Chen Bohan and Ram Qingdu looked loveless.

They can't wait to find a brick and rush over.

Meng Guangzhi, who smashed a brick, was full of brains.

Because he donated two million taels of silver and three million catties of grain.

has made him a good person in people's eyes in an instant.

It has become a savior in the eyes of the common people.

The only thing they can do at this point is to emulate him.

Only in this way will it not be compared.

If Meng Guangzhi donated, they lent money to the county magistrate.

So high and judged.

The people will even despise them.

This is definitely undesirable for them.

Right at this moment.

Leng Qingmei came to the fundraising office first and donated three million taels of silver.

Of the five major families, two have already donated.

Even if they are reluctant, it can only be like this.

In fact, they also knew that it was impossible to recover the lent silver.

Instead of that, it is better to be generous.

"Our ram family also donates... Two million taels of silver. Ram Qing had a shallow smile on his face, but his heart seemed to be dripping blood.

Although Chen Nan asked him for one million taels of silver.

But then he knew.

If you really donate a million taels, what difference does that make it and not donating

, after all, the ram family is the second most ranked existence among the five major families.

After all, he wants face.

Chen Bohan forced a smile: "The Chen family is willing to donate 6,666,666 taels of silver! "

Wow! That's


Everyone gasped.

I never expected the Chen family to be so generous.

After all, the Chen family is the weakest of the five existing families.


Zongyuan was also full of surprise, and immediately said: "Thank Patriarch Chen for his contribution to the people of Tongcheng, your contribution will be remembered by the people, and the imperial court will also remember."

Speaking of this, he looked at the clerk in charge of accounting on the side: "Come

!" "Remember, Chen Chakuai's father donated 6,666,666 taels of silver!"


Chen Bohan looked stunned.

I've donated so much money.

Han Zongyuan saw the grievances in Chen Bohan's heart and said, "Patriarch Chen, it is said that your name should be written, but your son is the divine catcher of our county, and if he becomes a yin, he will definitely be able to make peace."

"If your donation is written in your name, the Great Emperor may know about you and may reward you."

"But think about what would happen if you wrote your son's name?"

Chen Bohan was even more aggrieved.

I admit that what you said is reasonable.

But he doesn't recognize me as an old man!

He didn't dare to say this.

He continued to force a smile: "In that case, let's just write my son's name!" Han

Zongyuan: "It's okay." "


Chen Nan did not make a sound.

Although he does not like this father.


Why not give free credit?

Besides, it's a lot of credit.


patriarchs of the four major families donated tens of millions of taels of silver, which caused an uproar.

Let the people feel admiration from the bottom of their hearts.

The four major families have gained a good reputation.


But there was an untimely voice in the crowd: "Why didn't the first family come to donate?"

There was a lot of discussion at the scene.

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he once thought that the other party was the one he was looking for.


He cleared

his throat loudly and said angrily, "Everyone, donate to your ability."

"We can't use our own morality and vision to restrain others, which is moral kidnapping."

An old man said, "We really can't use our own vision and morality to restrain others.

"But now Tongcheng is facing a flood that has not happened in a thousand years, and the people of Tongcheng either contribute money or efforts, and they all want to protect our homeland with practical actions."

"The First Family, as the richest man in Tongcheng, has made too much money.

"Shouldn't they do their part at a critical moment

?" "Why don't they pay for it and don't contribute to it, so that others can defend the life and death of Tongcheng?"

It immediately aroused the recognition of many people.

"Yes, they are also the people of Tongcheng, and now that Tongcheng is in trouble, they must donate money and effort, or they will be driven out!"


Almost everyone has a hatred of the rich in their hearts.


Usually they dare not express it.

But now it's different.

Of the five major families, only the first family did not donate money.

This has caused public outrage.

Chen Nan pressed his hand downward.

Don't look at him as just a small catcher.

But among the people, his influence is not weak.

It was just that he angrily beheaded Liu Yu on the street.

The angry beheading of the father and son of Wen Bohou above the public hall made him the patron saint in the hearts of many people.


He had to give face.

Chen Nan said, "Fellow villagers, I know the anger and dissatisfaction in your hearts.


"We are all law-abiding people.

"You must not mess around.

"Even if the first family did not donate a silver or two, they did not violate the law.

Someone interrupted Chen Nan's words and asked loudly: "Chen Chakuai, I seem to have seen you riding a horse to the first family before, what did you go to the first family for?"


Look at people's curious eyes.

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said embarrassedly: "I went to the five major families to borrow money on the order of Lord Han, but except for the first family, the four major families rejected the offer to borrow money.

"They said that Tongcheng had a hard time and were responsible, and they were willing to donate silver to help Tongcheng tide over the difficulties."

"And the first family..."

"Don't say it, don't say it!" he shook his head with a helpless expression.

See this scene.

The common people are not happy anymore.

Chen Nan's

face was full of disappointment and said, "The people of the first family naturally agreed to borrow money, but they were afraid that the government would not be able to afford it, so they wanted the black gold mine and the control of shipping after the expansion of the river channel was completed." The

words came out.

The scene suddenly exploded like a frying pot, and burst into angry curses: "I really didn't expect that the first family would take advantage of the fire and rob and want to make a fortune, they are really disappointing!" "

I swear, if I spend a penny in the first family's industry in the future, I will not die well!"

Chen Nan sighed deeply and said, "Businessmen pursue profits, this is understandable, and everyone should not blame them."

"Also, you can't go to the trouble of the First Family without reprimanding the public.

"Even if the algorithm doesn't blame the public, you can't do this!" "You can't act impulsively because the law doesn't blame the public!"

I'll go to your uncle.

You have repeatedly emphasized that "the law does not blame the people", do you want these angry people to destroy the first family?

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