This is not to blame Gong Yi for being uneasy in his heart.

Because he didn't expect Yuan Zun to solve the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect at all.

And that green-eyed zombie.

Either of these two things is a great credit.

Not to mention that the remnant of the Anti-Heaven Sect, Yue Shan, was still the hall master of the third hall.

Even within the Anti-Heaven Sect, it is a mainstay.

His death could completely suppress the arrogance of the Anti-Heaven Sect.


Yuan Zun made such a miraculous achievement, it won't be long before he will be transferred away from Tongcheng and move forward peacefully.

By that time.

Even he couldn't reach it.

Gong Xiancheng's face was sallow.

What's with what?

When has Yuan Zun investigated the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect since he took office?

When did he investigate the hiding place of the green-eyed zombie?

How could he get the corpses of the green-eyed zombie and the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect at the same time?

Although he was shocked inside.

But it's not as uneasy as Gong Yi.

In the final analysis, he is about to retire and return to the field.

Although this is not what he wants.

But at this point, there is no other choice.

He didn't believe that someone like Yuan Zun would wait for him to go into hiding and assassinate him.

"He is actually the Third Hall Master Yue Shan?"

At this moment, even Yuan Zun was taken aback.

I didn't expect this remnant of the Anti-Heaven Sect to have such a big origin.

Bi Cang said, "There are a total of eighteen hall masters in the Anti-Heaven Sect, and it was they who rose up in the first place to break the peace of the underworld and disrupt the order of the six reincarnations. "

Although the Anti-Heaven Sect was destroyed later, there are still five hall masters who survived."

"It's just that they were all seriously injured, and they survived to this day by taking others."

"So much so that no one knows where they are."

"I'm glad I saw the Evil Moon today."

"It can be determined that this burned unrecognizable corpse is Yue Shan."

A strong fear rose in Yuan Zun's heart.

Yue Shan!

A ghost king who moved the underworld 10,000 years ago.


Extremely brutal.

It is said that in order to hunt him down, the capital city sent several ninth-level ghost kings.

But it only hit him hard.

Unexpectedly, such a ruthless person wanted to assassinate himself.

Even more incredible.

This kind of big man 10,000 years ago will be killed alive by Chen Nan.

This moment.

He inexplicably felt a little sorry for Yue Shan.

It was killed by Chen Nankeng, not to say.

Before he died, he also helped Chen Nan break the shackles and make him a cultivator...

Bi Cang suddenly asked, "Master Yuan, have you ever discovered Yue Shan's storage magic weapon?"

Yuan Zun shook his head: "Xiaguan did not find any storage magic weapons on him. He

wasn't lying.

Chen Nan took away Yue Shan's storage magic weapon, what does it have to do with him?

But he was still curious in his heart: "Sir, are there any treasures in Yue Shan's storage magic weapon?"

Bi Cang said, "I heard that the Anti-Heaven Sect has a unique transmission token within it, and if you can find the transmission token, it is possible to follow the vine and gather everyone in the Anti-Heaven Sect together and kill them all."

Yuan Zun sighed: "It's a pity that after Yue Shan died, Xiaguan did not see his storage magic weapon.

Bi Cang laughed: "You can use the plan to destroy Yue Shan and the green-eyed zombie, which in itself is a great merit."

"Don't think that all the benefits are exclusive to you."

He had a wry smile on his face.

It is said that good fortune depends on each other.

This is true.

Earlier, he also said that Yuan Zun was too unlucky.

Now I find that I am too superficial.

Although Yuan Zun's luck was bad.

But when he turned into a murderer, it indicated that this person was about to soar into the sky.

With these merits alone, his future achievements will surpass him.

Gong Yi chose to admit directly, and he bowed to Yuan Zun with an apologetic face: "Lord Yuan, I misunderstood you before, and I apologize to you for what I said before."

Speaking of this, he looked at Gong Ping and Gong Xiancheng and said angrily: "Old thing, blame you, if you hadn't told me that Lord Yuan didn't ask about government affairs, how could I have said those words?"

"Don't apologize to Lord Yuan yet?"

Gong Ping said with trepidation: "I also ask Lord Yuan to forgive Xiaguan's ignorance, Xiaguan expresses his deep apologies to you, and I hope you can forgive Xiaguan."

Yuan Zun endured the anger in his heart and said calmly: "Gong Xiancheng is serious, we are all for the people of Tongcheng, why not?"

Gong Ping breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as Yuan Zun can say this.

Then he has peace of mind.

After all, you, Yuan Zun, forgave me in front of the two Qin Chai.

If you secretly put small shoes on me, I won't be afraid of the shame of the world, right?

Bi Cang spoke: "Let's return to the case of the theft of the death-free gold medal."

He looked at Yuan Zun: "You also inform this official about the Liu family."

"Yes." On the day of the incident, Chen Nan met Liu Yu and said it word for word: "Wen Bohou's grandson, Liu Yu committed murder on the street, wanting to kill the county magistrate to arrest him quickly, and also said that the Liu family is the sky of the city. "

The county official quickly caught Chen Nan and saw that he was uncontrolled, so he killed him on the street."

"Then take someone to Liu's house..."

"After bringing the Wen Bohou father and son to the county office, the Wen Bohou father and son despised Chao Gang, and no one saw them."

"Who expected that when he took out the death-free gold medal, the lower official found that the death-free gold medal was iron."

"The subordinate proposed that their father and son be put in prison, and the punishment will be carried out after summoning the emperor."

"But the Wimber father and son resisted to the death."

"As a last resort, arrest Chen Nan and kill them in the public court."

"At that time, we learned that the death-free gold medal given to the Liu family by the Great Emperor may have been stolen."

Bi Cang snorted quietly.

In fact, he knows the cause of the matter, and the whole process.

These things are very clear to Yuan Zun in the play.

And the Great Emperor also gave it to him.

Bi Cang looked at the surrounding servants and asked, "Which of you is Chen Nan?" Stand up and let this official see. "

He really wanted to meet the brave guy.

Before he knew that the Liu family's death-free gold medal was stolen, he dared to slash Liu Yu on the street.

Dare to take people to Liu's house to arrest people.

The average person doesn't have this kind of courage.

Yuan Zun said respectfully: "Lord Hui, Chen Nan is not in the county.

Bi Cang frowned: "Then where did he go?"

Yuan Zun looked at Gong Ping: "This is to ask Gong Xiancheng." "

Hear this.

Gong Xiancheng was directly dumbfounded.

He thought that today he could borrow the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect and the green-eyed zombie to bring down Yuan Zun.

It was precisely because of this that he would let people arrest Chen Nan.

Because as long as Yuan Zun is overthrown.

No one cared about Chen Nan's life or death.


He didn't expect Yuan Zun to turn the danger into a disaster.

This also indicates that it is an extremely wrong thing for him to arrest Chen Nan.

If Bi Cang knew that he had let Chen Nan arrest him, would he still be able to retire and raise his life?

Without much thought, he hurriedly said, "Master Hui, Chen Chao is about to be sent by me to do other things, you rest here for a while, I will find him." Without

looking back, he left the living room, striding like a fly, towards the prison.

He had to invite this master Chen Nan over.

Otherwise, he would definitely not end well.

I just don't know if this master will give face...

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