kind of famous writer, even if he goes to the green building, he is a white.

Even more outrageous.

There was once a woman who had just entered the dust and made a cameo appearance in Master Lan's work.

As a result, after that work became popular.

That woman directly became the number one flower leader in the green building.

The price was previously introduced for two taels of silver.

After becoming famous, it directly soared to two hundred taels.

Master Lan can also be regarded as indirectly bringing a wave of goods...

"It turns out that publishing books is so profitable!" Song Ziwei's eyes lit up.

As soon as I heard about making money, I didn't have any worries.

Hurriedly took the pen and ink and served: "Young master, now is the dead of night, I heard that the writers are thinking like a fountain at this time, don't be idle, hurry up and hurry up with the manuscript!" "


Chen Nan was stunned.

You're changing your face too fast, aren't you???

"I... I'm saying that other people can make money writing books, but I can't necessarily do it. Chen Nan's face was full of embarrassment, he had drunk two cups with Yuan Zun during the meal before, and now he just wanted to get a good night's sleep.

Song Ziwei said: "I read the story you wrote, the story is vivid and interesting, the protagonist has a distinct personality, far better than what Master Lan wrote, and it will definitely catch fire." Speaking

of this, a hint of blush appeared on her pretty face.

It also made Chen Nan show a shocked gaze.

That's too informative.

Other words.

When she was not at home, Song Ziwei read Master Lan's works.


This girl is not pure...

Song Ziwei asked cautiously: "Young Master, when you write a story, do you need to brew emotions while fighting in real battle?"

"If you want, I can cooperate with you." Her face was crimson, and she lowered her head nervously.

"Go back to sleep." Chen Nan made a face.

The host scum did not harm Song Ziwei.

How can you be a beast if you are a decent gentleman?

Not to mention that there is no need to rely on actual combat to brew emotions.

Even if needed.

With an order, Leng Qingmei sent Mei Lan Zhuju over.

There is no need for Song Ziwei's tender grass at all.

After Song Ziwei left, Chen Nan did not rest.

Anyway, the pen, ink and paper are ready, so let's continue to write Mr. Bai's story.

Write at least a third first.

This will allow for publication.


After breakfast, Chen Nan asked Song Ziwei for ten taels of silver, and then left the Leng family.

Publishing a book is a complicated matter, and you need to register personal information to obtain publication qualification.

These require money.

Change to before.

Song Ziwei will definitely not be so generous.

But she was very confident in the book written by the young master, and generously gave ten taels of silver.

In fact, Chen Nan didn't need to run in person at all, as long as he went to the city lord's mansion and found the butler Tian Bo, these things could be easily settled.


He hates nepotism.

Hate going through the back door.

Of course.

Back door after back door.

Come to Tongcheng Yamen.

Chen Nan found a scribe in charge of reviewing and briefly described his intentions.

After hearing this, the other party said: "We only have ten places to publish books in Tongcheng every year, but those ten places have long been applied for."

"If you want to publish a book, you better wait until early next year to apply."

Chen Nan frowned: "Is there such a rule?" How have I not heard? "

The host used to dream of becoming Master Lan's kind of person, so he inquired about publishing books.

But I have not heard of this rule.

The corners of the middle-aged man's mouth rose: "There is indeed this rule, but if you want to publish a book this year, I can get you an internal quota."

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows and said, "The price of this internal quota is not cheap, right?" "

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