Seeing Chen Nan's gaze dull, Xia Youwei showed an intriguing smile at the corner of her mouth, knowing that he had been controlled by himself.

So, he asked softly, "Do you like me?"

Chen Nan was indeed dizzy.

But a demon wasn't enough to make him lose his mind.

After all, he was the Lord of the Immortal Realm in the Yang Realm.

Even if he came to the underworld to cultivate from scratch, the soul power still had some strength.


Just count it.

Look at what medicine she sells in her gourd.

He replied expressionlessly: "The mother-in-law is beautiful and moving, and the son-in-law naturally likes it."

Xia Youwei was very satisfied with this answer.


It is not so much satisfied with this answer, but very satisfied with this skin bag now, but any normal man will be thrilled after seeing it.

She stretched out her hand, caressed Chen Nan's cheek, and looked at him affectionately: "Then are you willing to be my slave?"

"I would like to be your white horse." Chen Nan's eyes were dull, looking like he had lost himself, and he spoke the voice of his heart.

Xia Youwei frowned, not knowing why Chen Nan said this, and asked curiously: "Why do you want to become my white horse."

Chen Nan: "In this way, you can be QI."

Xia Youwei was stunned for a moment.

Immediately let out a pleasant laugh: "You are so bad, I like it so ~~~"

As soon as the words changed, she glanced at Chen Nan: "Tell me, what are your specialties?"

Chen Nan: "I lie down very high."

Xia Youwei looked stunned, and then her face turned crimson: "Oil mouth slippery tongue, how tall can you be?" "

Although she is a demon.

But at the moment.

But my heart is a little excited.

After all, Leng Xuemin is really a garbage that is not useful.

It's a thin dog.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this, I'm a little tired, do you know massage?" Help me pinch my body! Although Xia Youwei wanted to take Chen Nan, Leng Xuemin's soul had not been fully devoured.

If she made a move towards Chen Nan at this time, she would not be able to eat it at all.


The souls of two people will fight inside her.

"My son-in-law has learned some bone-fixing methods, but he can help his mother-in-law press his body." Chen Nan was still expressionless and his eyes were dull, but his heart was clear.

"Then let me see what you can do!"

Xia Youwei said and lay on the bed.

This bed is the resting place of the treasurer on weekdays.

Chen Nan walked to the edge of the bed, put his hands on Xia Youwei's shoulders, and then gently massaged them.

"The force is a little heavier." Xia Youwei lay there with a drunken face, revealing a beautiful figure.

But Chen Nan did not dare to act rashly.

Don't even dare to think about it.

Although his soul power is strong.

But he knows.

This demon did not use soul control on himself with all his strength.

If she really wants to control her soul with all her strength.

I can't resist it at all.


He can't mess around, he can't arouse the other party's defense.

Although he can now take out the silver needle and hit the other party, infecting her with corpse poison.

But Chen Nan had reason to believe that before he took out the silver needle.

The demon could detect his intentions.

"Hmm... Little scoundrel, why are you so hard, it hurts.

The moment Chen Nan increased his strength, Xia Youwei let out a slightly painful groan.

There was also a hint of resentment in his tone: "Don't you know what mercy and cherishing jade are?"

Chen Nan's face was expressionless: "The reason why my mother-in-law feels pain is mainly because of shoulder muscle strain.

"It hurts a little at first, but it gets comfortable soon."

Xia Youwei smiled and said, "When you speak, is it always a pun?"

Chen Nan: "Only in front of the woman I like, I will remove my disguise."

Xia Youwei lay there lazily, feeling Chen Nan's hands massaging on her shoulders, and looked very intoxicated: "I heard that you and Leng Qingmei have become close so far, and you still haven't shared a room?"

Chen Nan: "Yes.

Xia Youwei: "Then what should you do if you are usually uncomfortable?"

Chen Nan: "With your hands."

Xia Youwei laughed: "Men are really craftsmen." The

voice changed.

She said, "If you are serious about doing things for me, I can help you take down the cold charm and let you do whatever you want to her."

Chen Nan's eyes were empty: "It is my son-in-law's honor to serve my mother-in-law, and my son-in-law does not want to gain any benefits because of this."

"Sure enough, the essence of men is to lick dogs." Xia Youwei looked disdainful, but Chen Nan's words licking her still made her very useful.

Chen Nan continued to lick hard: "Only when you meet someone you like, your son-in-law will become a licking dog." "

Hmm..." Xia Youwei suddenly said, "Why is my shoulder still in unbearable pain?"

"And it feels like the whole cervical spine is a little sore."

"My son-in-law doesn't know, but if my mother-in-law trusts me, I can help you get two needles." Chen Nan sneered in his heart, although the demon can transform into an adult.

But after just becoming an adult, it is impossible to adapt to the human structure, and it is normal for pain to appear.

Only endured this stage.

In order to completely adapt to the human form, and live well.

Xia Youwei looked back at Chen Nan, and an intriguing smile appeared on her face: "Are you talking about needle piercing?"

Chen Nan stopped the movement of his hand.

The needle sac was removed.

After seeing the silver needles inside.

Xia Youwei instinctively felt a pang of fear and unease.

Such a long silver needle pierced into the body should be very uncomfortable, right?

"Forget it, you first help me press it to relieve the pain!" I don't like this fine needle piercing into the body. Xia Youwei rejected Chen Nan's proposal.


Chen Nan promised, continued to help her massage, and secretly helped her wrong bones.

Others massage is bone setting.

This relieves the patient's pain.

But Chen Nan's massage is wrong.

What he wants is to let Xia Youwei help her with acupuncture when the pain is unbearable.

And so it goes.

You can pierce a silver needle with corpse poison into her body and cause her to die of poison.

Massaged for almost a quarter of an hour.

Xia Youwei called a halt, she lay on the bed on her side, and looked at Chen Nan with a smile: "The back is pressed, do you want to press the front?"

Chen Nan's eyes were empty, and he said without thinking: "It's all up to your mother-in-law."

"Little scoundrel, you clearly want to take advantage of others." Xia Youwei sat up with a red face, she moved her body, and felt that her tight body suddenly relaxed a lot.

"Don't worry, if you behave well, I will satisfy your careful thinking." Xia Youwei said, "By the way, look at how much money the Leng family has on their account, and let people help me buy a few tonics that are more than a thousand years old." "

She has just transformed into an adult, and she urgently needs a large supplement of medicinal herbs to replenish her body.


Chen Nan bowed and saluted.

"I'll go back to Leng Family to serve your father-in-law first, you work hard!" Xia Youwei flicked her sleeve lightly, and a fragrance poured into Chen Nan's nose, restoring the brilliance of his originally dull eyes.

"Congratulations to my mother-in-law." A cold light flashed in Chen Nan's eyes.

He had already helped Xia Youwei perform bone stolen surgery.

At the latest, she will be in unbearable pain.

At that time, He Chou couldn't use the silver needle to destroy it???

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