Chen Nantou did not reply, and walked into the night: "If you are afraid that I will bear the cause and effect, then do more good deeds!"

Zhang Mingquan took his wife and solemnly bowed in the direction where Chen Nan left: "Chen Gong rest assured, our husband and wife will definitely not live up to your expectations."


Chen Nan got into the carriage outside Zhang's mansion and said a little haggard: "I guessed wrong, Zhang Mingquan has nothing to do with that case."

Yuan Zun shook his head: "Although Zhang Mingquan has nothing to do with the case of the green-eyed zombie, he has broken the law after all, and you should arrest them as a couple."

"What you do today will surely bear great cause and effect in the future."

He's outside.

But he heard the conversation between Chen Nan and others.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "What is the law?"

Yuan Zun: "The law is the iron law that restricts the underworld, and it is the sharpest sword to maintain the peace of the underworld."

Chen Nan smiled: "And then?

Yuan Zun was silent.

He believed that he had illustrated the importance of the law.

Chen Nan gave his own opinion: "In my opinion, the law is a seed, a seed that makes people devote themselves to goodness.

"As long as it makes people wholehearted for good, that's enough."

Yuan Zun: "It's a different path."

Chen Nan: "But all beings are equal!" "


In a simple sentence.

It made Yuan Zun feel like a daigo empowerment.

Let his eyes show shock.

He didn't expect that an ordinary person in Chen Nan would say such words.


Chen Nan's pattern is by no means comparable to him.

"The world knows that all beings are equal, but how many people can really do it?" The corner of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with a hint of self-ridicule: "The equality of all sentient beings is not just talk, but to look at the world from the perspective of an outsider."

"Whether it's a person, a demon, or a ghost."

"As long as they have good causes in their hearts, they will be able to live freely in heaven and earth."

"Besides, there's one thing I don't understand."

"Our genus are all from the zodiac, but why should we humans be above those zodiac signs?"

"Look at them with a colored eye?"

"Why should we look down on them when we have their affiliation?"

"Where does the superiority of the Terrans come from?"

"Just because we're primates?"

"But Zhang Mingquan has cultivated into a human, and there is essentially no difference from us."

Perhaps because of the integration with the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

Chen Nan's pattern and vision are by no means comparable to ordinary people.

Yuan Zun sighed lightly: "I admit that what you said makes sense.

"But unfortunately, you are not the maker of the law."

"If the identities of Zhang Mingquan and his wife are exposed."

"Your end is destined to be miserable."

He knew the law was merciless.

So I want to persuade Chen Nan to turn back.

As long as he turns around and returns to Zhang Mansion now and arrests Zhang Mingquan and his wife, he can make a great achievement.

Chen Nan smiled and asked, "Sir, you know that I released Zhang Mingquan and his wife, why didn't you arrest me?"

Yuan Zun was silent for a moment and said, "Although you have violated the law, what you have done is admirable.

Chen Nan continued, "Then why didn't I arrest them as a couple?"

Yuan Zun: "You know that their feelings are as deep as the sea, their merits are immeasurable, and they don't want to do anything against their hearts." "

Yuan Zun knows the meaning of Zhang Mingquan's existence.

I also know that he has done a lot for Tongcheng silently.

Zhang Mingquan's ability to order those rats not to steal food from the homes of ordinary people has made a lot of merit.

After all, once the plague breaks out, it will be a disaster for the people.

Chen Nan leaned on the carriage and found a relatively comfortable posture: "I know what Zhang Mingquan did, so I let him go."

"You know my character, and even if I broke the law, you didn't arrest me."

"It's moral."

"As long as you have morality in your heart, why fear anything else?"

Yuan Zun knew that he couldn't talk about Chen Nan, and said helplessly: "I only hope that Zhang Mingquan will do more good deeds, so that your end will be better." He

couldn't imagine it.

If Zhang Mingquan did a lot of evil, what kind of cause and effect would Chen Nan suffer.

After that, Chen Nan returned to Yamen.

Now that it was past two o'clock in the morning, he didn't want to return to Leng to disturb Song Ziwei's sleep.

In addition, he was injured, and he didn't want Song Ziwei to worry after seeing it.

Back in the county, he sat cross-kneeled, and he used the Yin Harvesting Technique, absorbing the Yin Qi between heaven and earth.

Because I took three pills before.

This time he recovered quickly.

After dawn, the injuries on his body improved.

Then he left the county office with a saber on his waist.

I worked for two days and two nights in a row.

It's time for him to relax this time.

Although it didn't solve the green-eyed zombie.

But that zombie failed to devour the resentment and corpse qi on the hundredth corpse, and it would definitely fall sharply.

They dare not come out and do things in a short period of time.

Because it rained for half a night last night.

The morning air is exceptionally fresh.

Many vendors opened their doors early to start business.

Chen Nan simply ate something at the roadside breakfast stall.

Just as he was about to return to the Leng family.

But I saw a familiar figure in the crowd.

She is tall and graceful.

The facial features are not very stunning though.

But it gives people a very sweet and attractive feeling.

She wore a long white dress, and the whole person revealed an atmosphere that did not eat the world's fireworks.

It's like walking out of a painting.

"How is she?"

"Why did she come to Tongcheng?"

Chen Nan only felt his heart beat faster.

In fact, he didn't know this woman.

After all, he is from the Yang world.

But the host and the woman are familiar.

To be precise.

The host and this woman also secretly made a secret agreement for life.

The woman's name is Xia Youwei.

The family lives in Binh Duong Town.

That is, the town where the host lived before.

The Xia family is the richest man in Pingyang Town.

It is said that this kind of wealthy lady can't look at the host.

But the host is handsome!

Xia Youwei was confused by his appearance and often had private meetings with the host.

Before being picked up by the Chen family, he had a private meeting with Xia Youwei.

At that time, he swore to tell the other party.

When he returns to the Chen family, he will definitely return to Pingyang Town and marry Xia Youwei.

Which Cheng thought...

After coming, he actually became the son-in-law of the Leng family.

"Did she come looking for me?"

"If he sees me, how do I explain it to her?"

"How can I tell her that I have become the son-in-law of the Leng family?"

Chen Nan had mixed feelings.

Even if his beloved was in front of him, he did not dare to come forward to say hello.


He quickly returned to Leng's house.

That's it.

He only hoped that Xia Youwei would not find the Chen family and ask about herself.


He really didn't know how to explain to Xia Youwei that he had become the son-in-law of the Leng family.

In any case, he was ashamed of her.

"Why is it that the lights are colorful, and the joy character is pasted?"

After coming to the Leng family, Chen Nan was confused.

Immediately, he returned to the backyard and said to Song Ziwei: "What is the situation in the house?" Why are there all the lights and the joy words plastered everywhere?

Song Ziwei said, "Your old man has returned, and he has found you a young and beautiful mother-in-law."

Chen Nan looked strange.

The old man is all old.

You actually want to marry a new daughter-in-law?

Song Ziwei raised her eyebrows: "Don't you want to know, who is your old man marrying?"

Chen Nan was curious: "Who?"

Song Ziwei showed an intriguing smile: "Xia Youwei!

Chen Nan's scalp was numb: "Lying groove, Xia Youwei is going to become my mother-in-law?" "

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