Chen Nan said, "I'm going back to the Leng family first and find a way to get rid of that demon."

"As for whether you return to Pingyang Town or stay in Tongcheng after the danger is lifted, it is up to you to decide."

Xia Hou hit the nail on the head and asked, "What about my daughter?" Do you owe her a name? "

Hear this.

Xia Youwei suddenly looked at Chen Nan with affection.

Chen Nan felt a pain in his brain.

Feelings seem invisible, but they are the hardest chains and bonds in the world.

He is an outsider though.


The moment he inherited the host's body, the two were already indistinguishable from each other.

If it weren't for the identity of the Leng family's son-in-law, it would be enough.

He can give Xia Youwei a name.

But now.

Will the Leng family agree to him taking a concubine?

Will Xiahou agree to his daughter being a concubine?

"I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer to this matter." He didn't dare to say too much, so he could only delay time in a tactful way.

Xia Hou said impatiently, "I hope you don't let us down."

"That junior quits first." Chen Nan left here and returned to Leng before the sun set.

Just got home.

Chunmei came over respectfully: "Aunt, the young lady has a request."

Chen Nan snorted and followed Chunmei to the cold and beautiful courtyard.

Seeing that the door was open, he walked straight in.

Saw the cold beauty with incredulous eyes on his face: "What the hell is going on?" Who is that woman in the Liang family's house?

Chen Nan frowned, and an invisible anger rose in his heart: "Are you spying on me?"

Leng Qingmei sneered: "You are my husband, you have been staying outside for several days, as a wife, shouldn't I investigate your whereabouts?"

Chen Nan did not hide his anger in his heart: "Although you and I have the name of husband and wife, but there is no husband and wife, I advise you to better not let people spy on me."

"If there is another time, don't blame me for turning my face."

"Master Lan!"

Master Lan came out in three words.

A chill suddenly flashed in Leng Qingmei's eyes.

She didn't expect that Chen Nan knew that she was Master Lan.

This is equivalent to the couple completely tearing their faces.

After all, she originally wrote a book against Chen Nan and Ning Yinqiu, wanting to slander the two.

Immediately a shallow smile appeared on her face: "It seems that you have been hiding yourself, if I guessed correctly, you still have many means, right?"

"You are also hiding deeply, but I don't know when I will know your depth." Since he tore his face, Chen Nan didn't pretend to be a gentleman, like a gentleman with an intriguing smile on his face.

"Let's not talk about the two of us, I can also promise that no one will follow you in the future." Leng Qingmei suddenly became serious: "I want to know about Xia Youwei."

Chen Nanyan said concisely: "Your father married a demon, as for why that demon wants to marry your father, you should ask that demon this question."

"As for Xia Youwei herself... She is my friend in Binh Duong town. Leng

Qingmei's face was full of disgust: "You are really a personal scum!"

Chen Nan shrugged: "How can Master Lan have the face to say something about others?"

"Which of your protagonists is not a scum who loves one?"

"Even if I am a scumbag, I am influenced by you, and you made me a scum!"

Leng Qingmei was angry.

She didn't expect Chen Nan to be so sharp-toothed.

Is this who he really is?

I underestimated him.

Taking a deep breath, she said, "Although Xia Youwei is a demon, so far, she has not done anything to harm the interests of the Leng family.

Chen Nan: "When it impersonates her and marries your father, it is destined that her purpose is not simple."

Leng Qingmei said disapprovingly: "Although shemales have different paths, I believe that some demons also have a conscience.

Chen Nan did not deny this.

At least the mouse essence Zhang Mingquan is a good demon.

"Miss, the master fainted." The butler ran over in a panic.

Leng Qingmei quickly got up and quickly walked towards the front yard.

Saw the fainted father in the garden.

Leng Xuemin's face was pale and bloodless.

At this time, Xia Youwei was holding Leng Xuemin with a sad face, and sobbed weakly: "Your father was fine just now, but I don't know what happened, and suddenly he was in a coma, and he couldn't wake up no matter how he screamed." "

Let someone go and invite Langzhong." Leng Qingmei forced herself to resist the idea of doing it.

She knows.

The reason why my father is like this is most likely because of Xia Youwei.

After all, he is so old that he can't withstand the toss.


She didn't think she could defeat a demon in the Transfiguration Realm.

If you make a rash move, the Leng family is very likely to become a purgatory on earth.

Soon Langzhong was invited.

After checking the situation of Leng Xuemin, he said: "Master Leng is infected with wind chill and coma caused by blood and qi deficit, just take some decoctions that replenish qi and blood, and it won't take long to recover." Hearing

this, Leng Qingmei was also relieved.

But Chen Nan didn't think so.

Leng Xuemin's three souls and seven spirits have already disappeared.

Unless he finds his soul, he will never wake up in this life.

"It's not early, you two will go back first, I will take care of the students here." Xia Youwei was like a good wife and mother, looking at the man on the bed with concern on her face.

"Then there is Mother Law." Leng Qingmei said politely, and then left his father's room with Chen Nan.

After returning to the other courtyard.

Her face was gloomy: "You are right, this demon must have some intention when he approached my father." "

As a cultivator.

Leng Qingmei could sense that her father's body was extremely weak.

It's like being sucked dry.


This must be Xia Youwei's ghosting.

Chen Nan asked: "The demon of the Transformation Realm is very strong, can you solve it?"

Leng Qingmei directly gave him a roll of her eyes, and said impatiently: "If I can solve her, do you think I will still swallow my anger?" "

She is a cultivator though.

But only the nine layers of the Yin Realm.

He hadn't even reached the Gathering Soul Realm, let alone faced the demon beasts of the Transformation Realm.

As soon as his voice changed, he said coldly: "Can you solve her?"

Chen Nan: "I don't have this ability." "

Although he can find a way to solve that demon, the risk is too great.

The slightest mistake will lead to death.

Leng Xuemin was not worth the risk he took so much.

Leng Qingmei pondered for a moment, and there was an inexplicable shyness on her delicate face, like a ripe peach, delicate: "If... If you can help me solve that demon, I can promise you a condition.

Chen Nan looked sideways: "You should know what I want to do, right?" Leng

Qingmei's eyes dodged: "Don't you just want to know my depth, I can promise you."

Chen Nan frowned: "No, didn't you say that you can't break your body before the practice is completed?" Leng

Qingmei's eyes were complicated: "Although I have a dream, what is it compared to my father's life and death?" "

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