There is a saying.

There are not many people who make Chen Nan feel afraid.


Han Zongyuan was definitely the most creepy existence he had come into contact with since he came to the Underworld.

He had thought that Han Zongyuan might wear small shoes for him after becoming the commander of Tongcheng County.

Or suppress him all kinds of things.

Because this is all to be expected.

It can be seen according to the current situation.

He was like... Support yourself.

Obviously an opponent, but treat himself like this.

Just as Chen Nan withdrew, Han Zongyuan's voice sounded in his mind: "You don't have to tell others about the Ram family's contribution of Ruyi Building to the imperial court." Chen

Nan almost didn't scold his mother.

This dog Han Zongyuan wants to swallow Ruyi Building alone.

Want to take it for himself and become his money-making machine.

He told himself about this, that is, he wanted to forcibly pull himself onto his thief ship.

This old guy is really not a thing!


He didn't have a choice.

He had a hunch if he said no.

Han Zongyuan would kill him at the first time.

Come outside.

Chen Nan saw Song Yunfei and the others, and said with a smile: "This time, we found out the remnants of the Anti-Heaven Sect that had been hidden in the county for many years, and Lord Han gave our brothers a three-day holiday to find a restaurant to celebrate!"

All five were unusually excited.

Then the group of six found a high-end restaurant, and the food and wine were as good as if it didn't cost money.

The meal was eaten until four o'clock in the afternoon.

After everyone parted ways.

Chen Nan came to the Zhang Mansion with two boxes of nuts.

The reason why he didn't go home was because he was afraid of being targeted by the fleeing Lao Ji.

If that's the case, the mother and Song Ziwei will definitely be in danger.

And the purpose of coming to Zhangzhai is very simple.

Let Zhang Mingquan help find Lao Ji's whereabouts.

It wasn't long after there was a knock on the door.

The butler opened the door and quickly invited him into the living room after seeing Chen Nan.


Zhang Mingquan also came here with a respectful face: "Meet Duke Chen!" Chen

Nan's face turned red and said, "There are no outsiders between us, and you don't need to be polite." So what, I bought two boxes of nuts when I came.

Zhang Mingquan was flattered: "Thank you Duke Chen for your concern!" Chen

Nan cleared his throat and said, "I have to state in advance, the reason why I let you husband and wife before was mainly moved by the love between the two of you."

"It's just that, I didn't think about bothering you often to ask you to do things for me."

Zhang Mingquan said disapprovingly: "Duke Chen let my husband and wife have a way of life, and Zhang Mou is also within the scope of doing things for you, which is my honor."

"Don't, one yard for one." Chen Nan said, "I don't like to owe favors to others, and I don't like to trouble others." But this time, I have to do me a favor.

"The former county man's old man is a remnant of the Anti-Heavenly Sect, and after I revealed his identity, he fled, and I hope you can let someone help me find him."

"What, I have a Quenching Body Pill here, I should be looking for Lao Ji's reward!" He

had refined some Quenching Body Pills before, and now he has a few more.

In order to be in case of emergency.

Zhang Mingquan's eyes were firm: "It is my honor to serve you, how can I Zhang Mingquan accept your elixir?

Chen Nan's eyes widened: "Don't I respect you?"

"I also want you to respect me. "

Do you understand mutual respect?" "

Take the pill, don't be so inky."

"If you do this again, I won't ask you for help in the future!" Seeing

Chen Nan angry, Zhang Mingquan quickly put away the pill.

A look of sincere trepidation.

Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "It's good to be emotional, but you can't just follow my words because I let you go, or even lose your heart and do what you are not willing to do."

"Okay, people aren't that easy to do, you still have a long way to go."

"Let your people help me find Lao Ji's whereabouts, I must find him as soon as possible." "

Old Ji doesn't die, he can't sleep well.

Zhang Mingquan said, "Lao Ji is a changer in Tongcheng, my clan is very familiar with him, it should not be difficult to find him." But Tongcheng is so big, it takes two days at the earliest. "

It takes a long time to find someone in the vast sea of people, even for the rat race.


!" "Do your best!" "

Feel free to tell me if there is any news."

Chen Nan did not say where he lived, because Zhang Mingquan could find it.

Then he left the Zhang mansion and headed for the newly bought house.

Before finding Lao Ji.

He did not dare to go home.

In case Lao Ji comes to the door.

The consequences are unimaginable.


He could only hide.

It's nice to go to the newly bought house.

There is a small utility room.

It is completely possible to hide there and cultivate.


In Chen Nan's hand, the anti-Heaven Sect's teleportation card appeared.

He hesitated, injected spiritual power into it, and compiled a text: Old third, the new county order is not a thing, you want to find a way to kill him for me.

Han Zongyuan's existence is a great threat to Chen Nan.


He didn't mind letting the anti-Heavenly Sect get rid of him.

Not long after the message was sent, Lao Jiu replied to the message: The third hall master, the fifth hall master finally let you do something, you have to help him do it well.

Old Six also sent a message for the first time: Yes, the fifth brother finally took away others, and now his cultivation is not high, you must help him smooth out all obstacles.

They didn't know which city Chen Nan was in.

But one thing is obvious, the third and fifth are in one place.


Even if they wanted to help Chen Nan get rid of the new county order in his mouth, they were powerless.

The third elder also replied: "According to the fifth brother, when the brother speaks, he should help you get rid of the new county order." However, once I make a move, our identities will inevitably be exposed.

It was a seventh-level Yin Difference, and he died mysteriously not long after he came to Tongcheng.

In this matter, the imperial court is bound to send masters to come.

Fifth brother, don't worry, with me, I can guarantee that the new county order will not hurt you a single hair. The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

I thought of borrowing a knife to kill people.

I didn't expect the anti-Heavenly Sect to be so cautious.

The other party has spoken to this point.

Then the matter can only be left at that.

Reluctantly put away the communication wooden sign, Chen Nan quickly shuttled through the crowd, detoured almost two miles more, and then came to the newly bought house.

After making sure that no one was following, he climbed over the wall.

At this time, it was already dark, and the wives of Wu Jiu and others were cooking on a fire in the kitchen, chatting about topics between women.

Very dirty and obscene.

Refreshed Chen Nan's lower limit.

However, he did not appear, and sneaked to the utility room in the backyard.


When he pushed the door in.

The picture in front of him made his scalp numb and creepy.

Lao Ji··· Lao Ji was even hiding inside...

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