
his limbs for me and let this waste know the end of disobeying my father's orders!"

In an instant.

A group of family members of the Chen family, armed with clubs, swarmed with sticks.

With playful smiles on their faces, they surrounded Chen Nan in a group.

"Chen Fan, I am here for official business, I hope you will not be ignorant. Chen Nan looked indifferent, although he was not wearing a fast catcher, he carried Han Zongyuan's token.

"Bah!" Chen

Fan looked disgusted: "You are just a dog in the Yamen, or you mean to say that it is for official business? "

What are you doing stupidly?

All the family members shouted and rushed towards Chen Nan.

Chen Nan rolled over and dismounted, kicking an oncoming family member.

The terrifying force kicked that Jia Ding out.

He smashed three more companions behind him.

Right now.

A stick appeared in the back of his head.

He raised his hand and grabbed it.

Hold the stick in your hand.

Wielding a club with one hand, he killed a bloody path.

Less than a minute.

More than thirty family members all fell to the ground.

Their heads were bleeding and they were wailing.


"How is it possible, why is your strength so strong?" Chen

Fan's scalp was numb, and his eyes were full of horror as he looked at Chen Nan.

When Chen Nan first returned to the Chen family, he had deliberately provoked people and beat him.

At that time, Chen Nan, who was beaten by the two family members, knelt down and begged for mercy.


However, with his own strength, he crushed more than thirty family members in an instant.

It made him feel like he was alive.

"You dare to return to the Chen family?"

was accompanied by an angry roar.

Chen Bohan walked out with a face full of anger, and after seeing those downed family members, a monstrous anger rose in his heart: "You ignored my words, returned to the Chen family, and even injured so many people in the Chen family." "

Today I will destroy my relatives and destroy your sin

!" Chen Nan directly took out Han Zongyuan's token, looking indifferent: "Patriarch Chen, I came here for official business.

"This object is the token of Han County Ling, and seeing the token is like Han County Ling coming in person."

Chen Bohan's face changed suddenly.

Damn it.

How did this guy get Han Xianling's favor again,

he had investigated Han Zongyuan's background before.

Han Jongwon is said to be from another camp.

That's why.

Only then did he dare to drive Chen Nan out of the house.

Because normally, after Han Zongyuan came over, he would definitely target Chen Nan.

He will not be reused at all.

But now.

Han Zongyuan also reused Chen Nan, which he did not expect.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Bohan endured the discomfort in his heart, and humbly asked: "What is Lord Han's order?"

Chen Nan: "Tongcheng is in danger of flooding, and in order to cope with the flood that has not been encountered in a thousand years, the county government decided to dig a new river."

"But it takes money.

"Lord Han asked me to come and borrow money.

"Even so, my Chen family is willing to donate 200,000 taels of silver. Chen Bohan naturally knew about the flood, and it was said that there had been a lot of casualties in Dongning Mansion.


Taking out 200,000 taels is nothing for the Chen family.

Chen Nan snorted coldly: "I'm here to borrow money, not to let you donate money, you say this, it seems that Lord Han is bullying and bullying you."


Chen Bohan showed a strange expression.


Nan said a little impatiently: "You don't want 200,000 and a half million, I'll say the number..." Five million taels.

Chen Fan's pupils burst out, and his eyes were full of incredulity: "How much money? Lying groove, you want money crazy, right?

He could feel it.

Chen Nan was deliberately targeting the Chen family.

After all, among the five giants in the entire city, there are only a handful of five million.

Even if the Chen family can take it out, it will be greatly damaged.

Chen Nan was amused: "You can't grab five million taels of silver to rob money." "

Chen Nan, are you deliberately targeting our Chen family?" Chen Bohan's voice was low.

Chen Nan scratched his head a little embarrassed: "Is what I did that obvious?"

Chen Bohan was furious: "Even if Han Xianling appointed you to borrow money, you shouldn't be so bullied."

"When did I bully?" Chen Nan looked disdainful: "Rebuilding the river requires a lot of money, this money is not only for your Chen family, but also for the other four major families, I just came over in the Ram family, and they also lent money to Yamen."

Chen Bohan frowned: "They also borrowed?" Chen

Nan: "Well, they borrowed one million taels."

Chen Bohan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood: "The ram family took out one million taels, but why did our Chen family take out five million taels?"

Chen Nan said, "The main thing is that I see that you are not favorable, and I want you to take more money, this matter is as simple as that." Speaking of this, an intriguing smile appeared on his face.

It is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

But Chen Nan considers himself a villain.

And the villain takes revenge, doesn't he have to see the stitches, from morning to night?

Chen Bohan's face was hideous: "You are a villain!" Chen

Nan shrugged his shoulders undeniably: "Even if you say that my dog is powerful, it's not a big deal, anyway, today, you must come up with these five million taels of silver."

Chen Bohan gritted his teeth and asked, "What if we don't borrow it?"

Chen Nan snorted coldly: "There is a difficulty in Tongcheng, all the rich people have generously donated, even the people in the city have come forward, your Chen family is one of the five giants in Tongcheng."

"Now that you are in trouble in the city, you have turned a blind eye, and even if this is the case, then don't blame the county for not allowing you."

Chen Bohan's pupils trembled, and he said in a low voice

: "Is this your words, or the words of Han County Ling?" Chen Nan: "Naturally it is Han County Ling's words

!" Chen Bohan's eyes were torn: "What is the difference between this and bandits?"

Chen Nan lost patience: "Borrow or not, give a quick word!" Chen

Bohan: "Don't borrow

!" Chen Nan snorted: " When I came, Han County Ling instructed me to let me knock and knock if anyone did not obey the order. You are also my biological father, and it must be a big disobedience to move you.

Speaking of this, he looked at Chen Fan: "However, I can still get my hands on him." Feeling

Chen Nan's icy gaze.

Chen Fan's face instantly turned sallow.

A sense of foreboding arose in his heart.

Right now.

An indifferent voice suddenly sounded: "Just because of you, you also want to kill my nephew?"

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